Show let sir men whom you or I 1 could name in the united state senate let one nan whom yon or I 1 could name in the executive chair declara tomorrow tomor raw morning that they or he will not permit for the next three years any channe in the tariff policy of this country sad will see that MeK laley bill has a trial and if within six weeks the wheels of tho factories of the united states are not turning again and the fires in its furnaces are not lighted again and ha corb in its iron mines and coalmines is not resumed and its capital is not beginning to move and prosperity and comfort do not come hack again to the homes of its workmen yon may sentence me to he a free trader and a democrat for the rest of my natural life and 1 can not invoke for myself any worse fate than that senator hoar at the lincoln dinner in jersey city TUB in kansas call each other crazy wo wonder if both are right A MAN in silt lako who two years ago was considered worth today has to rustle for 25 cents for a meal lucli is life A DOYLE will contribute to mcclures magazine for march a paper on arctic whaling writing from personal observation and experience of a whaling voyage COAL BY the carload ia comine to the city every day yet liun dreda of our people are without warmth can not the county put people to work on the county road A asks why is it you seldom see a workingman with a toothpick in bis mouth nowadays that is easily answered require a toothpick THE for march will contain an interesting study of tho religious condition of an old puritan town in massachusetts chu showing the lapse of the force and power of the churches by the rev win bayard hale mass SALT LAKE soup house is said to be doing an immense business we liepe the people of weber county will be able 10 dispense with alie boup house it can i 11 lie county authorities rive the people a chance to repair the county roads THE EASTERN papers have asked their detate legislatures to pass a law making it a criminal libel for an to give false news to a newspaper or its reporters A bill lias already passed the lower house in the new york legislature wo like the idea it would forever shut off the news falsifier and make the news that is published more reliable who can assure us that the operatives in mr stevens mill at the former period were not gettine more wares than they ought to have new york post there is the whole tariff question in a nut shell the democrats think that alie laboring man receives too high anges and in nn unguarded moment they expose themselves alie employees of mr Sic vens mill referred to had their wages reduced and alie new york press the reduction to the wilson bill and successfully proved the same to bo true and after the democratic papers of new york and especially THE POST had to admit that the bill did caubu the reduction in the wages referred to then it comes out and says who can assure us that afif operative in mr blevens mill at former period were not getting ewt wages than they ought to have that explains the question according to democracy our laboring men receive too much money we thank god eliat the principles princ ioles of democracy are to be wiped out of existence at alie next election and are to be buried eo deep that it will take sixty yeara before alie people will trust them in power again TUB SALT LAKE HEBALD ia inclined to score major breeden for changing his position on the mortgage tax the trouble is not with the major but ettli the herald early in the session the herald published a number of interviews with members of the legislature the writer talked a number of them the day and was present when some of the interviews took aiace and it is only fair to the legisla tors to say that the herald reporter did not quote some ot the legislators correctly for in stanio one gentleman eaid lie was opposed to double taxation and would vote against any bill eliat proposed it and the herald reported him from that statement aa against tho taxation of mortgages yet the gentleman was one of the champions of the bill taxing mortgages therefore major breeden need not fear abo heralds criticism as the public haa learned long before this that the herald always bucce a man in a position selected by itself then attacks its own selected position MR has observed lean citizen were too well paid and too prosperous pros to tho standard established bv free trade in and and he has had the allson bill framed with the express view of br inKing down their extravagant wanes to the proper mark the above is clipped from the new york press and is part of an interview grover cleveland it plainly that cleveland debould bo sent 0 o england and belgium and be forced to work in alie coal mines for two shillings and two pence per day for year eliat his wife the charming mrs cleveland should carry coal on her back up a ladder that baby huth should bo dressed in a gunny sack and bo allowed to play in the coal dust with tallow candle and we believe grover cleveland would be go back to tho united states and say that alio laboring man can never get enough wages and that lie earns all lie gets and every cent of it |