Show Marchant Home from Vacation G G. G Reed need Marchant farchant South Summit Summit Sum Stun mit High School Schoot principal returned return return- ed June 12 from a wonderful vacation vacation vacation vaca vaca- tion in Washington D C C. C and Maryland Marland He Ire visited his daughter Jennie son son-in son law law George Hyde and grandchildren Cheryl George Marchant and Richard Lewis at Kensington ton Maryland Malland I Ha Ile spent two days daya on Capitol Cn ill visiting the Supreme Court tb the Senate and House of ot Re Representatives f o and saw them in ac coo- ti lion tion n. n He lie and Jennie had dinner at atthe atthe tb the Cafe guests leata of ot Contre Congressman aman H. H A A. A Dixon who Is fa Ji Afton's Attona cousin T They ey were dinner guests at tb the Ro Rosel ROlel el UrdU Hyde Mr Hyde la u Jennies Jennie's lAw father f Au and Is II one of th the mf n a judges Judge of Communications l. l fe lie Ite also alo visited with Darre Darrell 4 rm flattie Peterson former or r re re- of Oakley at SUrer Silver Springs ing Maryland I |