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Show Buy Locally Buy Locally Nephi, The Times, Volume 27, No. 43 Hoyt Elected Judge of the Fifth District Tabulated return from the coun tie of the Fifth Judical District Juab, Millard, Beaver, Iron and give Will L. Hoyt Washington. a majority of over 300 votes in the race for District Judge. This majority may be altered a slight amount as the returns from outlying districts are counted, but there Is a wide enough span to give Mr. Hoyt the election. Juab County gave Mr. Hoyt a vote of 2227 as against Le Roy H. Oox, Republican nominee, 1076. Vhls majority with those Mr. Hoyt received in the Southern Counties, was enough to give him the substantial margin in the entire district. i Returns from Juab county show that the Nephi attorney had a considerable margin in each of the voting districts with the exception of voting District number 1. Nephi, Mills and Trout Creek. The Cal-la- o returns are not in as the paper goes to press. The Juab County voters, licans and Democrats, voiced their approval of the Nephi attorney and counselor for the district position at the polls Tuesday. Mr. Hoyt Is very well qualified for the position, and is well liked by aril who know him. extends the The Times-Neof the people of congratulations Nephi to Mr. Hoyt, who following January 1, will be known as Judge Hoyt. President-Ele- Juab County, Utah Thursday, .if : The News, Volume 17, No. 45 Governor-Elec- Blood t ' ' I: t ' " ' V; V ; : ' . Elect Ticket Everything is in readiness for the Juab Stake M. I. A. road show, which will be presented in the three wards of Nephi and In Mon:i Friday evening anl in the Levan ward Monday night. The road show will consist of six acts, one from each ward of the stake and cue from the stake M. I. A. presiden- . f- - , ,J - President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who Tuesday was sweDt to a land- slide victory over Governor Alf President M. Landon of Kansas, Roosevelt will on January 1, enter re J term the Whitehouse as President of the united States. Juab County Joined the remainder of the state of Utah in giving the President a huge majority. for his second n, Marine. Mona wardi Musical presentatis. on, spiced with Stake boards: Musical pageant: Characters: Edna Cazier. George Johnson. Pearl McCune, C. W. Nellson, Sylvia Peters, Bertha McHelen Belliston. pherson, Ruby Jones, Nlda Gadd, Clayton J. Beck. Marjorie Carter, Dellene Jensen, Ida Jen Harris. Afton Gibson. Ray Bailey, Edith Vickers, Ray Worth-iiigtoLucy Boswell, Ida Beck, Kenneth Webb, Elmo Brady, Lila Nela Ann Salisbury Richardson, and Beverly Booth. The double mixed quartet under n, Legion Post To Elect Officers Semaphore On Main St, Infl uence o f center-suspensi- New Chevrolet To Be Shown Here On November 7 1928-193- , e all-ste- el From Franklin D. Roosevelt, completely through the list of Demo-cra- lc nominees on the ballot, all were elected Tuesday. Abe Murdoch candidate for Representative from the first district of Utah, was the high man in the poll, carrying 2326 votes compared to 994 for his op ponent. Chas. W. Dunn. Murdock was followed by 2294. for the presidential electors of the Demo cratic ticket. Constitutional amendments from 1 to 6 received more No's than they did Yes in the county, although the final count in the state may be for them, the vote was close according to reports Thursday. The complete totals from Juab County are as follows: Eletors, Democratic, 2294; Republicans, 1413; Union 20; For Representative In Congress, Murdock, D, 2326; Dunn. R. 994. For Justice of the supreme court. Larson. D. 2221; Hansen R 1068. For Governor: Blood. D, 184fl. Dillman, R. 1380; Perry Ind. 248. For Secretary of Statet Monson. D. 2222; Walquist, R 1084. For State Auditor, Guy. D, 2223' I Each of the wards and the stake have been working hard for the past two weeks in preparation for the bit? annual event. Briefly, the presentations of the various wards and stake are outlined as follows: Levan ward: A Comedy skit: Thei Fashion Show. South wardi one act play: Characters Grace Powell, Merrttt Chris-tisoMarjorie Olpln and Whit-wort- h ' Inpram. Nephi ward: one act play: "Huto In A Hurry." characters. Alma Tranter. Itha Parkes, Arta Jenkins. D F. Winn, Warren O'Gara. North ward: Dramatization of "Soul of the Violin." Characters. Afton Kendall Cheney and Fred th r ; Juab County Democrats cies. To Install A Liquor On Accidents I'M') Show Ready To Present Mrs. A. J. West, president of the Congress of Parents and Teachers, Mrs. George Q. Cannon, 1st vice president, Mrs. John E. Hayes, national regional field sec retary and Myrtle Davidson of the Utah State Agricultural College A meeting of members of Nephi extension service will be in Nephi Number One of the American Post, confer' for Noveember 10, Tuesday Legion, will be held In the Legion ofence with the Parent-Teach- er room at the city hall Friday even ficers of the local unit. Home De ing, November 6th, at 8 p. m. for monstration agents and Home Ec the purpose of e'ection of officers at a onomlcs teachers. of Installation semaphore This meeting will be held at 2 the intersection of main and first for the year 1937, It is very essential that a large p. m. in the high school and any north setreets will be made In the one Interested may attend. near future, according to a decision tumber of members be present reached this week by the Nephi to select officers for the post for cltv council, following a conference the coming year. with members of the state road Unless better support Is given commission held In Salt Lake City. to the officers of the local legion Mayor Wilford Bailey, Councilman post, It is quite evident that the W. W. Stephenson, and city elect charter will be given up, and the rician Ray Powell were in attend community will be without a unit ance at the meeting witl the road of this great national organization. commission. men of Nephi were The semaphore will be of the the first to secure a post of the will and type, American Legion in the state of face two directions on U. S, High- - Utah, and it certainly would be a S. U. highway "BLACK-EYE- " way 91, also toward on the city to let 189 and Utah state highway 126. the charter, and post number one The need for the semaphore was slip away. Men what By B. K. Farnsworth, Field repre sentative of Utah Liquor Control stressed by a special safety com are you going to do about it? It mlttee of the Nephi Kiwanis Club, Is up to you. Commission Statements given out from time and the club voted for a resolution to time concerning automobile ac- for the Installation of the sema cidents givte the Impression that phore. only will the signal protect Miss Ellen Agren, Extension there are available official statis- - Notmotorists on the three high Specialist in Clothing, will be In tical records covering the entire the which Interesct at this point, the United States and showing fully ways Tuesday, November 10, will serve as added protection whereCounty classes will be conducted on the particulars of all such accidents but school for students of the Nephi, Christmas and Constructive In which alcohol is a fator. The which pass over games that gifts can be made at home. fat Is that In some large cities, and a large majority 91of or 189 highway Relief Society members from all In a few states, statistical records either highway are kept with some completeness or both at thlsc point. three wards of Nephi are meeting The semaphore is being furnish- at the Tabernacle, on automobile accidents In which Tuesday, Nov state road commission ember 10 at 2 P. M. All mem drinking is alleged to be a factor, ed by the but in the majority of the states and Nephi City has agreed install bers and anyone else who would and cities, no such records are and maintain it. It will beSesuspen- be interested in making Christmas ded just north of the D. R, O presents under the supervision cf available. In the state of New York, for W. track, and directly over the Miss Agren are cordially invited to of the cement road. It will attend, example, very complete records are center available from 1928 down to date be vlsable from all four directiorm. on every factor In which alcohol might figure In an automobile Colorado and Illinois began keeping such records In 1935. Ohio and Utah began in 1934, Massachusetts and Virginia in 1933, and New Jersey, South Dakota and Arizona in 1932. The New York statistics are enlightening on this subject not only Broadbent and Snyder, local because they are complete but be cause New York has ten percent Chevrolet dealers, will show the of the entire population of the 1937 Chevrolet next Saturday, Nov country, registers nine percent of 7, according to an announcement in this weeks issue the motor vehicles, and consumes being carried ten percent of the gasoline'. The of The Times-New- s. wm. Broadbent, manager says New York statistics show that tn that the new automobile will give 2, the five prohibition years, there were 486,801 automobile the motoring public the greatest accidents In the state an average Chevrolet .ever produced. The body consider of 99,630 a year. In 1934, the first ; lines have ben. . changed . . , , complete repeal year there were nkl,, nttJ car are nicer than In any 8:',875 automobile accidents In the of the state a decline of 16,483 or 19.89 previous models. Not only is the body changed percent. In the five prohibition years, 1928 but the engine of the 1937 model to 1932, number of is differently adapted to give more drunken drivers Involved in motor , power to the car. Of utmost im vehicle accidents was 785, as com- portance in the 1937 model will be pared with 810 in 1934. In each of the body, with the turret the years 1928, 1929, 1930, and ,top. This will provide added safety 1931 there were more drunken to the car, as well as to the ability drivers Involved in accidents than to stand up under more years of The average was brought wear, in 1934, down by the 1932 record, and thtat Mr. Broadbent and Mr. Snyder record was low due to the severity extend to every person in Nephi of the depression, and tremendous ard surrouning comunitles a cor- dial invitation to visit their show unemployment, The average number of intoxU rooms Saturday and see the new cnted drivers Involved in fatal ac Chevrolet. c'dents was 48 in the five prohibMiss Dona Belliston returned to ition years, as compared with 92 in 1934, but 57 intoxicated drivers Ephralm Monday after spending were involved In fatal accidents in the Institute vacation at the home of her parents Continued on page eight Utah 5, M. I. A. Road Roosevelt ct November Moffatt. R., 1076. For StateT reasurer; Reese, Governor Henry H. Blood, who the chief executive position at the State Capitol in Salt Lake City, for four years more, following a victory over Ray E. Dillman, Republican, and Harman will occupy Kiwanians Elect Herman W. McCune, manager of Kendall. - McCune Rite - Way the The various wards are providing storesBailey a fine group of specially acts for elected at Mantt ofand Nephi was the Nephi Kipresident between the ward presentation the year 1937, at shows. A small admission charge wanis club for luncheon-meetin- g held will be made. Residents are urged the regular Monday noon at the Forrest Hotel. to attend their own wards for the Acil local agent at the local Petty, show. railroad depot was elected A. Program Next Thursday The program for the Parent Teachers association meeting to be held In the high school auditorium on Thursday, November 12th will be given by the students of the Central school. The program is as follows; 1st First grades, dramatizations (a) Miss Sperry's Nursery Ryh- mes; (b) Miss Cowan's Red Riding Hood. 2 cast. Second grades Radio Broad Third grades Health Play. Fourth Grade Tap Dance (a) boys; (b) girls. 5 Fifth and sixth grades songs of Stephen Foster Dramatization Fnd scngs. (a) Old Folks At Home; (b) Old Black Joe; (c) Old Dog Tray; (d) Oh Susanna. The teachers and students, are working hard to put this program over in fine style, and it is hoped that a large attendance of parents will be present at the next Thursday meeting. 3 4 Progressive-Independen- t. Governor Blood has a large maj ority, according to the nearly com- 1167. For district judge. Hoyt 2227: plete tabulations of the Salt Lake Cox 1076. City daily papers. District Attorneyi Picket, 2107: Anderson, 1202. State Senator, Baker, 2249; Pehr-so- n, School Board New Officers Members To Be Elected the direction of Frank Wanlass and Viola Ockey are: Kate Burton, Eva Florence Ora Weitzel, Haynes, Clarence Judd, Frank Warner, Loran Wanlass, Russell Gardner, P. T. W. Peery, Mr. McCune has been one of the most active members of the local club since he became engaged in business in this city, and has served as of the organization during the past year. Directors for the coming year include: J. Earl Reld, Gilbert Bailey, S. E. Forrest, A. B. Gibson, Will L. Hoyt, Dr. P. L. Jones, and Ray Powell. A resoltlon was passed by the club favoring the installation of a semaphore at the intersection of first north and main streets, which Is the Junction of U. S. highways 91, 189, and Utah State highway number 126. The city council and state road commission contemplate Installation of the semaphore in the near future. Max Thomas was in charge of the meeting. The Service Star Legion will meet in their regular meeting on November 11. The meeting will be held in the city hall and will commence promptly at 3 p. m. A vocal solo by Mrs. Anna Allred and a aance by Gertrude Petty will be on the program. All members are asked to be present. Hello Neighbor! I TOLD you so D., 2214 Chrlstensen, 1084. For Attorney General: Che. 2205; Anderson 1096. For State Supt. of Public Instruction, Skldmore D.; Greenwood, 1056. Representative, 1145. Pett, 2170; Rife. County Com 4 year term, Kendall. 1878; Crane, 1421. County Com. 2 year: Larson, 1991 Townley, 1315. County Attorney, Leatherbury, 1886. Webb, 1412. Amendments: 1 For 438; 1150; 2 for 440, against Election of two board members 1133; 3 for 460, against 1084; 5 for 888; for the Juab School District will for 499; against 1029 ; 5 be held on December 2, according against 968 ; 6 for 475; against, to information released Wednesday 1066. by J. E. Lunt, clerk of the board. The terms of A. E. Sells, district voting ward number 2, (Nephi North Ward) and Harry Foote, district number 4, (Nephi Ward) are expiring at the end of the present year. Mr. Lunt also out lined the new d of board members, as provided by the 1935 legislture of the state of Utah. One board member will be selected this year ior a term of three years, and one for a term of five vears. In 1938, as the terms of the members Balzac, the French writer," once or the board from Mona. Levan. said, "The rearing of children Is and the Nephi South Ward will the problem of problems of the expire, one will be selected for a universe." To do this complex Job sterm of 5 years, one for a term well is the greatest concern of parof 2 years and one for a period of ents and teachers. Teachers apprefour years. After that time, or from ciate that they can do a better 1939 on, a board member will be piece of work with the children cicv-ccacii year, to serve for a entrusted to their care for Instruperiod of five years. ction If they better understand the This method of operating will parents and children. We- - also give one new board member, or a realize that parents are keenly inof a former member teracted In understanding the each year. changes in educational procedure A petition must be filed, or per- and the principles upon which sonal application must be made these changes are based. There are witn the clerk at least 15 davs h- - no lengths to which the parents fore the date of election, to have will not go In cooperating when names of candidates included on they understand what is being the ballots. done for the moral, Intellectual and Any further Information relative physical welfare of their children. to the voting and the The splendid working relations securing of nominations, may be received by between parents and teachers In Mr. Lunt. contacting the district Is much appreciated All residents of the two districts the school people. However, we who voted at the general election by believe there is still room for imTuesday of this week, will be eligible provement. To this end the school to vote in the election of school officials are planning a Parent ooara member. and Teachers' Institute In which some panel discussions are being planned on important educational topics. We fell that it is not only a duty of parents to take part In these discussions, but also an opportunity to help teachers better undestand the position of the parent and in turn parents may bet a better understanding of the teachers position and school procedure. We are not only interested The Nephi Junior chamber of to commerce will receive their nation- getting parents to participate on al charter Saturday evening, the program but we are desious of to Alma Burton president. getting as many parents as possible Glen E. Howe of Salt Lake City, to attend the discusisons and also national next week, of this dlst-ric- e, visit schols during will present the charter. which is designated as "American The banquet will also be a fare- Education Week." well part for President Burton, who In the interest of child welfare will leave on November 15 to enter may we ask your kind copoeratlon the L. D. S. Mission home in Salt and patronabe. Lake city prior to leaving for a The following program has been mission to the Central states. The planned by Superintendent Nilsson installation of a new president will and teachers of the district! also take place at the banquet. PROGRAM FOR INSTITUTE The entertainment will be held General Session, Saturday, Nov. 14 the Forrest Hotel, starting 2P.11 1 What the Board of Education promptly at 7.30. A Board In addition to Vice President expects from teachers Howe, other members of the Salt MerJber. 2 What the parent may reasonLake City Junior chamber of commerce are expected to be In at- ably expect of the teacher A tendance. parent. 3. What the teacher may A dance will be held at the on page eight armory following the election. Program For Institute Is Arranged term-perio- . Junior Chamber of Commerce to Hold Banquet and Dance nt ft.-- , reas-Contln- |