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Show THE PACE TWO News Review of Current Events the World Over Tratle Balance for Nine Months Is Unfavorable Mrs. Goering "Wally" Simpson Gets Divorce Launches Nazi Economic Plan. W. PICK ARD By EDWARD Wetern Newspaper Union, C PURRED to of manufactured quick action by the EXTORTS materials exceededgood imnew accord between Germany port into the United States during- and Italy, Leon Blum's popular September by more than four mil- - front cabinet approved a large increase in France's military air ,ion dollars' ccordrenort re force, already reputed to be one of inif to 1 leased by Secretary the most powerful in the world. To t Commerce Roper. modernize and build up the aerial 1 f : the government will But the flow the squadrons other way was so spend $230,000,000 at once. It was strong during the reported, too, that the cabinet dethree cided to ask parliament to vote exp r e v 1 ou months that the traordinary funds for the fortificaA country suffered an tion of the northern frontier because B unfavorable balance of Belgium's reversion to a policy I of armed neutrality. I I If of .....trade during the "- i " l. ,!),. " f Secretary the year amounting Bo per This to 133,136.000. Is in contrast with a favorable balance of SGO,406,OOO in the corresponding period of 1935. Roper minimized the situation, declaring that heavy exports of raw cotton, tobacco and automobiles would probably bring the trade balance more into line with previous years. Pressed for further explanation Roper insisted that "our government as such does not compete with other governments in the selling of goods," and this was the province of private business. On reciprocal trade agreements he was mum. "We'd like to end the year with a favorable trade balance, naturally," he said, "but we are going through a period of study and readjustment in world trade." In fact, Roper found the Increase In import trade to be "encouraging." He said that it showed our industries were buying raw materials abroad for expansion of their production in this country. Heavy increases in wheat and meats resulted from the drouth, according to Roper, rather than from the killg ing of six million pigs and of grain under the AAA. OENITO MUSSOLINI rattled his sword again on the occasion of the fourteenth anniversary of the Fascist march on Rome. "The Ital- ian people," he proclaimed, "today are ready and determined to defend as never before with all their force right up to the last drop of blood-vic- tory and empire." As for Fascism, he said, "When it finds obstacles in its path. It throws itself against them and burns its bridges behind it." OT to be outdone in martial by other nations, Japan trotted out her entire navy for review by Emperor Hirohito. It was the greatest fleet ever brought together in Asiatic waters, comprising 108 warships aggregating nearly 700,000 tons and manned by 40,000 men. Large numbers of aircraft also took part in the evolution in Osaka bay. gestures C EN. HERMANN WILHELM GOERING, German minister of air and now the director of the economic scheme to Nazi four-yea- r make the reich in- dependent of t h e y, rest of the world in SAM'S nephews and raw UNCLE now number 128,429,000, materials, launched h 1 s f - - A 1 Direcof to estimate the according program at a great i tor William L. Austin of the bureau Nazi rally in Berlin. 4J of census. The new figure, as of "We shall hack July 1, represented an increase of ger after finger off 908,000 or 0.71 per cent, since July the foreign hand It was based on the num1, 1935. ber of births and deaths during the Germany's throat year ending June 30, 1936, and the within the next four excess of immigration over emigrayears." he declared. Gen- - GeHng tion. Outlining his plans. Goering said Births exceeded deaths by 899,956 no German had starved, nor would and the net immigration was 8,044. starve. The high seas fishing fleet according to the data taken by Aus- will be increased, he asserted, so tin. The population figure on the the people can eat fish when meat basis of the 1930 census was 122,775,-04- is not available. Whale fishing will and the biggest annual increase be developed for the margarine it since then was 1,022,000, for the year can produce, he promised. ending July 1, 1931. urged all Germans to folThe bureau of agricultural eco- lowGoering the example of Reichsfuehrer nomics also has been doing some Adolf Hitler who, he said, eats neipopulation estimating. It says the ther meat nor butter. The audience back to the farm movement of the yelled with delight when the robust depression years has halted and Goering told them he had lost 22 that the farm population remained pounds by eating less butter. practically stationary during 1935, would prefer the old sysGermany of 31,809,000 at the end that being tem international of year. This figure, the bureau says, wares, but this now is exchange of impossible in was only slightly greater than in 1920 and "somewhat less" than in a mad world, so Germany will build her factories, produce her own syn1910. thetic rubber and her own substitutes for cotton and other manineteen PROCEEDINGS lasting court of assizes terials for which she now must spend at Ipswich, England, sufficed to millions of dollars yearly, the gendeclared. give marital freedom to Mrs. eral wany oimpson. "WT Justice Sir Anthony F "'.7. vV-S- k MANY Americanin travelers join Hawke heard neatly English mourning the death of Sir Edgar Britten, comevidence arranged mander of the great liner Queen of the infidelity of Mary and commodore of the Cunard-Whit- e Star lines. He was stricken 4iPf ife was not represented, with paralysis in Southampton and ana flruiny gave a died within a few hours. Sir Edgar decre nisi to the was sixty-tw- o years old and first attractive American ; went to sea as a lad of eighteen woman who in sailing ships. He was knighted by been and is -the close Ira t.- : j King George V in 1934. ward VIII. For six Mrs' mPson. months she will be on probation, CMGHI armored cars escorted by armed private guard? and state technically chaperoned at all times, and if her behavior satisfies the police, carried a fortune of $25,000,-00- 0 from the estate of the late Col. king's proctor she will be unqualifiedly free April 2 to marry again. E. H. R. Green in South Dartmouth, Whether or not her new husband, Mass., to the First National bank of if she takes one, will be King Ed- Boston. ward is a question that only time The fortune, which consists of the and the two persons most directly famous coin collection, valued at 5 millions; the stamp collection, concerned can determine. Mrs. Simpson returned from Ips- valued at 3 'A millions; a large wich to her London residence on amount of cash and securities, and Cumberland terrace, Regents park, a quantity of uncut diamonds, has and there told interviewers that she been under constant guard at the was angered and humiliated by the Green home since his death. International sensation her divorce has caused. She said she might go BEFORE taking a recess of two abroad for a time but that she would the United States Sunever return to the United States preme court announced that it would because of "all the nasty things" review and hand down a decision at said of her here. this term upon the Wagner labor The Week, a radical London week- relations act Many lawyers believe ly, was the first English newspaper this law will be held unconstituto carry an open reference to Mrs. tional, for in the Guiley coal act deSimpson's friendship with King Ed- cision the Supreme court held that ward. The article vas at the same the relationship between employers time a denunciation of the American and employees was local and beyond press for giving the story such promthe power of congressional regulainence and of the British press for tion. suppressing it entirely. It also made It clear that there would be wideOF LABOR spread opposition to a marriage SECRETARY announced that between Edward and "Wally." Pa- the third national conference on lae from and Paris elsewhere bor legislation, designed to stimupers the United Kingdom have been late the raising of work standards in ta great demand London, but of through federal and state course the vast majority of the efforts, will be called into sesEnglish people know nothing about sion in Washington on November the affair. 9, and will last three days. ly'v1 ul'Jk, kjjj'j clutching it 6, t has' -j out-aid- tffs TIMES-NEW- S. NEPIII. UTAH Thursday, November 5, 1936 everything necessary JUST aabout war is general European At this distance It ready. seems that Josef Stalin, dictator of Soviet Russia, will be the man to fire the starting pistol and he is reported to be convinced that another great conflict is unavoidable. The nations of the continent are lining up as Communist or Fascist, either in the constitution of their governments or in their active sympathies. The immediate occasion for their disputes is the civil war in Spain. Nearly all the continental governments and that of Great Britain joined in an agreement of nonintervention, but that pact is about played out Russia, accusing Portugal, Germany and Italy of aiding the Fascist Spanish rebels, has denounced the agreement and declared she reserves freedom to help the Madrid government; the accused nations deny the Soviet charges, and the nonintervention committee voted that Italy and Portugal were not guilty, the accusations either not being proved or referring to what happened before the international agreement went into effect. Italian countercharges, detailing 20 alleged acts of Russian aid to Spanish Socialists were laid before the committee for action. Portugal severed diplomatic relations with the Madrid government, and the representatives of the two countries were recalled. Dr. Monteiro, Portuguese foreign minister, followed up this action by sending to Lord Plymouth, British chairman of the nonintervention committee, a long document accusing Russia of having planned and brought about the Spanish civil war. He named the Russian diplomats, agitators and soldiers who. he charged, were directing the operaHe alleged that Moscow tions. sought to start a revolution in Portugal and thus provide a base for attacking General Franco's insurgent forces in the rear. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy have buried their diflerences for the time being and reached an agreement on a united policy. This was outlined in a communique published after Italian Foreign Minister Gale-azz- o Ciano had conferred with Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler. In the first place Hitler and Mussolini inform the world that they intend to recognize the insurgent government headed by General Franco as the legitimate regime in Spain, but they promise to respect the terms of the nonintervention agreement Other important declarations of policy by the two states are: 1. to protect the peace of Europe and "the holy riches of European civilization" and family life. 2. Endorsement of a conference to rewrite the Locarno pact guaranteeing European borders, but only in the west This implied that neither would agree to Soviet Russia's presence at the meeting. 3. for the rehabilitation of the Danubian countries. In one clause of the agreement Germany recognizes Italy's sovereignty over Ethiopia. now tulldlnr Washington I have been wonder lng whether the rank and file cf the American eitizena World have been able to Pl together the Condition many loose ends of the distressing conditions extant throughout the world. It is to be recognized, of course, that when a man like Dictator Stalin of Russia mokes a statement that war in Europe Is just ahead. It awakens the peoples of the world with sudden start That is the spectacular side. But there is much more about European political conditions than is disclosed in the Stalin declaration. The thing that students and observers of European affairs can see in conditions abroad, as they view them in the light of our own State Department's information, is that a gigantic battle is on between two schools of thought On the one hand is communism. On the other hand, and just as firmly entrenched and as deeply determined, is fascism. Followers of these two lines of thought are both literally and figuratively at each other's throat and the picture when pieced together, can lead to no other conclusion than that which Stalin foresees, namely, war. I have lately heard some observers make the statement that the Spanish rebellion is the crux of the problem. I cannot agree with that Spain and her revolution may prove to be the spark that ignites the European powder keg, but Spain and her revolution are just incidents in the developments that cr me originally from the overthrow of the Czar's government In Russia and the establishment for the first time of a commune of the proletariat in the world. It was unfortunate for the world and for those people who wanted to promote peace at all times that the Versailles treaty had to take shape as it did. The Versailles treaty subjugated Germany beyond all reason. I think that will be accepted by all save the most violent partisans of the late President Wilson. It seems to me, however, that the Versailles treaty has proved to be the second stage in the chain of circumstances that led to Mussolini in Italy, Hitler in Germany, overthrow of the royal-- , ists in Spain, and lately the election of a "people's front" in France. Any analysis of that chain of circumstances cannot fail to include the effect the Versailles treaty had upon European conditions. In some ways, the effect was direct; in others, it was indirect and the full Import of the treaty provisions were not evident until eight or ten or even twelve years after the four great powers had made that treaty effective and, they believed, effectually disarmed and bottled up GerDOPULAIRE, the organ of Pre- - many. After many conversations with mier Leon Blum's Socialist party, alleges that a shipment of sub- diplomats, foreign students and machine guns from the United Washington government officials, I States has been added to the secret believe too much importance cannot armaments of the Croux de Feu in be attached to the attempt made preparation for a civil war in by the Versailles treaty to break up France. The Croix de Feu, a Faspolitical jurisdictions. The treaty, it cist organization headed by Col. will be remembered, created a vast Francois de la Rocque, was disnumber of insignificant and rather solved recently by the government helpless states in Europe. They were and was succeeded by the new So- supposed to serve as a buffer between the larger nations and precial party. Populaire, referring to the sub- vent snarling and making faces machine guns, said these "terrible among those world powers that had engaged in the last war. The effect weapons used by American gangsters" arrived from America it has now been proved, is exactly through the port of Havre and the opposite. through Holland. The paper added Throughout Europe, that the weapons are being planted according to the official and unofficial word in caches in Normandie and elseI that where in the north of France. Furget there Hatred is a new kind of thermore, according to Populaire, hatred among naExists great quantities of tear gas bombs tions. It is not the and tear gas pistols are arriving from Germany for the use of the hatred that obtained between France and Germany under Kaiser Fascists. Wilhelm. It is a hatred not between the statesmen of the various counMUSSOLINI, talking PREMIER said that Italy's "ol- tries, but among the rank and file ive branch grows out of an immense of the people. That is to say, it is a forest of 8,000,000 bayonets"; and vengeful feeling and' when that is next day at Imola he told 70,000 understood, it is not difficult to relisteners that he hoped for long pe- alize how vicious the undercurrent riods of peace, but not for "eternal of relations is from Russia on the of Gibraltar, or peace, which is absurd and impossi- north to the Straits even into Africa on the south. ble." To bring this condition into today's "The Italian people, which gave its blood for the empire, is ready light, one hardly need look further for any other trial when the crucial than the various cabled dispatches hour approaches." the Fascist chief from European capitals, each tellshouted. "In order to make peace ing a story how the respective govare watching the Spanish just as to make love it is neces- ernments revolution. Again, the Russian Stalin sary that there be two." puts the thing into a spectacular relief. If reports can be accredited, as known Fascists, BELGIAN and led and official information Indicates by Leon they can be regarded as having clashed with the police in that a basis of fact Stalin is ready to Brussels and Degrelle was jailed lend assistance to the loyalfor a night. He said the motive of ist armies in Spain. his demonstration was to show that Now the loyalist armies, representwere backing the Rexing the government that is barely ists, and he announced that he holding on by the skin of its teeth, would carry out his threatened are wholly communistic. Hence, "march on Brussels" with 150,000 Stalin's interest followers and overthrow the govBut the Russian dictator might be ernment regarded as horning into a mess that does not concern his nation, a new world's long SETTINGtrain except for another and most imthe record, speed portant piece of information. That streamlined Burlington railway's information, not officially confirmed steel Denver Zephyr made a non- but generally believed, is to the in to Denver stop run from Chicago effect that Italy's Mussolini has a 12 12 hours minutes and 27 sec in the pie on the fascist side onds. The distance is 1,017 miles finger of the Spanish revolution. The rebel so the average speed was 83.4 mile armies in Spain are fascists. Hence an hour. After crossing the Colt it is quite understandable how the rado border the train hit its t Italian dictator may be mixed up 116 an of miles whi hour, speed in promoting, even extending miliwas maintained for one mile. tary assistance, to the rebel Span Deg-r,ell- Washington, D, C. INTEREST TO THE HOUSEWIFE Candied ginger, diced and com. bined with chilled fruits makes a tasty cocktail. National Topics Interpreted by William Bruckart National Presa Of A iards. Thus we bave definitely a triangle that surrounds the peoples of Europe. Within the boundaries of that triangle are jealousies unparal-ele- d, political propaganda of a sort never before unleashed on the world, and millions upon millions of people who may be classed as unthinking. They are of a type comparable to the lowest grade of American individuals who, while not wholly illiterate, cannot be accredited with the power to reason. They are being led Into the very jaws of another war by wholly unscrupulous and unprincipled agitators who are posing as the friend of the common man. They are working on fertile ground. Repeatedly, I hear questions asked concerning whether the United States is likely to We Can get involved In I13 bottomless pit Stay Out of Europe and, a kindred question, whether communism and fascism are gai ling in the United States. The answer to the first half of that question must be made in two ways. We are likely to get involved unless some ot our government policies are changed. But we can stay out if those policies do undergo revision. Whether we find ourselves embroiled in that horrible mess, depends entirely on the Washington government and the attitude of the Washington government appears entirely upon the attitude of the American people. And that statement brings me to the most important observation that I have to make in connection with this discussion. It is now a definite fact that communists are spreading their propaganda through the United States in an effort to create a war spirit It is the beginning of their movement to drag us into another world war and if we get in, it means the end of the American nation, as the land of freedom for us all Our economic structure, as well as our government will be destroyed. I have no hesitancy in making such a statement After the World war it took us twenty years to recognize what the cost of that war was. I mean the cost of disturbed lives more than I refer to money cost The depression resulted from that war just as surely as the sun shines, and we are all now getting well fed up with this depression. And so I say on the basis of conclusions given me authoritative fro. u countless sources, we cannot stand another war of the proportions of the World war and retain our government In its present form, our traditions, our institutions. There will be no way of preventing such a breakdown. As I have said in these columns before, one particular criticism that I have against the Roosevelt Roosevel'adminis-7 is its capi'rapped? tration tulation to Russia. Frankly, I believe Mr. Roosevelt was trapped. I believe he saw too late what the full meaning of his action was when he recognized Russia that is, recognized his mistake too late unless he believes In the doctrine of the communists. In any event it is my firm conviction that the recognition of the Soviet opened the door through which now are marching hordes of men and women squinty-eyed- , unprincipled in character, unpronounceable names, ruthless in design. They are bringing the propaganda which I mentioned. This is not intended to be a scare story. The evidence of communistic propaganda probably is all about you in your own communities. It is subtle, cleverly handled. Sometimes, it is even very boldly done. For example, in many of the larger cities today, handbills in appearance like those that are used announcing a public sale, are finding their way into the playgrounds of public schools. Allegedly brilliant lecturers are going about the country making what appear to be educational addresses, but containing, in many instances, propaganda argument in support of the communistic theory. Even some of the big shots In the communistic movement are out in the open speaking or lecturing. Earle Browder, the Communistic candidate for President, is traveling about here and there making flaming speeches. There are many other types of this propaganda under way. Professor Rexford Guy Tupwell published a text book on government a few years ago and be has succeeded in getting that volume into the special list of books for Delaware schools. It contains declarations definitely opposed to the American form of government It is unnecessary to point out more of these things. The point is quite definite and clear. The movement toward communism in this country is proceeding slowly, cautiously, because the communistic leaders recognize American sentiment must be changed slowly, but the slimy head of the snake is coming out of the water and it will be much bolder if we become involved in the European struggle. Communists would make of us American citizens each and every one a communist and would throw us into the world struggle on the side of communism and against fascism. Wutera Newspaper Union. Greenhorn U (inters. HILLS, CALIF. BEVERLYthat the A stick of wax and a brush of oil will do much to take the curse olf furniture scratches. The wax will fill in the scars and the oil will darken the wax. casualty lists are drifting in, .there's Bits of leftover jelly are good talk of action to cut down the used for stuffing baked fruits, topneedless fatalities that mark ping baked or steamed pudding every gunninfj season. Greenhorns prowl the glade, firing at anything that moves. All who can afford hunting d licenses and rifles are eligible. They rarely hit big game, but seem able to blast down humans at any distance. It it were high-powere- to permissible mount guides' heads iryrrrt there'd be handsome trophies over many a mantelpiece in this fair land. but careless rvin g Co55 Once there was a Maine guide--so the old story runs who got gosh-awful- ly tired of being shot at by city slickers. So he made a complete suit of broad awning stripes, alternately white and black. He figured that ought to save him, but on his next trip into the woods, an amateur potted him the first shot At the inquest, the coroner said: "We know you didn't mean to kill poor Eph, but how in thunder did you think a man dressed like him could be a deer?" "I didn't think he was a deer," confessed the remorseful one, "I thought he was a zebra." or spreading over chops or roasts just before serving. When buying Bheets always allow at least 10 inches on each side and top and bottom, as the bed will never stay neat with sheets that are too short. Preserves of all kinds, more especially if they are in glass bottles, should be stored in a dark place. They quickly deteriorate in flavor if kept in a light place. To make chiffonade dressing one tablespoon chopped onion, two tablespoons chopped cooked beets, two tablespoons chopped sweet pickles and oce mix egg, diced, to cup of French dressing. This dressing is tasty to serve on head lettuce or diced vegetable salads. hard-cooke- d one-ha- lf Black stockings will not lose their color in the wash if they are soaked for several hours in warm soapsuds to which a turpentine has been added. little When you are basting roast beef, a tablespoon of brown or white sugar added to the gravy improves the flavor and color. Antics of "Automanlacs". Salt should never be added to MUST indeed be true that provistews, soups and boiled meats unITdence looks after idiots and til after they are cooked. If put drunkards. Else how could all such in at first it toughens the fiber of the meat and takes out the juices. be able to get drivers' license? Bell Syndicate. WNU Service. I rode with a prize specimen yesterday. He seemed lucid enough unDr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the origtil he got his foot on the gas. That inal little liver pills put up 60 years ago. was what fooled me. If ever I ride They regulate liver and bowels. Adv. with him again, which heaven forbid, I shall carry a lily in my hand Mending Artists just in case. Prudence, frugality and good butWe had a set of overcoat are excellent artists tons, the top off of a stop signal and management for mending bad times. part of a gocart in our' car when we arrived. So we didn't actually hit anybody, this being due, I think, to his holding dead on the mark Instead of leading it by a few inches, MADE HUSBAND as one should when one's target is CRAGGY moving. He hopes for better luck next time. Yet there was no rush. There rarely Is. And that's the funny part about an automaniac's reactions. It's the only funny part the rest is fed lite tragedy. HE justcrdidn't play. Always CONSTIPATION draggy and worn out oftea cross and irritable. But like The Simpson Affair. eo women, his wife name of Simpson knewmany about Nature's Rem simple THE become practically a house- edy (NK Tablets). She put him wise. He found out what an astonishing difference there was in hold word in America, but 'tis said this purely vegetable laxative. Not merely parrelief. Instead thorough cleansing action millions of English people haven't tial that aided in ridding his system of poisonous so much as heard it yet or at least waste, refreshed him, made him feel like a "million." Try N K Tablets yourself. Note bow gentle not in their public prints. It's anare ana other case of having to go away iney farm. ina. 25 tablets from home to hear the news. 25 cents at If it's true, as exclusively reported any drugstore. over here, that his majesty invited a premier and primate two of the highest cards in the whole deck- -to mind their own business, he set the tune for the daily press of his realm to dance by. However, the British newspapers FIDLER never did develop the high arts of with Hot liftNews from HOLLYWOOD keyhole peeping and transom ing to the extent practiced by a N. B.C. (Red Network) Tuesday 10:30 P. M E. 8.T. certain peculiar school of American journalism. With them, an Englishman's house still is his castle, though it be a glass house. Or even THE ONLY COUGH DROPS a royal palace. WHICH HELP BUILD UP YOUR But some of the London gossip-writemust be so swollen up with ALKALINE RESERVE strangulated copy they've probably had to have their clothes let out Now, if haply 'twas purely a Yankee affair instead of being, as it were, Time to Weigh Words fifty-fift- y how those boys would love Our deeper thoughts are best to cut loose. when written; hardly ever as impressive when spoken. A Job for the New President. in his first message to the IF, congress, our newly-electe- d President should come right out and advocate the following things: First Taking steps to collect or at least try to collect, what those defaulting debtor nations owe us; JUST A DASH IN rSATHERS second instructing the proper departments promptly to deport all aliens illegally admitted to this country and therefore here In defiance of our immigration laws; third authorizing Immediate action so that all unnaturalized communists and other foreign-bor- n enemies of the Don't give up! Faithful use of government which shelters them Glover's Mange including especially such of these as V Medicine and 9 are on federal relief rolls or hold Glover'sMedicated El private jobs to the exclusion of citifoe the shampoo Soip zensshall be put out of this counhelps ward off excessive Failing Halt end try and kept out Dandruff; promotes Well, if he did do those very calp health. Start things, there wouldn't be, as Adam today! Sold by all Druggists. Bede once said, a dry throat left among the kind of Americans I trot around with. IRVIN S. COBB, ft WSO Service. it JIMMIE rs 5 Don't be BALD! Elements In Saliva made of mucin, which makes it thick; ptyalin, which changes starch to sugar; maltase, which is a digested sugar; small Saliva is quantities of protein, carbon dioxide and several inorganic salts. Sixty-fiv- e of a pound of saliva would consist of carbon dioxide. Nearly half of the carbon dioxide is combined to make various forms of carbonates. WOMEN, YOUNG OR OLDER Mrs. P. F. Kelly of 166 Nol Pins St. Laramie, Wya She said: 'I have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription on different occasions when I felt rundown and It was of great benefit to me. At one time any little noise or excitement would comoletelv upset me and the 'Prescription' did much me and relieve me of this con- dition." Buy now of your druggist Mew size, tablet 50c, liquid $1.00 It $1.31 |