Show ff DECREES ORDERED term of the fourth DIs 1 brict court Is adjourned ss f conclusion or Business The february term Opened Causes Heard Court settings for the term in the fourth district court yesterday the following cases were disposed of as in the november term 1893 john J riordan vs L M demurrer sustained plaintiff granted ten days to amend temple shirt etal vs J F pierce case dismissed and injunction dissolved J G payne vs annawayne Anna Payne divorce decree ordered martina anderson vs ander gon new trial granted set for february NM Brigham va B ternes foreclosure ogdene 8 made party to suit ten days to plead brunswick balke hollenden co vs geo barret al leave granted to file amended demurrer to complaint grand jury for november term discharged this concluding the business of the november term it was bv order of judge miner adjourned the february term of the fodyth district court was regularly opened with judge J A miner presiding return was made of venire of petit jurors showing that the persons named bad been duly summoned in the re of the grand lury for the february term the following named sworn jas ririe oliver kingston chris johnson job rowland J J brummitt john W gibson 11 S blanchett lars P larson geo B douglass jno M wilson G W wheeler J M grant jesse Vander ira williams jno W bex G B douglass was appointed foreman the following aurora were excused for the term E lee benjamin chadwick frank L chapin J W mcnutt james ira dewey petit furors excused were II 11 11 cook william gilbert george naylor CAUSES HEARD wm shirley vs wm johnson et al appeal from justice court dismissed papers having laid in the clerks office over thirty days in the cage of E II 11 parson et al vs P blair et al jones schroeder were entered as attorneys for plaintiff and the clerk was instructed to allow papers to be taken to salt lake city the following were the court settings for february term TUESDAY FEBRUARY 20 1894 J A echlin vs M II 11 tichenor A perrin F S M vs the aeed hotel company A G horn pash WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 21 1894 bernard annn vs newton farr evans rogers smith smith 2900 american publishing company vs th 0 E mayne company acy and street J N kimball E M allison charles seo vs J G Reed Maloney perkins kimball and allison FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23 1894 george dugan ve mrs mary A colton et al A B T R alien miller W J stephens assignee vs G R belnap ct al evans rogers 0 F loofborough tw J stephens vs G R belnap et al evans rogers andrew howat felix et al vs P A H franklin et al kimball alii eon J D murphy breed en gun biell boreman boreman ogden state ank vs samuel W small et al harvey pash A B MONDAY FEBRUARY 26 1894 HE steele vs J W southwell jr A perrin W L hueh mack vs rio grande western railway company A peret rin bennett marshall bridled Brid lev D R hancock vs southern pa cefic railway co A perrin mar shall royal TUESDAY FEBRUARY 27 1894 4 david kay vs archie 0 fisk L maslonis rogers walling 1713 commercial national bank vs UC Fisk A R hey wood rogers roth walling H J ganey vs N L morey et ual B H whipple beceden gun 1 nell P 0 miller vs W B parkinson p 0 walters rich rich WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 28 1894 first national bank of hailey vs H D lewis et al brown hender i son kimball allison cache county vs F J kiesel et al evana rogers A B THURSDAY MARCH 1 1894 E M tracy vs norwich union fi e insurance company A J weber evans rogers fi V frazer vs no 2 woodruff yf school Dist rbt 0 S varian J N kimball james T smythes vs reed hotel co A R heywood harvey FRIDAY MARCH lewis brown efa al va H H A A R heywood W L ma rinnis john J sullivan vs joseph Clarf ct al kimball allison A B evana rogers jy j y |