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Show THE PAGE SIX Quick Stitchery for the Home "Artist' TIMES-NEW- NEPIII, UTAH S, Thursday, November 5, 1936 Foreign Words and Phrases THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young Br Otbaraa THE FEATHERHEADS . II SmiI5lit2 . LI4:ai.i JUI ujni ,w.r, WNiun W Self-Chastisem- OTMWW I I -- T..-r -- I I I I Afll U,,, .., soMETirvies srep Pattern 1213 Here's a famous painting "The . . vr '. w Angelus," to reproduce in quick WNU1 no You've a idea i what titchery. iT husbands riorvt vt$&?'-i ir charming picture will result as iP you stitch away in wool or rope Bilk, but you're assured a speedy finish due to the plain background. Bo send for your pattern today and get started on this fascinating piece ef needlework. You'll want to frame it, when it's finished. Pattern 1212 contains a transfer pattern of a picture 13 'A by 16 Inches; a color chart and key; material requirements; illustrations of all stitches needed. Send IS cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) for this pattern S'M ATTER PO- P- Ambrose Was So Busy He to The Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. 82 Eighth Ave., New York, Dc?Wr4 To I THirJKa ia WKEEw rn m 33 3QE U3E BE a I -.-- t V huv UQU1 w rp inii.i L n II II II I II I I y i rY M I . A. l- JV - ii Er5 f II Jill r. -7 JfV -- fii ' j IB 1 A ni I 1 -- That vasmT ' "TO GET r PoucjH HAMEr I IF " 7 1 was Pushing On We make way for the man who boldly pushes past us. Bovee. Tmo ;71 eat V ir J-- aA f rA co3 AU'CAKE' ICECREAM Get Real Quick-Dissolvi- Quick-Actin- s. i Bf I -- ? MESCAL IKE Headache Fast was underweight." a "YETiat Nearly Forgot Lunch must HomlI I SotP AU p To Ease a n C M. PAYNE By did I do?" told me I needed a Naturally, I am happy and grateful for the benefits SJiJS. Tl TY Intuition J.V.L tonic Tonic brought me." i You, too, will be delighted with the way S.S.S. Tonic whets up the appetite . . . Improves digestion. . .restores to a healthier anu richer condition. Feel and look like your old lelf again by taking the famous S3.S. Tonie treatment to rebuild your blood strength . . . restate your appetite. . .and make better use of the food you eat. S.S.S. Tonic is especially designed to build sturdy health... its remarkable value is time tried and scientifically proven... that's why it makes you feel like yourself again. Available at eny drug store. C $&&. Co. lls your name and address. Read the offer made by the Postum Company In another part of this paper. They will send a full week's supply of health giving Postum free to anyone who writes for it. Adv. run-dow- . lacked looked pale "... a keen appetite . . . felt tired N. Y. Write plainly pattern number, Week's Supply of Postum Free Amor patriae. (L.) Love of country. Contra bonos mores. (L.) Contrary to the moral law. Dirlgo, (L.) I direct or guide. (The motto of Maine.) Functus officio. (L.) Having fulfilled his office; out of office. Genius loci. (L.) The genius of the place; the guardian spirit. Malum in se. (L.) A thing evil In itself, inherently wrong. Obiter dictum. (L.) A remark in passing; such part of a judge's opinion as is aside from or beyond the point at issue, and therefore not binding as a precedent. Bienvenu. (F.) Welcome. Ultima Thule. (L.) Farthest Thule or land; utmost bound. irfH v tfJJ -- Hu-rvav rff Jfeffi J J( MAW vytuL, V TSe. mat I CUKfC-t- V J fh ll (fc. LcW (Oopyrlirltt. H36.ayThaB.ri Mj Watch Your Step! huntley frTelTCLT f -t-imp i'SII IlilfPT V, 5ME MIGHT ONJt-- V Tl.Cr W!jlM f g, ng Bayer Aspirin See Ilotv Genuine Bayer Tablets Work la it. - 'l br atop watch, a geanlae (ablet S aaconda BAY KB Aspirin atarta to disintegrate and go to work. Drop a liayer Aspirin tablet Into a glaaa of water. Br the time it blta the bottom of the glaaa It la What dlaintegrating. happens In thla glaaa happens In too atomach. FINNEY OF THE FORCE AMP, SO, MErJ SORT-T- b FATHER Virtually 1 a Tablet Now If you suffer from headaches what you want is quick relief. Genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets give quick relief, for one reason, because they dissolve or disintegrate almost instantly they touch moisture. (Note illustration above.) when you take a real Hence Bayer Aspirin tablet it starts to dissolve almost as quickly as you swallow it. And thus is ready to start working almost instantly . . . headaches, neuralgia and neuritis pains start easing almost at once. That's why millions never ask for aspirin by the name aspirin alone when they buy, but always say "BAYER ASPIRIN" and see that they get it. Try it. You'll say it's marvelous. :Jtl J (a illlll WANT TO ePGNP EVERY I HJ LU!J NlMEiR , WfiHTj j1 s "V iWtrfrWiyfrmfinnmtfja Good DAV 3 HERE W Hnrnnk W 8. fOoBTriith. Bel. U. a. Pat. Olttet) No Change -- . n. L -- THEVj HtHEy- fHnWM81 WAMT - fjlVE THIM TSwKb pORE ) S r P SaT dozen FOR A QUARTER BMlWJMPISi FREE SAMPLE writ "Cuticuro' Dept. 37 Maiden, Mass getCuticura-S00THE- S FAST HELPS HEAL jj TEASPOON Fu2 fpFMIIXOFAAAGNESlAi By O. JACOBSSON ADAMSON'S ADVENTURES Keep the Home Fires Burning N ONE TASTY ONLY 15C FOR 12 NOW 2 FULL raw ' " I'mi CW t&S' fy 35e & VSiVPI "OS? 60c bottles fegjjrSsJ 20c tint LOOK FOR THC BA YCR CROSS Tip on Etiquette The perfect hostess says, "At lastl" when her guests arrive, and "Already?" when they depart. Tl A Three Days' Cough Is Your Danger Signal No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed membranes as Jhe germ-lade- n phlegm Is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have lalled, don't be discouraged, your druggist Is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) WNU 'S 4536 W ...... ,rorT' ounace conaitions yj'need not be endured b , . :. Make your skin clearer r anu omuuiiiwr wiin ,4 iu:- F Original Milk of Magnesia Wafer SALT LAKE'S NEWEST Importation "Are you willing to take up arms fot your country in case of emergency?" "I am," said Senator Sorghum, "provided the emergency is strictly of a local character. I'm not pre pared to regard war as such a luxury that we ought to consider importing it from abroad." Curse of Progress (I II X TftiNiLSrVs vsiiTri cei?- -- "ec rwe- " - STARTING FOR A PAJOT HOSTELRY Our lobby la delightfully air cooled daring the summer months Radio for Every Room 200 Rooms 200 Baffin 4 B? CLUYAS WILLIAMS high-price- 'J Tasted Her Cooking Catty Guest. Pardon me, but 1 noticed at the dinner tabl : that your husband smacks his lips quite loudly when ke eats. Believe me. that's on i thing my husband does not do. Catty Hostess No, I suppose not, dearie. I've tasted your cooking. n M-- i ttft AMD TJRBSTD ft KM WClttff PW IS If Fnl01MpiW0tff5Wrf p,.A mn si ON CP&E OF rvNR.muH&afllWS- - 10W.W PPRCHtS inaction MOVE ""? ESZiSLX"' wo 8WK HOTEL Temple Square Rates $1. SO to $3.0O Tbo Hotel Tinpl Sffnare has highly desirables friendly I Beauty and Science "Do you think blonds are more beautiful than brunettes?" asked the studious girL "I have no opinion," said Miss .Cayenne. "Science has dor.e won-irs- , but I Jim not convinced that beauty can be made to depend on hair conditioning." tmot-phir- 3. or am BfffER K5iV rtiVt to, MOfHtlCj, ND mrtt Ufin frV oik ib KiffHfrt Wtfrl frit MMD IN CftSE MBfrllR-- J WrfCH r1(W tHf CK SOMf tiws wriiro 9E rllvV X1 unruv wikhs SrfJ foot of WW MOPPIK& UP AMD AND CBUIM6 SHE OM DOVdM rHt. Tb an tntr,!. fnc McnHtK frtW 51frf, ARRWIH6 MlXH 100 EARiY AHD HAVW6 1& WAlK UP AMD powtt UKfiL if 5 " -JIKE ) 60 IN W ciMJ (CbfrlirM. I I Yoa will always find Itlmmao ulate, supremely comfortable, an t hoTouiihly aicreeabla. Yoo can there for understand why this hotel is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Yon can also appreciate whys It's a mark of distinction to ttop mt this beautiful hostelry ERNEST C. ROSSITER. Arr. |