Show I SOUTH S UTH SUMMIT V Wendy Dahl la visiting her brother Airman James C C. Dahl her law In t Della Delia and niece GeraldIne at Clearfield I j Anne Is up and Around feeling much better It was good to gee bee her ber out to I Relief Society last Tuesday Plan lan r Parties Mothers of f the lamas Karons Ward I Missionaries met Sunday after church and torm formed d a committee 1 Ito to supervise the going away parties par par- ties for missionaries who are to totor tearo leavo tor for the tho mission field Rhea thea Richards mother of the next missionary mis mis- to return home will bo ho chairman of Martha Lamberts go Ing lag away party The dato date will be announced later Everyone In the I Ward and all aU friends are aro Invited and welcome to these theRe parties i Mr and Mrs Oscar Skated 8 have havo returned utter l n a two months month Visit with friends and relatives relative In Eureka Springs and ancl Arkansas I The Raymond Mappins returned return return- ed Juno June u 10 after atter visiting in Ar Ar- kansas Juno 7 Mrs Tessa Butler Dutter a as V oo companied by y Verna Rae Turn bow and Hazel RO visited her ber daughter Louise M lom at Salem Salem- Utah She brou brought hl back her hel grandson Ronald for tor a visit vl tt Hazel and Verna Rae nile visited Dowdell relatives In Payson Mr and Mrs bin Delmo Atkinson entertained at a family dinner Sunday Those present were Gerald Sandra Atkinson and children Clay and Kelly Melly Ann Ralph and Bonnie M McCormick Theft Thell and their children ron Becky and Donna Karen Terry and JoAnn Ml Miss s Carla Hoyt spent a week weekend weekend end ond In Idaho Falls Faits Idaho visiting Dr and Mrs John BIngham and family Joanne Atkinson left Monday for Cor Grant Colorado to visit her sister Delma Vaniel and family She will be gone a month |