Show NEW COURT JUDGE nomination of senator white senate quickly clinches the deal by while of louisiana will be the youngest Youn zest man on the supreme court bench salt lines bondone bill passes the Senate Filibuster tn the house over bianas bill adjournment for consultation washington feb 19 senator white of louisana lias been nominated by the president for associate justice of the supreme court of the united states the nomination was a complete surprise to everyone II 11 ill and the republican members who have been questioned say little about whites confirmation whites nomination the chief event in the senate occurred in the executive session and was the promptitude with which the senate confirmed the supreme court nomination without even referring it to the committee it was fulla in accordance cor dance the traditional courtesy of the senate that a member of eliat body when nominated tor high public trust should be confirmed without reference to a committee but still when contrasted with the stubborn and prolonged contests that have successively taken place over hornblower and Pec khama nomination the prompt confirmation of senator white to the supreme bench came as a refreshing surprise to the public the haste of the senators to show a courtesy to their colleague would not even permit daniel to finish his speech on the hawaiian resolution when caffery the colleague of white appeared in the chamber from the lunch room he was apprised of nomination of his colleague to be justice of tho supreme court and daniel at er an interchange of glances with his fellow senators announced that he would conclude liis speech at a later time and bunery moved eliat the senate proceed to alie consideration ot executive business alie doors were at once closed but representatives of the press on the outside needed no confidential message from alie interior to apprise them the proceedings ce were in marked contrast to the scenes and incidents that attended the last two supreme court nominations the opening session of the senate was unusually devoid of interest a resolution to investigate certain printing contracts but the matter did not eyen create a discussion although tho resolution was adopted daniels opened liis argument in support of the administration in alie hawaiian matter and will conclude tomorrow the president sent for senator while and his colleague caffery last night and upon arrival at tho white house made known the purpose of his invitation for the conference white while expressing liis deep anse of tire obligation was much surprised and doubtful as to whether he would accept and asked the president for time to consider and although he and liis colleague remained with the president until late at night he left without giving his bent this morning alien he and cattery acain called at tho executive mansion he was still unable to a positively that lie preferred the to that of senator and it was not until the last minute before his departure that he gave bis assent I 1 the delegation in congress believe that representative blanclard Blanc bard will be appointed by governor foster to fill the term of senator white edward douglass white will take his beat on the supreme bench aa the youngest of the justices and with the exception of field and will have entered at an earlier period in life than any other justice and will have the exceptionally long term of twenty one years to serve before his retirement PASSES THE SENATE the bill extending the borrowing capacity ot salt lake washington feb 19 the house bill limatine limi tine the indebtedness of salt lake city utah has passed the senate the house washington feb 19 the filibuster over the silver bill in the house con linued until 4 this afternoon when adjournment was had to give the democrats opportunity to consider the situation in caucus after the opening marsh of asked unanimous consent to his bill authorizing the construction of a wing dam canal and power station in the acs melnea rapids of te mississippi in hancock county ills the bill passed barcli was made special order for tributes to alie memory of oneil of pennsylvania alio committee on invalid pensions back favorably alie lawney resolution calling ou the secretary of the interior for information regarding suspended cases passed bland then moved to go into committee of the whole on the bill that the general debate bo closed and on that demanded the previous question democratic and republican opponents declined to vote ana tho re duft was to i two short of a quorum eland moved a call of alie house dearmond democrat of missouri offered alie resolution designed to filibustering which wae referred red to the committee on rules the resolution provides eliat when a member shall have times refused to vote when liis name is called ho be brought before the bar of alie house and ills name called once more if he still retrains froba voting he shall be held in contempt 0 the house and tor each offense tined 50 to bo deducted from liis salary by the sergeant at arms and paid into the treasury |