Show Earl Calderwood Henefer Retires After ter 39 Years Work as Principal William Earl Calderwood elementary elementary el el- teacher principal and teacher of the tho henefer school for 39 years retired at the close of the school term He lie was principal of the Porterville School In Morgan Morgan Mor Mor- gan grin County for two years principal principal prin prin- cipal of the Mink Creek Idaho School for one year and principal for tor one year of the Yellow Creek I School in Summit County 1 School Day Reunion Mr Calderwood will wUl be bo honor honor- honored ed cd July 9 at a School Day Reunion Reunion Reunion Re Re- union for alt all the students he has taught anti and the teachers w wo o have taught with him In the 31 3 30 t ty y years ars he Jias nas as spent In Henefer I Committees with Dr nr Glen Ovard as chairman consisting I largely of the students of hi hk his first year in Henefer have been organized for the Lull full days enter enter- Afternoon activities are scheduled for the students I I and their companions while an evening of entertainment will beheld be beheld held for all aU who wish to attend Including families He lie received his education at athe atthe atthe the he Summit Stake Stoke Academy North Summit I- I High gh School University University Uni Uni- University of Utah and Brigham Young University Ho begun began ms lS Ife's Ufe's career in a one room schoolhouse school schoolhouse house loUse with grades ranging from first to seventh grades for a stlla salary y of 52 50 per month i Mr Calderwood was was was' born in Henefer where he lived untIl unta he Was was' six six years years i For i about five years Cars he lived with his parents parents parents par par- on a farm at the mouth of ot Carruth Canyon which area J. J Isnow is isnow now covered with the water ol Echo Reservoir He lie then moved to Coalville where he resided until until un un- n- n til he started his teaching vocation vo v- cation nest Best Athlete He lIe was on one of North Summits Summit's first best and most p popular letes He excelled In basketball baS baseball ball pole vaulting high jumping and other sports Heis He lie HeIs lieIs Is still a a. a great lover of sports and has always been active in them He played s rt stop on the Devils Devil's Slide base ball ban team for 8 y years ars also played the same position on the and Henefer teams when base ball ban was the favorite sport spore in in this ar area a. a He lie was president and or organizer organizer organizer or- or of the Morgan and nd Summit Counties s Base Ball Ban L League ague an organization set up to prom promote base ball balla activities in the two r nun tips Sports Sport's was always an an essential part of ot his school program pr program gram and am he has always b been en a boysman boysman boys man nian He loved to coach am rind and play with the students in base baseball baseball baseball ball basket ball volley ball baU seeker sacker and an original Indoor base base ball ban game gam-e with hU hi students which he did ev every ry y ye year r Including this one but he says he has to knock a ball balt a n longway long longway longway way now to make a home run rolt Highest Scout Award t Also Atso because of his love of f the boys with whom he came in contact contact con con- tact he acted as WI assistant Scout ScoutMaster M Master ster while still sun In high school school I He has has has' been Scoutmaster or o ot Scout Executive for tor 46 years years ant and andIs Is la now serving on the Great Salt Sal Lake Council of Boy Doy Scout Scout- While Scoutmaster h lie and ap his assistants took 53 Summit Stake Boy Scouts through Yellowstone Park over the Pioneer Tr Trail i an anto and to many places In the nearby ne-arby mountains Over the he years year f fand lie Q and his Henefer fer Scouts rebuilt the old Mormon Monnon Forts Forte In Echo Ech Canyon three different times lie le now Iro proudly l wears the t SH Sll i ver vet heaver Beaver Be ver which which h he ho received d di i January 12 12 1951 after 37 31 yean years of service This h Ia t the highest awat award that can A bA given to any sc scourer lff by try b th the Council Worker IVo l' l 1 Mr Me alderwood has been ac act ive eve II In civic and church attain affair He fe was w a a Justin Justice C oj of the P Peace ace h In Iq n Henefer for tor 16 years earL HU Ills positions In th the Church of Jew Jesus Christ at of Lat lU ter l I 1 Saint have hare aye eA many Important offices being counselor for many years fears to i f tr EARL EAUL Summit Stake President Joseph JosephE E E. E 3 Beard after being belg releases released u as Bishop of Henefer Ward Ward During the he years he served as superintendent of Sunday School president president pres- pres ident dent of the Young Mens Men's MIA counselor In the ward bishopric and nd later bishop lIe He was also a a. a Stake I High Stake Mission president and Is now serving as president nt of the High Priest Driest Quorum which position lon he has held for fo the past eIght years e rs v i s n u Fo Four r Children dren In 1916 he married MI Mildred Jr d dWright Wright of C also a student student student stud stud- ent at North North Summit High School She has been bee active along with her husband In many church activities They are parents of gf f four our children Mrs Carl June Jun Wilde of Coalville who also 1 is active in church work Don Calderwood Cal Cal- derwood derwodd d of West Weber a miller of ot long iong standing at the Globe Mills in Ogden who served in the Army during during the second World W War r In Italy Keith W. W V who I received elved his degree In n geology at BYU nyu and Is noW now in Anchorage Alaska with his family as a geologist for Phillips Phillip's Petroleum Company and who served in the European Theatre during the war Bob E Calderwood who served bis pis III country as a Jet pilot for 4 years after aller receiving his degree e In geology at BYU He also flU filled d an art mission and Is now how living with his family In Orem while doing graduate work at BYU Mr and arid Mrs 1 Calderwood now it have ve It 17 gr grandchildren A L niece Mrs Fran Frances 0 O. Boatright of of Red Redondo nd Bea Beach h Calif who made her Ier home them for many years has bas added two more to 10 the lit of grandchildren and dr n |