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Show Poultry Profitable Few things yield better profit at any timu for a littlo attention given than poultry, A littlo jnoro attention to their condition and you will find them a reg-tilar reg-tilar gold mine. Nothing is so good to keep your llocks In condition and to help them to form the egg-laying habit as OUR OWN POULTRY POWDER B Wo have good poultry food and rem- H cdlcs, but all for tho ordinary ailments of poultry and to mako them prolific layers, you will find nothing better than this. Wo guarantee it to give satisfation or will refund your money, Price, 25 and GO cents. Riter Bros. Drua go. Logan and Garland, Utah, fl Franklin, Preston and Montpelier, H Clayton House H. Where you get tho H "BEST OF EVERYTHING." Short Orders 1 tegular Dinner H, Served I Served H; From 7 a.m. I From ...11 a. in, To. 8 p. tn, To Op. in, Wm, Regular Prices X 25 Cents, Hfc " 8. II. CLAYTON. Prop. BV .- Tetter, Salt Itheum and Eczema. These arc deseases for which Cham-berlnln's Cham-berlnln's Salvo Is valuenble. It quickly allays the Itching and smarting and soon effects a euro Price 25 centR. For sale by Hlter Bros, Ding Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Van Lotivan returned last week from a thirty, days visit to Salt Lake City. Air. Van Leuvait has secured employment hero and will, no doubt, bo numbered with Gurland's base ball nine this season. Muuager A E Smith of tho R M U Tel. Co., returned Tuesday from Farmlngton whero ho went to attend tho funeral of his niece, Miss Clara Hlco, the 12-year-old daughtcrof Mr. and Mrs. I) I, Ulco, who died last Friday of pneumonia, Mr. and .Mrs. T II Edwards installed a handsome new J700 Stelnway piano in their home lust week. It takes tho place of their organ which is now offered . for sale. T II spends his time In cultivating his volco now-a-days and, according to tho Hureait of Information, ho will soon star as a professional baritone. President J O Whcelon of tho Garland Commercial Club, lias appointed the following committee to Interview the business men and property owners of town in respect to the contemplated drulnago system and to solicit aid In this important matter: Jos. Jensen, W L Urover und Win. Preston. Ho mailed each of tho above named gentlemen n letter Informing them of their appoint ment and asklug them to serve in this capacity On Tom Leo's possessions, two miles southeast of Hlgby says the Klgby Star, there will bo planted this spring no less than 1000 acres of various kinds of grain, grasses and potatoes, tho ground for which is already prepared, all of It having been rcplowed. Tho seed tor this acreage, all of which Is now on hand, consists of 700 bushels of wheat, 00 bnshuls of barley, COO bushels of oats.elght tons of potatoes, pota-toes, 0000 pounds of lurern seed, being the largest order of this kind of seeds ever placed by ono farmer in southern Idaho, besides a large amount of red clover and timothy tim-othy seed. One year ago fully 000 acres of this land, which Is now ready for crop, was in sagebrush and since lust July it has been broken, bro-ken, replowed, loviled. ditched, diked, and fenced. This Is certainly going some, In tho way of subduing tho wilds of tho valloy. So. Ida. Mall. Forcuturrh, let mo soud you free, Just to pryve merit, a trial size box of I)r Shoop'j Catarrh Heiuedy. It Is n snow white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm that gives Instant relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. .Mako tho free test and see. Address Dr. Shoon, Haciiio, Wis, Large jars 50 ecuis. Sold by all dealers. 4-347. Notice For Publication. No. 5813. Department of the Interior, Land ODlce at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 22nd, 1007. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-Ing-iinmcd settler has filed notice of his! Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Cloik of District Court nt lirlghttin City, Ulnh, on May 11, 1007, viz.: CIIAULES F. LOCKWOOD, H. E. 11835 for the NEM SWM SUM NE and WW HE See. 0 Tp 14 N It 12 W SLM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous tcsldcncc upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz.: Charles Kemptnn, Jessie Muync, D R Kemptoii and Shell E linker, all of Clear Creek,.Utuh,Nff P.O. E. 1). It. Thompson, Register Hhcumatic rains ltelcival. 11 F Crocker, Esq., now 81 yearsof ago and for twenty years Justice of the Peace at Martinsburg, Iowa, says: "1 amterii-1 lily allllcted with sciatic rheumatism In my left arm and right hip. I have used ; throe bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Ilalm 1 and It did me lots of good." For sale by , Hlter Uros. Drug Co. t Notice to Fruit Growers. Now is the time to put your orchards in a healthy condition. Cut out all dead wood. Pruno your upplo trees well so that you can properly spray them. All old upplcr trees arc covered with insect , pests and must bo cleaned up. Spray them right away with the lime uud sulphur sul-phur solution. All orchards In f cited with twig boier, or any other harmful pest, should be sprayed before the buds burst. Plcusv tako notice I hat we are going to enforce tho law. W. O. Knudson f 23 m 4 County Tree Inspector. The "duck pond" Is fenced in nt last and the "kids" are fenced out, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Holmes, who have made this city their home for the past yiy, loft lust Friday for Ogden. .Mr. Holmes owns a farm west of Ogden and lias gone to tuko charge of it for the coming com-ing season. Cause of Stomach TrouMr. When a man has trouble with his stomach stom-ach you may know that ho It eating more than ho should or of some article of food or drink not suited to his ago or occupation or that his bowels arc habitually habit-ually constipated. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to regulate tho bowels and Improve tho digestion and see if the trouble does not dlssa-pcar. dlssa-pcar. Ask for a freo sample. Sold by Hltcr Bros. Drug Co. 4-347 Notice for Publication. No. 0811 Department of the Interior, Laud Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 21st, 1007. Notice is hereby given that the following follow-ing niimtd settler has Hied notice of her Intention lo make final proof in support of her claim, nnd that suld proof will be made before Clerk of District Court at llrlgham City, Utah, oil May 11, 1007, viz: JANE DALE HALL, widow of Dav-Id Dav-Id Hall, deceased, for II. E. 11500 Lot 2 and HW M NEW Sec. 5 'Pp. 14 N 113 W SLM. She names the following witnesses to proo her coiitlnous icsldeuee upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Halford, U C Harris, Axluh Moss and Enoch Hauls, ull of West Portage, Utah. E. D. It. Thompson, Register. Matthew M McMurtrlo returned last week from a six week's outing in Hear Lake County While there he met n number of persons w ho were thinking of locating In Ibis city. Asa tcsttlt of his reeomendiitions, Messrs. David Hymns and Hurry Pussey of Purls, Idaho, visited this city last week and were well pleased with prospects hero and looked over the land offered for sale in this vicinity. In all probability they will come horo to reside in the near future. ieart Strength II tart Strcnirth. or Tlcnrt Weakness, means Korvo Ftrmtrth, or Nervo WeaVnesi nothing more. Positively, Pos-itively, not one weak heart In n Imndrod Is, In It-ti'lf. It-ti'lf. actunltr diseased. It Is almost always a hidden tlnr littlo nerve that really Is all at fault. Till olHCuro nerve the O&nllac, or Heart Nervs flmply needs, and must have, tnoro power, moro stability, inoro contmlllnjr, moro governing strenptn. Without that tho Heart must rontlnus to tall, and tho ttnmnch and kidneys also liavo the snmo controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Pr. Bhoop'g Itesloratlve has in too past dono to rau:h tor weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Bhoopllrst Bought tho eauso of all this painful, palpitating, suffocating suffocat-ing heart distress. Dr. Bhoop's Hestonitlvo this popular prescription Is alone directed to those weak and wasting nervo centers. It builds: lt'strengthens; It offers real, genuine heart help. If you would havo strong Hearts, strong dl-restlon, dl-restlon, strengthen these jacJTCS ro-esUblU them as needed, with Dr. Sloop's Restorative! (ALL DEALERS) C J. CampbeEl, Notary Public Garland . - - - - Utah. 2111 Main t . R JXZS M hFWT7U fTfO Hrniioh "ulecs Provo, Salt Lake City. J B rBl i AJ. I.oc..n and Park Cilv. nil. A. ZIMMEItMAN, MQlt. Tcelh extracted positively without pain. Freo with other work. Set Teeth (best red rubber) 5. Cold Crowns, 22-k. M.50 to 5. Hridgo Work, best, ?3.50 to 5. itlTEgTR Gold Fi'llngs 81.00 up. rdjtiSW' ty5 All Other Fillings 50c 7oo 12 YEA KS GUARANTEE. jjj$jfM$h FREE examination nnd advice. Open till 0 p m Sundays 12 to 3 inBRING THIS AD. WITH VOU. THE Wilson Lumber Co. HAVE THEM SKINNED , Have who Skinned? Montgomery Ward & Company, Sears, Roebuck & Company. Who said so? YOU WILL SAY SO. Just bring their catalouges to Our Store and compare prices on more lhan one hundred different articles, and it your catalogue price is not beaten, the manager will go out and buy a SACK OK CANDY FOR THE CHILDREN.' We want you to come to Our Store once, compare prices and if our goods and prices are not jtJciiT we will "tap" the till. We also guarantee to deliver the goods on the spot. There is no waiting, no paying the money three weeks before be-fore you get the goods. We also guarantee, out of our small profit, to pay our share of the taxes, to help build churches, help to make bad roads better and last, but by no means least help to educate your children by helping to build more and better School Houses and help to pay teachers. v Will ony Catalogue House do the same? Call at our store and be convinced that we are in the fSrilARDWARE BUSINESS Lumber and all kinds of Building Material at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. CUilson bum be Co THEMQNTON, .... UTAH ,,f.f'WHJRE GOOD GOODS ARE SOLD"..,. Clothing I Below cost I Our entire line of Men's, Boy's, Youth's and Children's l Clothing will Positively be SoldgT Below CostI (1 We have a new line of the Celebrated "76" District School ! Shoes. Every pair Absolutely Guaranteed. i Our line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods is Com- plete. We invite you to call and examine the goods. We have a full line of Men's, Ladies', Misses and Chil- dren's OXFORDS. The prettiest things out. H Groceries always fresh and our stock complete. Send in your orders, we are prepared to fill them in every detail. SEEDS: Flower, Garden, Grass, Lawn and all kinds of SEEDS GR0VER, ROSE & CO. I ! 3TVhcro tlm Teams Stop.Bn fTFKxc CUTTING THE COSTflfc H J We have an Excellent Line of Carpets, Rugs and . Linoleum that cannot be excelled in quality for the price by any house in ! 'he county. Call and examine the goods and compare prices.' Tremonf Furniture Co., I Tremont Utah THE F8&ST NATIONAL BANK I OF BR1GHAM CITY H Does Strictly a Banking Business. H viity&iw&zW H X Otm Motto: LIBERALITY I COURTESY J STABILITY X ACCURACY GROWTH IS STEADY AND PERMANENT. ACCOUNTS UNDER GOVERNMENT SUl'ERVISON. DIRECTORS. Lorenzo N. Stohl, Lucius A . Snow, John L. Edwards, James Nelson, 1'ctcr M. Hansen. Slveriu N. Lee, Alum Nelson, John D. Cetera, Olecn N. Stohl. Always Asking For Business llrlgham City, Utah JUST ARR1VEDI I , THE LARGEST LINE OF CMS ARTS ajsid I gaby arriages I THAT HAS EVER REACHED H THE BEAR RIVER VALLEY H Como early und mako your selections. I Remember also that wo carry a full line of FURNITURE, UNIVERSAL STEEL RANOEb and STOVES nnd n Oorojiletc lino of SHELF HARDWARE and LUM- . H Wo nre yours for business, JENSEN BROS. I (Successor 10 nruni Jeiuen; Garland Utah. |