Show 4 Summit County Young People To ao Leave on IDS Missions Soon C N i l 4 l LAMBERT Martha l Lambert Miss Miss Miss' Martha Lambert who taught Homo Economics in the Morg Morgan n County High School the past lIast year will leave for the British British Bri Bri- tish Isles mission field July 4 4 Miss Lambert the daughter of Mr and Mrs John A A. Lambert of Kamas will be bo honored at a Farewell Testimonial at the Kamas Kam Iam- as Ward Chapel Sunday June 26 at pm p.m. I I Participating In the program I l I from Morgan will be Vatina Vauna Porter Porter Porter Por Por- ter Norma Criddle Joan Durrant Durrant Durrant Dur Dur- Duri i rant Nila Rae Thatcher Lorraine Ii j Bingham from South Summit I Milo Lambert Frank Lambert IDon I Don Russell John Lambert Bis Bishop Bis 1 I I hop Goodworth the missionary John Oliver Lambert Miss Lambert is a a. gr graduate of South Summit High and She will enter the Mission Home June 27 and go by plane from Irom New York to the British Isles I I I A H l r h JONES Norris J Jones nes Two more boys have been added added added add add- ed to the list of missionaries from Henefer which now makes a n total of nine In the past several several several sev sev- sevI I eral years who are laboring in III inthe i ithe I the mission fields Elder Norris Gall Gail Jones son of Mr and Mrs Richard E E. Jones has been called to the California Mission field A Farewell Testimonial will willbe Willbe nl be given in his honor Sunday June 19 at pm p.m. at the Henefer Henefer Hen Hen- efer Ward Chapel lien lien-I Participating in the program will be Mary Fawcett Byron E E. E Jones Bishop Edison J J. J Stephen Stephens Dennis Staley LaVell Stephens Alden Mr and Mrs Jones Howard Jones and Elder I Jones Jone Elder Jones Is a graduate of If I North Summit High School with i the class of 1958 and attended Weber College His Ills athletic actIvities activities activities act act- have been football and baseball He has served as secretary of af the Deacons Deacon's Quorum In the Henefer Ward Norris has served six months of active duty In 14 II the e Air Pir 11 Force orce and completed complete Vf propeller sc school ool He Ire will enter enfer ili Million Home on June 27 and leave for tor California 4 Class Breakfast The Kan s Ward Sundae School class Course 14 H taught by AI Ari Arh Maxwell enjoyed a siz lx breakfast recently at Yellow Pine camping grounds on onT T Reaver aver Creek Those enjoying this early morn porn r In tug ins breakfast Freres lUlU ArlO M Maxwell Max Main well leader trader Opal Tern Un i y wJ Carma Cr- Cr Car Car- AI AInu ma nu n Knall Joanne Jo DJie tI Goodworth Wanda ODds ODris hill rol Bonnie Smith LaWana LaWanas s le Lemon Lemont JoAnn JoAnu La 1 M Anna Da a Lee Lea Je Ness cba ac er E Erto o c a and d brews Mareua Walker I I I l I i Ii j I I I I I I i I I I i I tt Fl d da 4 a S 5 s dd i SCOTT Scott Scott son of ot Kay Hay I. I and the late Mrs Rich- Rich Ins will be honored at a Farawell Farewell Fare Fara- well Testimonial Sunday June 26 at pm at the Henefer Ward Chapel prior to his del deI departure de- de for the Cen Central Atlantic Mission Participating in the the program will will be Joy Ovard OvaId Fay T T. T Dearen Dear Dear- en en Elder Robison LaVell LaVelt Steph- Steph lens Ions ens Orvllle Orville Bishop StePh I EdIson Edison Edison Ed Ed- ison J. J Stephens Thea Boyer Doyer Dorene Rowser Bowser Louise Maurice Dearden his father and the missionary ScOtt Is a 1058 1958 graduate of I North Summit High School and andI has hilS pla played ed football b basketball and Ib baseball a. a s e b a. a 11 He lie has beer been athletic director of Henefer Henefer liene Hen lien e efer er Ward He lacks Just one quarter of finishing college at j Weber l I f fElder Elder will lea leave leaf eY for tor forthe j the Mission June Home June 27 ant from there will wUl go oh his mission July ruly 4 4 I j f I I i H S S GLENN WALKER Glenn Walker Glenn Ronald Walker son on of Mr and d Mrs Mis Glenn K Walker of Peoa Peon will be honored at a 11 testimonial at the Peoa Ward church Sunday June 19 at 7 30 pm p.m. On the e program will be Marlene Marlene Mar- Mar lene W lk Richard Walker K ri Fr Franson Ranson I hel Helen Walker Lois Maich Merchant Marchant nt Jean Je n Marchant Moses C C. Taylor Lamont Walker Walk Walk- er Afton v alker Glenn M Walker Gord Gordon n Taylor Bishop P Delbert ert Marchant and Grover Jensen |