Show FAREWELL REFORM SCHOOL THE is in receipt of a letter from a prominent gentlemen in educational matters in salt lake city stating that STANDARDS position to move alie deaf mute and blind echo olto ogden beete with universal favor among tho legislators in fact alie bold stand taken by THE seems to have lifted a load from off the backs of tho legislators alie deal mute institute in salt lako now lias fifty scholars the bill lias just passed the council creating a department tor the education of the blind alie baird have heretofore been neglected in utah the deaf mute school is already handicapped for want of room the manuel training department is cramped into very email rooms which are entirely inadequate and A hundred and one things arc now lacking which the reform school buildings and grounds would supply the combined school for the deaf and blind will have an endowment of acres of land which if well selected will build up a school that den can justly bo proud of if the bill passed tho council for educating the blind passes the house it is safe to eay the school will soon have a hundred scholars and prepared as the school would be on the reform school grounds utah could care for tho deaf and blind for idaho wyoming and nevada and in a short time the ogden school for alie deaf and blind will bo one of the institutions in the west we arc informed that mr frank W matcalf superintendent of alie school tor the deaf at salt lake city has paid visit to tho reform school and has reported that alie reform school buildings are just what is wanted for the utah deaf and blind institute now let alie legislature do its duty to utah and locate alie deaf and blind on tho reform grounds and sava tho territory the expense of running a useless institution |