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Show THE PAGK EIGHT n L . ,.,. ! ill Allen's 1 STORE CASH Board of Health Sending Out Speakers TIMES-NEW- h w Nov. 6-- 7 drops Jgum Ha.Sll IN. 2 pounds ZjC Black Beauty Pop Corn 15c pounds J MINCE MEAT 19c i pounds tervice Cofftee Leaves Nephi of our SERVICE COFFEE. It much better than you would rood quality coffee m expert for only 15c per pound. If you have been usini Fifteen cent U our of "Service". 19c coffee, try a ba every day price. It is one of the fastest eluug regular coffees we have. ta We have a new shinpnwnt J Sen boxes W COFFEE S & 1 pound Z pounds 1 popnds 25c .... 49c 97c 2HEWLETTS TEA ; l- 13 C Package -r ifAK n Large 25c Package 0 Northern White BEANS I 5C pound HEINZ SOUPS 25c w r 9 Qualified speakers from the staff of the State Board of Health with motion pictures on Health subjects ana film strips of still projections are now available to communities of the state without charge, and subject ony to the limitations of equipment and conflicting engagements, is the announcement made by Dr. J. L. Jones, State Health Commnssloner. Under D. C. Houston, Director of the Division of Public Health Edu cation, the lecture and film service is now in active operation, supplying programs to educational meetings, civic clubs and other organiz ations taking up matters or public health. At present but one mach ine for movie films and one for the still film strips is available, hence advance notice of at least ten days will be necessary to secure the services of the Educational Division at health meetings. Details of the program proposed should be furnished along with the request for the lecture service. Movie films now available are: 'Man Agninst Microbe", "Behind the Shadows", and Dental Health." The first presents a history of the discovery of bacteria, and the development of ways and means of control. The second Is a story of Tuberculosis, and the third shows the Influence of dental defects and means of control. The film strips now available (3 mm arei "SYLVATIC PLAGUE IN UTAH" a film made locally to Illustrate the Importance of Individual care o aid In avoiding further spread of Bubonic Plague. METHODS "SOME COMMON OF STREAM POLLUTION." this film was also made locally in the sttte of Utah showing typical conditions on certain streams In the state and points to suggestions of what may be done about It. "MAN'S FIGHT AGAINST DIPa film showing the HTHERIA" steps which have been taken, hot only toward the cure of diphtheria, but the almost Insurance that our children may now have against Myron R. Moyle. who for the years has past two and one-ha- lf been bishop of the Nephi ward, and since its opening, manager of the Nephi plant of the Utah Poultry Producers plant, left last Sunday to a.sfume new duties at the American Fork plant of the same company. Since coming to Nephi In 1931, Mr. and Mrs. Moyle have made a host of friends, and havfe been un- II usually active In both church and civic activities. Mr. Moyle became bishop of the Nephi ward In February, 1934, and since that time has faithfully served in that capacity. A new bishop will probably be named at the quarterly conference of iff the stake Is to be held November 2P and 29. Mr. Moyle has been an active member of the Nephi Kl-- v. r 11 iron t, tjPound ZyC Heifer Beef Pot Roast f I Pound ISC contracting the disease. We buv Veal. Pork. Beeff J "HOW TO LIVE LONG" a strip film showing various activities that Lamb and Eces GOLDENS LADIES APPAREL To encourage easy Christmas Shopping, I as offering for next week, lovely Flannel Robes at Y off. Ideal gifts for mother, sister, cr sweetheart. CLASSIFIED men might engage in to promote individual and general health. "FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE" a series of pictures depicting the life's work of this great character who founded the first modern school of nursing. ' "ROBERT KOCH," a series of pictures depleting the life and works of the great scientist who has been proclaimed by many the father of bacteriology and the savior of thousands from the heavy toll of disease. LOUIS PASTEUR" a series of still projections depicting the life, study, and discoveries of this great chemist who is the father of sciences of pasteurization and Immun WANTED Undergraduate or capable practical nurse for general duty Mt. Pleasant Hospital, Mt. ology. Pleasant, Utah. "WALTER REED." a strip film FOR RENT Wheat land near story of the hero who discovered Mills Owner here Nov1. Loan the method by which yellow fever can be arranged Inquire at The is transmitted and conducted dan Times News office. gerous experiments to aid In the perfection of its control. FOR SALE Five Yearling Suffolk Inquiries from all groups inter' Bucks. See F. M. Beck. jested in public health are invited. FOR SALE 1931 Chevrolet Coupe. Perfect condition at Bargain Price. Alma Burton. MEN WANTED for nearby Raw-leig- h routes of 800 families. Write DenRawleighs, Dept. UTK-61-Sver Colorao. 5tipaid B, WE PAY CASH for dead or worthless Horses or Cows. Phone Col- lect Spanish Fork 88, egg-gradi- FRIDAY SATURDAY'S BARGAINS AND til FOR SALE Bliss potatoes, $1.25 cwt at pit. Call Earl Green, Mona, Phone 370J2. FOR CARROTS See Perry C. Hall, 204R1. Thru jhg>2$j& Service jf'' Everywhere and WEST EAST BOSTON KANSAS CITY NEW YORK CHICAGO DAVENPORT DES MOINES DENVER CASPER BILLINGS SALT LAKE CITY OMAHA FOR RENT Two apartments the Forrest Hotel Annex. FOR RENT GOOD HOME in See Frank Wilson. LOS ANGELES at ihortest Routes Low Close CONVENIENT Fast Tims and Round Trip Fari Ono-wa- y C0MF0BTMU ECONOMICAL Information Counting a Billion It would take a man with a $r,(XK! annual Income CMiO.OOo years to earn a billion. TIckoH J. f. DOUGLAS V.nic. Colo 74 So. Main St. Pkono 74 ?EPENPBIEASTHE BUW.IN8T0N LAMB Large Roasting Spring; Chick ens, Dressed per lb Drawn and Ready for Pan, per pou'M Whole or Half Less Spring Lamb Per lb .. 25c 30c w : PXV.'flQ ON OP7TQSS' Your Tires Slippery wet pavements and mud or snow call for TIRES WITH A GOOD TREAD and a SURE GRIP. GOOD-YEAALL WEATHER TIRES do a good winter job. They are Hewlett's Choke Mince Meat, 1 lb carton BEEF POT ROAST f Pot Roast, Cut from Baby Milk Fed Beef 1C Per pound IOC Ik-e- OATS 5 RAISINS Roseware Oats LarSe Package has been In the stake presidency of the prlmray association for some time, In addition to being active In ward activities. To lose church and civic workers such as Mr. and Mrs. Moyle means a great loss to Nephl, but The Times-New- s Joins with their many friends in wishing them continued success In their new location. FLOUR 25c Kitchen Maid Flour pound bag 48 WHEAT Roseware Wheat Large Package ... 19c yt Oz $ CRANBERRIES Choice Red-rip- e Cranberries, FLOUR High Patent Flour Made from Choice Hard Winter Wheat 48 pound bag O. P. S. lb bag Y lGc 149 ON CURRANTS GRAFEFRUIT Marvin New Crop Currants, 2 11 oz pkgs Arizona tCg O Grape-Frui- 10c i t, 25c dozen 1 BARS FIGS New Crop Pressed Figs Small CeUophane p;g. Fresh A 1UC Shipment Bars, 3 for .... P' Steel Chassis i' - rrr. I LP. IOC SttAGGS STORES "A Surety of Purity" PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR INSTITUTE NEXT WEEK Local and Social i Continued from page onably expect of the parent 1 A can the community 4 What reasonably expect or the teacher A parent and teacher. 5 The most Important factors for parents to consider In preparing a child to enter 1st grade-M- iss Escher, primary supervisor. 5 Summary Supt. Nilsson. DEPARTMENTAL SESSION Elementary A Teacher Panel Chairman how I want my lWhat and ch'!d taught in the Social Sciences A Parent. . 2 What place has and how we e attempting to teach the social A sciences in primary grades teacher. does the 3. What arithmetic parent consider most essential In the Grammar Grades A parent. 4 The present tendency In arithmetic A teacher. 5 Suggestions from a parent on good reading habits. A parent. 6 What the schools are doing and should do in this direction A teacher. 7 Proper health and physicial education program for the elementary schools A teacher and a parent. Questions and discussions by the group. JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL A teacher Panel Chairman 1 Suggestions from a parent on character education A parent. 2 What the schools are doing A about character education teacher. 3 How far should the school go in a discussion of current, political and social problems A parent. 4 What the school Is doing In this direction A teacher. 5 Physical education and athletics In the school A parent. P The present trends In this line A teacher. 7. Suggestions for handling the A parent. pvoblem pupil 8. present procedure in this matter limitations A teacher. a-- fee I Vibration H ""11 TV HI f BAILEY-McCUN- AUTO No ' : 1 f ff )) No 1 Trouble I IC E ACCIDENTS NOTICE FOR BIDS and In 1936, 93 per cent. bids for the purchase of Sealed autoIn Continued from page 1 factors the This study of located on the north part 1929. and 59 In 1932: The averaze mobile bulidings accidents proves one thing or tne west v oi lot a, diock. oa, number of Intoxicated drivers In automobl'e volved In non-fat- al accidents for conclusively. The fatal plat "A" Nephl Survey of Town the the five prohibition years was 747 accidents move upward or down site lots, will be received atWedas compared with 748 In 194, but ward with gasoline consumption. office of city recorder until November 11, 1936, at 12:00 the average for the four prohibit--1 When gasoline consumption goes nesday noon. ion years, 1928 to 1931 was 791 up, fatal accidents increase; wnen o'clock Full details relating to the above There was an average of 2,428 gasoline consumption goes down. drivers' licenses revoked for drunk-- j fatal accidents decrease. It Is a may be obtained at the office of en driving from 1928 to 1932, as question of gasoline consumption. the city recorder. NEPHI CITY COUNCIL compared with 1,954 In 1934 a de and not a question of the consumcrease of 20 percent. alcohol. of the Certainly ption The situation In Utah presents above given will prove con FOR SALE DELICIOUS APPLES some very Interesting facts. Facts clusively that legalized return of AND DELICIOUS CIDER Stephen well worth knowing. The first liquor to Utah, under control and Boswell reliable statistics made available regulation, is not a contributing by the state tax commission were factor to automobile accidents and ror the year 1934, a nine month also since the passing of the control Alligator Do Not Eat PeopU According to an authority, there period the last year of prohibition act there are less accidents charge in Utah and preceedlng the In- able to drunken driving than the is no authentic record of the loss of a human life by an alligator. auguration of the Liquor Control one year befor ites Inauguration. Act of 1935. Circumstances attending the occurence of motor vehicle accidents in Utah where the condition of the driver shows responsibility In 1934, 2240 accidents, in 1935, 4506, and for the first six months of 1936, 2429. In 1934 where the drivers were under the influence of liquor there were 112 intoxicated drivers or a percentage of .045 of THE KING FURNITURE STORE ON SOUTH the total. In 1934, 211 or a percenof 111 In .046; or 1936, a MAIN STREET tage percentage of .045. We have a good stock Is now open every day. Circumstances attending the of motor vehicle accidents in Utah, where of used furniture; New Goods are coming in. Look the pedestrian shows responsibility for the acour store over and you may find just what you cident were In 1934, 321 accidents reported, under the Influence of need. We have some very good China Closets. liquor 4, a percentage of .012 of the total; in 1935, 57 accidents, under AND EXCHANGE SELL We BUY the Influence of liquor, none. In 1936 30 accidents, under the Influ ences of liquor 2, a percentage of We Also sell that GOOD COAL fig-ut- FOOD I I CC INFLUENCE OF LIQUOR BREAD Brown or White 3 12 oi loaves ... F Safety Wringer i.p cQs3 rf. No Oiling :inls club. Mrs. Moyle 19c or Blue Ribbon Seeded Seedless Raisins 15 oz packages 4 yit te Drive il MINCE MEAT Members of Camp Birch, Daugh- ters of the Utah Pioneers, will meet at the home of Birdie Kendall next Friday, November 13, for the regular monthly meeting. The history of the Grace family will be given, and the lesson will be given by Rose M. Lunt. President James Nuttall of Snow College will be the Kiwanis speaker. Monday, November 9th. Mr. Nuttall will also bring a good reader and a good singer. The Twentieth Century Club entertained at a bridge party Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. J. Wade. Hallowe'en was the moffit for the luncheon. The prize was awarded to Mrs. Alvin Members present were: Burton. Mesdames, L. C. Warenski, I, J. Wade, S. E. Forrest, H. C. Crane, C. R. Jenkins, Gerald Cazier, J. L BeUiston, W. L. Hoyt, A. L. Petty, H. L. Mangelson, Wilford Pratt, J. E. Reid, P. E. Booth, J. W. axman, Wilson Glazier, C. R. ,Lomax, B. R. Bryan, Alvin Burton, and George Belliston. - , es Open For Business .066. An Interesting comparison Is re ported where there are no defects contributing to the cause of the accidents on the part of the driver. In 1934, a percentage of the total was 94 per cent. In 1935, 90 per cent, in J 936, 85 per cent. Where the pedestrian is a contributing factor for the accident and no are reported: in 1934, a percentage of 95; In 1935, 85 per cent; LET US SUPPLY YOU King Furniture And Supply de-fet- cs N A T I A 0 H m ST I LIE RS-- . PRODUCT now isiit that a greater there's liuy than no increase in price ? . ever-whe- n ash WEHAVEL XK2 BEST BUY CALIFORNIA J!zj i? tAe OLD TOIMT TAVERN KEEPER- - Into this whiekey Ma jfj V i IN WIN! id LLx V, Vf"P' X nffi.? v i1Wa fv wki$ W R really good Accident ance. 25c Are-cua- WAILROAD Let Us Check! w I CHICKENS pro-lect- or MATCHES 1936 Bishop Moyle -- BARGAINS Thursday, November 5, NEPHI, UTAH S, has always gone tne good-ness of fine golden grain . . . the super-ski- ll Ame"ca'8 most celebrated distillers. But now you'll find it an even smoother, richer- tasting rye because of its added age ... a truly improved, higher-qualit- y whiskey without ne Penny'B increase in iu " pric. . fj? p)? tM ttff frkJX ' ifflf" w: Yfrjh Insur- MAPLE SILVER SERVICE V- - " t NATIONAL DISTILLERS I'RODUCTS CORPORATION w '" . Executive OffieM, New York, N. Y. "-- - - |