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Show THE PACE FOUR TIMES-NEW- N'EPHI. UTAH S, November Thursday, 1933 5, Three Steel Barons Get Together Performance, Beauty and Safety Mark Chevrolet's Completely New Cars in,i i LiiiiiiiiMcwmiwi iaji.ua.il) iffm ii ii i.fBjg a Chevrolet's 1937 engine is com- pletely new, but adheres; Chevclosely to rolet engineering prmciplrs. It valve in head is of type, smoother, more powerful, more economical, and lighter. tune-prove- s d Si ffvrwi- CO j - "4: V , .vis .:.- i"Fel . and 'Drape Giv Your Clothes Added Smartness With Our Cleaning vi Uh-- ; DJfrSMCCN 3l V"Hlt' X CESS v'. I 'sera ' - ' Luggage capacity in Chevrolet's new trunk models has been greatly increased, as has interior luggage space in other models. Cl(leaning Dri-Shee- n. f- Bi-a- ir Ai.' Carter Authorized ."-- ... ' . -- T Beauty and utility mark the new Chev- greater oZdsit 'Jl. jkVI !;. ' 93S1 ouverr 2osalinta)on, A Won. ice . Trotting Stbes UotaJO jtrSciqnl mmr"- - ff . ";i 3ti-v- - all-ste- t w 1 . -- in laitiatiwTn ma- - NOTICE Knee-Actio- n d FOR PUBLICATION ng i m i mi I ft. Y r, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before A. B. Gibson, Notary Public at Nephi. Utah, on the 2nd day of December, 1936. Claimant names as witnesses: Bent R. Bryan, Charles E. Stephenson and Rufus Golden, of Nephi Utah and Roy McPherso not Mills. Utah. THOMAS P. THOMAS, Register. a telephone HOUKS of the nfUkeeps with in touch friends, you clay, runs errands, brings information, You can in emergencies. is readv have one for few cents a day. H For;gie:t Spot in U. S. Foggiest spot in the I' tilted Stntes Is Mouse f'enk lighthouse In the mouth of the Hay of Kuntly, a few n.iles from Machiasport, Me. It 193 11 The annual road show sponsored by the M: I. A. will be held In the three wards of Nephi, and the Mona Ward Friday night an the Lcvan ward on Monday, November 9 at 7:30. It will be presented in the meeting house at Levan. reported an annual aver-tijjof more than 1,600 hours mm is furnished at no extra Chevrolet's cost on the Master De Luxe models; and new Syncro-Mes- h transmission, and safety plate glass all around at no extra cost, feature all models of both series. fully-enclose- (Publisher) INOF THE DEPARTMENT Marion Bosh of Salt Lake City TERIOR, TJ. S. Land Office at spent a few days of last week Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 21, 1936 at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bosh. NOTICE Is hereby given tlmt Rolf Bryan of Nephi, Utah, who Mr. and Mrs. Christian Christen-s- i on November 18, 1931, made stock-raisin and family spent Friday and homestead entry ... o. 050235 Saturday in Manti at the home of for SE Sec 17; EV4 Sec 20; SEtt-NW- ; of Mis. Cnristensen's mother. NWSW4; WHNWK Section 21. Township 14 South. Aima C. Dalby was taken to a hospital at Prove last Thursay v lu re he underwent two operations. I" is reported he is in a serious condition. has " mm 4) krl I - J' - ., f ' "'-- Ing better vision. Levan Happenings or Jo V I instrument - hj4T ine wina- s panel. .hield 1. of "let New power, economy, durability, safety and comfort, coupled with striking new beauty, characterize Chevrolet's new models for 1937. They are offered in two series, Master and Master De Luxe, virtually identical in appearance. 10 Turret Top of Chevrolet' body, to form one integral structure, welded in all joints, and reinforced and braced for permanent silcnc and safety. siy ...... ml mm Uniateel construction joins the floor, cowl aaaembly, panels, and DK1-S11EE- li Seldom docs a photographer snare three big Hsh such as the&e witt one snap of the camera shutter. They are three of the biggest steal executives in the nation, picture ehattina in th Union club. Cleveland t Experts who know fabrics are loudest their praise of the OKI SHUN CLEANING PROCESS. The designer who creates an inspired gown . . . the costumer who makes it with loving merchant care . . . the clothes-wis- e who sells it . . . all get a thrill wheal .they see such a garment worn cor-- j rectly and kept properly by this new; , . jmcthod of odorless dry cleaning .are1 the DRI SlIEi.N PROCESS. We in this .'licensed to use icommunity. Let us show you! !in V HO "'n' - A representative model front Chevrolet's new line, typifying its beauty and the Master Luse Sport grace Sedan with trunk. Note the distinc tive "speed line" eatendlng back from the aide of the hood. "DRI-SHEE- ON DISPLAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 e f(is Wk W M)w5 i le MONTHS 1 I 33 PROOF AT POPULAR J v'viNS ' NEW ENGINE Much more powerful, much more spirited, and the thrift king of its price class. VALVE-IN-HEA- NEW llL- ALL-SILEN- T, BODIES "iler, roomier, more luxurious, and bodies combining lUe first silence with safety. M iMUMimmmM NEW DIAMOND CROWN SPEEDLINE STYLING Making this new 1937 Chevrolet the smartest and most distinctive of all low-pric- cars. GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION Eliminating drafts, smoke, windshield clouding promoting health, comfort, safety. ro Recognized everywhere as the safest, smoothest, most dependable brakes ever built. of all low-pric- ed cars . . . new In every feature, fitting and fabric . . . also the most thoroughly safe, the most thoroughly proved, the most thoroughly dependable. Visit your nearest Chev- rolet dealer. See and drive the complete car completely new. ALL THESE 'Kn Action Cral FEATURES AT CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES mUt enfcf. yw pttnm. and Skoekpnof Storing an Mtuur Pt lyxt Monra IninOiMil Plan monthly paymmu to tuit ChmnUt Moor Cmmpmy, Detroit, Michigan. ECONOMICAL, THAMSOWTATION Brake Shoe Linkage) (With - It's the newest (With UNISTEEL Turret Top ConMruotlon) Lou.sCtu.K.HTOCav PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES O ALL-STE- mm " A eiMIUL MOTORS IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTIO- RIDE N (at no extra com) n Proved by more than two million users to be the world's safest, smoothest ride. Knee-Actio- SUPER-SAF- E SHOCKPROOF STEERING (at no extra eon) Steering so true and vibration ees driving is almost effortless. that SAFETY PLATE GLASS ALL AROUND (at no extra oott) The finest quality, clearest-visio- n safety plate glass, included as standard equipment. VAUJI Broadbent & Snyder |