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Show Thursday, November S, THE TIMES NEWS. NT.l'Ill, ITAH 1936 The Livestock Situation QncSNAPSUOT CUIL Ft. Green News TAKING YOUR OWN PICTURE ONCE IN A WHILE? ) I ment of green pastures and ranges in Southern California, extending Mrs. Mercle Ivory returned from well into the Sun Joaquin valley Salt Lake City this week after and Coast Range country. Indica- six weeks visit with relatives there. tions at this time point to one of the most satwfacory green feed Mrs. Ethel Anderson returned r i zj years in recent Southern Calif home from Levan this week after a ornia history, situation which a three weeks visit with Mr and means huge amounts saved to the Mrs. Glen Mangelson. due to the stockmen who otherwise would be serious Illness of Mrs. Mangelson. forced to carry stock through on who with her children, acrompan-- 1 led her mother home, where she hay and concentrates. A broad demand for stoker and will visit for a few days. feeders cattle has developed at the The M. I. A held a most success- Los Angeles Union Stock yards, here is an especially urgent de- ful Hallowe'en dance last Friday mand for good quality calves, foi evening. which there are a dozen buyers Mrs. Reid Nielson Is at the L I) About for every load arriving. twenty per cent of the large cat- 8. hospital where she is recoverlni! tle runs now arriving at the Los from a goitre operation and she is nicely Angeles market are going to coun- reiorted to be improving try buyers for range and feedlot now. A mast delightful evening was replacements. the home of Mr. and Mrs. How to prove, when there is no witness, that you were telling the truth. Again this fall in the stockerj spent at Green on November 1st, You snapshoot youraelf and the fish with a self-timand feeder trade, there is an Wllford right on the spot absolute scarcity of well bred cat- where the Hugglns reunion was tle, suitable for feedlot and range held. you opened your mechanism of this gadget may be HOW often have Miss Ivq Hansen entertained 17 Never Is the neel rerfulrements. album to view, once set to "go off" after a time Interval, Hallowe'en for good breeding bulls more app- of her friends at a hiore, treasured pictures you have whereupon it presses the button and evening. arent than when stocker and feeder party last Friday taken of groups of friends or of the releases the shutter. Meantime, you The Elite club enjoyed a Hallowcattle rcll Into the markets. It e'en family, and closed It with a feeling have taken your place la the picture party last Sunday evening at , mean would additional millions await-Jof regret that you did not appear In and are looking your prettiest the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. revenue western of in to dollars these pictures yourself? Or, how lng the snap. After a short program cattlemen If they would unite In Snow. in- Some cameras have a often when you are showing some-"bodwere served, refreshments a cattle proran?e Improvement snapshots you took on a mem- corporated in the shutter. Of course,) gram. Is cattlemen it that True, orable occasion, do you hear the re- you must have the camera on a flrtaj are using registered bulls but more mark, "Where were you, all this sunport. In the picture to the left educational work is needed to demonstrate to range operators the jtime?" Modestly you reply, "Why, I above, the camera Is fastened with was just the man behind the camera. clamp having a tripod socket. Tow characteristics most needed even 'Somebody had to take the pictures." prepare for the picture by focusing in registered bulls to develop the But really wouldn't you like to have In the usual way and using the sam sort blocky. thrifty, been In those pictures? Of course, stop opening and shutter speed you of feeer calves that are most des- have would use ordinarily. If you ,'you would. ited. ! It must be admitted that one Obviously, one solution of this dif- placed your subjects quite close to of the problems facing any range ficulty is to let some one else use the camera, see that there is a par cattle improvement program in the your camera on these occasions and ticular space in the group for you to past has been the difficulty in esrtake some pictures with you In them. enter and don't fail to occupy pre tablishing a price diferentlal beGood enough except that that some- cisely that space, else you will blantween good feeders and ordinary body else Dad or whoever it may ket somebody or, if the space is at or meiocre stock. But now that a be is missing from them Just as you the side, you may find In the print large proportion of the stocker were missing from the others. that you have lost an arm or so. and feeder cattle are being sold from you There is another answer to this taking Nothing prevents western central markets, through feel alone r, a if of you yourself picture problem and a perfect one. Get a the differential is being esprice one very which is the name for an at- that way which suggests tablished. Competitive bidding on tachment which permits most cam- important use for the Everj the open market will probably do eras other than the box type to take go fishing alone and wish there were more to buiid up the quality of hold-- ! Inexto is take an unattended. It your somebody picture pictures western feeder cattle than any pensive accessory that fits on the lng up that whopper at the actual program which might be devised. do .metal button at the end of the cable scene of the catch? Or, you always of Impetus to the breeding-u- p jreleane which operates the shutter. buy one at the fish store? good quality stockers and feeders will also some through the stocker In the manner of an alarm clock, the JOHN VAN GU I LDER and feeder section of the Great Western Livestock to be held Mrs. Emma Pierce Is In Fountain December 14 to show, 19 at the Los Green at the home of her mother, Angeles Union Stock Yards. It will who is very ill. also be an easy matter to prove to western cattlemen cattle Miss Wanda Jackman of Provo feeders are more than that to willing - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gardner is here visiting with friends. pay premium prices for thrifty, announce the marriage of their good doing, high quality feeders. Mrs. Glenn Mangelson and childdaughter, Norma, to Jesse Bailey, ren are in Fountain Green spendson of Mr. and Mrs. Langley A. The marriage ing a week at the home of her Bailey of Nephi. took place on Wednesday, October parents. 28 in the Manti temple. The young STANLEY AUTO PARK Wankier LaMont and Ernest couple were guests at a wedding In reception given Monday evening, left Saturday for their homes November 2, at the home of the Los Angeles after Visiting relatibride's parents. The following rela- ves here. GILBERT BAILEY tives were present: Mr. and Mrs. L. n, FOUNTAIN GREEN Gloyd A. Bailey, Jr., Mr and Mrs. Ivan SERVICE state road commission em Bailey, Myrtle Bailey, Dixie Soren-so- n, Hazel Aagard, Vema Green, ployee of Marysvale, was fatally afternoon, Ernest, Donald and Harold Bailey, injured here Monday CONOCO GASOLINE Russell and Merlin Gardner; Mr. w he he was crushed between a rail and Mrs. Elgin Gardner, Mr. and road tank car and the truck Into Mrs. Graait Gardner and daughter which he was Ipading road' oil. The MOTOR OIL Western Nanive, Mr. and Mrs. George Con-elle- y Denver & Rio Grande and familyl, the host and train, on a run from Manti to Ne CONFECTIONS hostess and the honored guests. phi, crashed into the truck. y? T I sure of good wine I xx - ; FIVE II The Home preparing a Economics Club is for fine celebration " A Poor Armistice Day. The play. Married Man" will be presented in the Tiieatre building at 7 30 and LOS ANGELES Early fall promises to be most entertaining. rains accomanied by warm weathThis will be followed by a dance er, has brought out early develop- in the amusement hall. WHAT'S THE MATT C II WITH PAGE at moderate price ir f I alwaya look for this name on the label: , ROMA uBRANmn WINE COMPANY er ttoma self-tim- y ed ! self-time- self-time- r. Engine is already oiled to start Levari News Ras-musse- GERM-PROCESSE- "Morning Drag" is unknown in this heatless garage. Th d car inside has its engine for Winter. The owner outside is still six strides oway from the starter button. But already his engine is oiled to the Oil-Plate- Oil-Plate- top by its slippy No waiting The D Oil-Platin- I was left on last night, all over eaeh g Quit believing that a process means nothing but refinto make an oil winter-THing or Although Conoco Germ Processed oil Is perfectly not needlessly thin and weak. For in addition to ust enough of the most approved modern refining this oil Is alloyed! Or speaking still more scientifically, a essence" is added. Nothing else patented "hyper-oil- y lets oil join up direct with metal, to e your engine, CABINS over-refinin- SERVICE g free-flowin- GARRETT ifflKHBEflEI l s- SERVICE g, (EE Oil-Plat- pep your starter, and keep every quart hoarded. Continental Oil Company HOME OF CONOCO PRODUCTS w "Ill Its g. part, from bottom bearings to topmost piston. This complete oiling IN ADVANCE that kills starting risk, comes only from the Germ Process -- patented. TIRE REPAIR SPEEDY Oil-Platin- d I - 13 11 Across from Nephi City Park NSr I 'ill Ice Cream Cold Drinks Confections OMPinT 1 PINTS Code No. 55 FIFTHS i: II00PS00F Jackson Motor Phone 4 i nnut rt 9stiffmef Ta Nenhi pin Conoco Products Code No. 54 J This Whiskey Is 16 Months Old Ford Sales and Service ED. CHASE 4 Expert Repairing 100 CONOCO WHOLESALE RETAIL PRODUCTS Quick Service Retail Station i T rMM'M.iiMiu.yirTvirwmrrfr-g- 4 at Main aad First South Street Phone 33 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuim 11 C U. 7? JT iXLLdLlJijljJ WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR Treat your car right by using CONOCO Gasoline and CONOCO Germ-Process- ed Motor Oil Travel the Conoco Way |