Show Mary I Heads Beans R Reunion u ion The farm tarm of Emerson J Staples Staples of ot family reUnion re fit WAS AI the scene a 1 Union last tut Saturday Mrs Mra Mary MarT 0 J K Jy DoUet of ot Salt Snit City the er of or Mr Mra Staples had most mORt r 1 present sent Present re enl were Mrs Melvin Melvln t le Shull Shun of Haven Ua l Kans ans tinier two sons Ions Mr and Mrs Mary Hingham of Ru nu pert Ilert Idaho Idano with five of ot their fj s Mr and Mr Mrs Mra Wayne 3 Jean an fG ls n with two children and 3 and Mrs Ire Virgil flutter Butler of ot bilt Lake LIlke Cit City j It I married grand- grand rr e Yr w-re w re two r en present nt Mr and Mrs Ler e tt h Ovard OvaId of ot lien Hen eter tier t r and Mr and anti Mrs Brent Drent lo of or Salt Lake City Only pk ot of the grandchildren were un un- I to be present I This This was wall the first time Florence Florence Flor Flor- ence Staples and her three sisters slaters Lad hila been together with their mo- mo In about 14 yean years I The Th The family played games gameS' swam and saw movies moles I Other Other visitors during the evening evening eve- eve I ning were Dennis Bullock Kay ICay ay and Kent Wilde Most of Uie tite family returned to Salt Lake City that thul night but bul Mr Sir and Mrs Bingham and their family spent the night and returned returned returned re re- re- re turned to Idaho next morning I |