Show i THE THEp THE THE- p f t Eye Ants View I fly By By MA MAC MACOne One of ot the most completely I eilly stupid and Senseless new news nowa a l les I ever over read appeared Inthe in I the tho dallied 1 this week under a London date date Uno lino It was waa headlined head bead headlined lined In Great Britain as The Crime of Prince Phil lip Ip It It seems the Prince was seated on on his horse a II tow paces behind this bis wife Queen ElIza Elizabeth eth at a veddy veddy formal review revlow The Tho Queens Queen's nag became restless and since Ince she was riding side saddle oh h my deah custom yew yow know Prince U became worried wor wore ried sled about her lie Ho leaned forward and whispered whispered whis to her She Sao smiled at him The British press blasted him for speaking to the Queen Maybe laybe all he said was Tighten up the brute my deah But It was waa a royal crime Apparently the press would rather she had been tossed on her royal tall t Think of or all the things we married people have whispered or might have whispered to our wives in public Did you cash the cream check Who is that old ohl fool winking at you Do you think the water Is still running in the bathroom Do you remember what you called that Yellowstone bear that tried to climb Into the car I I II the punch line on that I tory story about three old maids See 86 if It my tall shirt is out I Have you loaned your brother Q any y more money j I Sardines for supper lupper again 1 I 1 suppose I like to be tree Would you e a now How old do you suppose she abe J really is 7 t What did you mean by that I I Iab I erack crack you made two weeks ago ab about ut my sister elster I I It is a pretty lucky thing that we are not being sued this week I A line head in The News last tast week looked line fine until some one told us us to look again Under a picture of a beautiful horse and a beautiful girl was was' this heading 1 Question Ques which tion which horse to use ule I Mrs Gary Randall probably looks I less leas ss like a horse horae than any I I girl we know Fortunately she she also has haa a sense cense of ot humor I We tried a J new dish at our I J I house bouse the other evening You wouldn't like it it I I I 1 arranged a shortcake in a adish adish d dish ah covered it with red ripe I t T juicy strawberries Then picked up a carton marked market Hall and anda and I a Hall Half and poured the c contents j generously over ver the berries My 1 Lady Fair had previously drained the oil from a can of tuna fish She poured It Into the tho cream carton preparatory I to putting It Into the garbage This Is II What I poured over the tho berries As AB I said you saM you wouldn't like U t it Mac |