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Show SOCIAL SAVE NOW ON HIS CHRISTMAS GIFTS SLEEVELESS SWEATERS 2.49 Reg; 4.94 - MENS TROUSERS Regular 10.95 values NOW 8.50 -- 79? YEAR END AUTO CLEARANCE 5 NEW '60 MODEL CHEVROLETS and 2 Demonstrators i Drastically Reduced!! MODEL USED CARS - Fords Also ' Chevrolets - Ponfiacs going at RED HOT PRICES LATE , Native of East Juab County 433 C rett and children remained in Levan with her parents until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall and family of Spanish Fork visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wankier on Sunday. Mrs. Edna Lowe served a delicious chicken dinner on Sunday, the occasion being her birthday anniversary, to Mrs. Sophia Bosh, Mrs. Emily Bosh, Mrs. Ella Taylor, Mrs. Ruby Winter, Mrs. Bonnie Paystrup, Miss Vinnie Christensen, Mrs. Virginia Moss and three children. Mr. and Mrs. Fred visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson in Mapleton and with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen in Payson last week. n Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Shepherd and Mrs. O. H. Pierce were in Springville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Shepherd on Thanksgiving. . .. .. 56 30 .55 39 32 25 13 . ... 58 38 Dectt 7 40 23 23 -- - - Nephi Page Three Thursday, December 8. I960 Nephi, Utah Scout Monthly Meeting Set .00 .00 .00 Fred L. Gacld, district scout .00 chairman, announces the reg- 1 .13 .03 8 .00 lie asks that all committeemen be present and that each ward ular monthly meeting will be institutional representative be held December 13 at 7:30 at the present to participate in this Juab Stake Seminary budding. important programing session. LEVAN STATION & ie 5 vj' frs4 Date Nov. 30 N A Dec. Dec. Dec. V Dec. v f Dec. ri ' ; tft V' , K r, s V? - SOCIAL Low High Prec. 22 22 27 27 14 51 51 53 55 33 23 -- 1 .00 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS .00 .00 .00 .13 .02 - 4-- D BUY ITEMS OF HER All Automatic Ironer IRONRITE LEVAII y J " cif Nancy Anna Fleming of Montague, Michigan, Mia America of 1961, proudly displays the perfect gift for the special onea on your list a United States Savings Bond. On sal at your bank, this valuable "gift that keeps on giving is guaranteed to fit and guaranteed to please and makes for easy shopping, too. And $2.50 and 5.00 gift books, especially designed for Christmas are avail Savings able at your post offic. nmm dinner Day Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. Florence Rose-qui- st were Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Anderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Winter and family, all of Levan; Miss Marlene Anderson and Miss Edith Kohoilaw of Provo. Youll do your ironing in H the time giving you more precious hours to Mrs. N. G. Taylor visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Taylor on Thanksgiv- Jheprstcabs WERE INTRODUCED srgham baton THREE NSERYTCE H I&40 BY m put N FRONT OFA FAMOUS HOTEL OF 7He7)M. Thanksgiving day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mangelson were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brough and son Karl of Nephi; Mr. and Mrs. Ramaine Mangelson and three children ing. The birthday anniversary spend with your family Youll have even more beautiful looking ironing. Youll iron anything you can wash on an Ironrite easily and simply. Gone forever will be the hot toil Ni of Mrs. Annie B. Aagard was on Sunday, but was celebrated on Saturday by her family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The Doyle Beard in Nephi. table was decorated with a beautiful birthday cake as a centerpiece. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Nello Sudweeks (Alice) of Springville; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ligman (Myrtle) and son Sherlen of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Beard, Miss Miss Jennie Phyllis Beard, Kirkham, O. Sonnie Aagard, the honored guest, Mrs. Annie B. Aagard, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Beard. hand of PRICED AT ONLY 259.95 - Come LADIES and see our selection of - Reasonably tools for Him RANGES Put it on ice Priced WATER HEATERS We have ELECTRIC - AUTOMATIC WASHERS AND CLOTHES DRYERS FURNACE FILTERS of Levan and Clyde Ewell of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Taylor and family of Ogden visited with his mother, Mrs. Chris- ... and for His Work Shop, a on Sunday. TABLE SAW COMPLETE WITH MOTOR Mrs. was VC tine Taylor and other relatives Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Price, (Cora Lee) and daughter TamBonnie my, Byron Neilsen, Neilsen and Boyd Todd of Shit Lake City were over-nigguests on Saturday of their grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Nielsen. .PLUMBING AND builders supply ht GREENWOOD SERVICE - - Phone Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. day.. Mrs. Gar- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Peterson of Centerfield and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Beach of Green-rive- r visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sorensen on Sunday. Keo Sorensen of Orem also was a week end visitor at the Sorensen home. l 740 North Main on Thanksgiving . , REPORTS NEPHI STATION (Readings taken 10 a.m. daily) Date High Low Prec Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wankier and children of Delta and Mr. and Mrs. Max Garrett and children of Provo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Wankier Stephen-se- LADIES FINEST GRADE HOSE . Weather la Gift of Savings Bonds LEVAII MENS SPORT SHIRTS Regular 2.95 - NOW 1.98 -- Ibw Mist America Rejoices ITEMS OF Thanksgiving day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vem Mangelson were their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Mathews and family of Kearns; and Mrs. Emma Phone 30i 44 West Center St., Nephi THMUt UFT THAT COMCS IN LITTLE PACKAGES A UNITED SINES SAVm BOND MEASURES ONty 7KX34 INCHES. BUT SAWfGS BONDS ARB A LOTBG-- 5 THE YEARS. THEY NOT ONLY EARN ? MN A RULER SHOWS. THE GROW INTEREST FOR COLLEGE BUSINESS, THEY REPRESENT A EOT OF THINGS MOSTOF A 'A THINK ABOUfi SmONSER AMERICA, ,1 Mangelson. inline (fail Yiiin A the nicest things about .r 'i (: 's A Ci ! I a gift extension phone f J ; S'X V& A" ate its beauty - . - v iy V 'ervifiti From 6 Vo 8 p.m. All yo-u-, Gan Cat! Children under 6 Free $ and usefulness when Christmas is over GIFT PHONES FOR FRIENDS Adults $1.50 Children 6 to 15 75$ 0 : nappy idea that makes Christmas shopping easy. Whats more, the phone you select will be delivered in our colorful, new gift box. AND RELATP.ES- -A ORDERINGS EASY-Sim- p!y FOR BABY Electric Bottle Warmer Heatirg Pad Sun Lamp POR JUNIOR Electric Clock Electric Trouser Presser Electric Egg Cooker Small Radio Portable TV Set Electric Toys Study Lamp FOR DAD Electric Shaver Electric Shop Tools Electric Cofiee Maker Electric Bed Covering Rotisseric Garden Lighting Clock Radio FOR UNCLK Travel Iron Projector Tape Recorder FOR GRANDAD Reading Lamp Electric Exerciser Stereo Set Phonograph Night Lamp call the Telephone Business 0ff.ce and ask for Gift Service, or tell your telephone serviceman. UTAH POWER MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE t LIGHT CO. Buy now from your dooor. |