Show IN THE legislature house debate over the territorial school taxes the report of the committee on ways and means on the of school lands election bill passed salt lake feb 19 in the council house bill 7 providing for the payment of jurors and witnesses certificates outstanding in the second judicial district was referred house bill relating to the amendment of wae referred house bill requiring railways to post notices of stock killed was filed for first reading council joint memorial 2 was received from the house with amendments which were accepted by the council council bill 7 regulating the practice of dentistry was reported with amendments council bills 73 and 79 relating to alio disposal of estraya es trays were rejected and house bill 8 relating to the same subject was favorably reported by alie live stock committee the following bills were introduced by hague council bill 94 relating to irrigation companies beje booth council bill 95 relating to cruelty to animals by williams council bill 98 relating to liens and judgments by williams council bill 97 providing a uniform system of free schools house of representatives stanford from the ways and means committee rendered the following report mr speaker your committee on ways and means beg leave to report as follows twenty two counties have reported on school lands in response to house resolution no 15 box elder utah and san pete counties only received moneys from leasing their lands in the year 1892 ten counties have given the subject more or less attention during 1803 cache kane sail juan and summit counties have not yet reported the returns received are very imperfect as clasa and quality 01 lands etc the following counties have taken no action toward leasing the school lands within their boundaries Mil larl uintah beaver iron garfield and wasatch cb some of the county courts of these counties have been controlled by the advice of their county attorneys who have represented that the territorial act passed in was unconstitutional your committee therefore ask that such communication bo referred to the committee on judiciary with the request that said committee report at its earliest convenience veni ence the facts regarding the right cf the territory to lease said school lands if the territory has not the right then tho baw of relating to the leasing of school lands should be repealed ana in the opinion of your committee th money received from the of said lands the past two years and which has been paid into the territorial treasury should be bald back to the persons from whom it has been collected but if the law Is pronounced to be constitutional the legislature should have the law of 1893 so amended as to make it a misdemeanor for the members of any county court to neglect to enforce its provisions chairman names of counties and amounts received from the leasing of school lands box kuer and cut CO alavia 1833 00 thoele tooele 1393 00 utah and 1802 00 sanpete San pete 1893 1893 Sevier 1803 20 Salt Lake 1893 00 IW Wayne 1893 weber 1893 1 20 emery 1020 43 total stanford from the ways and means committee reported on several petitions from counties asking for appropriations for roads and bridges to alie effect that the bums allotted by alie committee were stated in its report of the financial condition of the territory some days ago and on petition of the box elder county court regarding assessment of railroad lands by saying that the matter was provided for in the general revenue ballnow bill now pending aill 34 aliens bill to restore the control 0 to county ja ILL courts came up on council amendments which were concurred in and the bill went to the engrossing ene clerk like action wag taken on house bill 84 relating to university lands house bill substitute for house bill 74 warners general revenue bill came up as special order the first section provides a tax of 3 mills for territorial rit orial purposes 3 mills for district and school purposes to create the territorial school fund a county school tax not exceeding 2 mills to be fixed by the county court a general county tax not to exceed 3 mills also to be fixed by tho county court and a special tax for county purposes not exceeding 2 mills to bo levied only after an election shall be held at which a majority ol 01 the votes shall be in favor of it motion to make the territorial school tax 2 mills instead of 3 prevailed without debate hatchs motion to increase the county school tax from 3 to 5 mills started a general debate which wound up by a motion carrying to reconsider the vote by which variana amendment wae carried introduced house bill to appropriate for roads and bridges to be apportioned among the counties according to the assessed value of their property sanford introduced house bill regulating the practice of medicine clark moved to take up house joint resolution 8 hatchs resolution abandoning the capitol grounds carried and the lution was referred to the committee on capitol grounds |