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Show Nephi Local and Social Items Jj t Mrs. Verl Goates of Center-fiel- d Utah Page Eight Thursday, December 8, I960 Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Jacobsen visited at the home of Nephi, spent two days of last week in her son in law and daughter, Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dee Jarrett on Mrs. Walter Vogt. Saturday and S'unday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilkey and Ronnie Sperry spent NEPHI YOUNG MAN You are $93 ahead this year because of taxes paid by Thanksgiving day in Mapleton TRAINING IN AIR FORCE Utah's mining industry. Without this industry, Utahns with her father, Delbert ChrisAT UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY would have to dig up an additional $20,000,000 In tiansen. tax money if the state, counties and cities tried to LOGAN Wiliam D. Goble, maintain present governmental services for the current Miss Kay Wilkey spent the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin M. recent Thanksgiving holidays Goble of Nephi, and a freshpopulation. And that would cost your family $931 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. man at the Utah State UniFred Wilkey. versity at Logan, has enrolled UTAH in the Air Force Reserve OfThe immunization clinic will ficers "From the earth comes an abundant life for all After Training Corps. be held December 13 at the two of basic instruction Juab County Court House, at and years two years of advanced 10 a.m. training, cadets are commisMr. and Mrs. William Wells sioned Second Lieutenants in and family of Provo were week the United States Air Force. end visitors of Mrs. John Wells. Mining lightens your tax load MIIIIIIG ASSOCIATION Kim Novak, Columbia Pictures Star, says: Im actually a veteran Bond saver. I started saving U. S. Savings Stamps when I was still In school in Chicago. Since then it's become more or less a habit for me to invest in U. S. Savings Bonds. "Another habit I have is making sure my Bonds are held to maturity. That way I get the full interest and have a bigger part in helping my country. finals at Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, this summer. The attrac- Mrs. Vivian Ackerman, Tucson housewife, is the top volunteer saleswoman for the Mrs. Treasury Department U. S. Savings Bonds, for 1961. Mrs. Ackerman, who is the mother of three children, was chosen in the Mrs. America" 4-- D Hosts Club GOWNS SUPS -- -Mrs. L. Eugene Beck was club hostess to the at her home last Thursday Mrs. Fred L. Gadd, evening. president of the club, presided and conducted the meeting. Litany was read by Miss Naomi Bailey. Mrs. P. L. Jones was in charge of the program which was on the techniques of Soviet propaganda. All club members participated in the discussion, giving some instance of how Soviet propaganda is re -- SKIRTS - HANKIES JEWELRY -- Come in and let us help you select the Christmas Gift of Your Choice Husbands ERMA'S DRESS SHOP Nephi, Utah ' m. $$ tsu 'V r y Sheaffer Pens and Pencils FARMERS have you seen the new Chain Saw we have on display? Its a honey! 4D Plumbing and Builders Supply at 44 West Center. , t'k ft Old Spice Toiletries for Men -- Electric Shavers Finger Nail Care Sets UTL-151-24- Dozens of other items to select from were Thanksgiving day NOTICE To all old and new members of the riding club. All won over the past trophies years are going to be returned to the winners to have and enjoy in their own homes.. Club elections will also be Almost new held and our financial report FOR SALE 440 John Deere crawler with will be read. All bills of the winch end dozer. Sacrifice club will be paid at this time Thursday, December 8 at 8 Moroni. 2966, price. Phone p.m. at the City Hall. Utah. An installation banquet is See our fine quality hand- planned within the coming few made Stieff Toys Chapman weeks to be paid for by the Furniture Co. 61 South Main club. on Wednesday, 1960, at 8 p.m. at the City Council room of the iCty Hall. The public is invited to attend. Nephi City Corp. by R. W. Christiansen, City Recorder RDM give the world's finest performing ALL NOW One nhM tfrninna limnnrrir fliiiri nr iMffiiiitfi tr! r mnitr at noon, one at night, One along the way . . , You never outgrow your need for Milk, Drink three glasses every day! or the man or woman who has everything CORDLESS CLOCK RADIO All transistor clock radio. I HARDTOPS STATION WAGONS PICKUPS Buy the family At low prices that will awaze you a HEW or and deals that USED CAR for Christmas will thrill you . . . JEA enjoys his autograph -- Clock traveler's companion RADIO 'Q&cJL475 To turn set on and off Change channels in either direction Adjust volume to three levels of sound Mute the sound Finest personal size radio with tone youd never dream possible! Powerful audio output. Tuned RF stage and tuning condenser brings in weak, distant stations. Choice of Black or Beige colors. FEWER SERVICE HEADACHES . . . because Zenith's chassis is handcrafted. No production shortcutsl All chassis connections are carefully handwired, hand soldered. S49.95 ZENITH QUALITY FEATURES for the outdoorsman POWERFUL PORTABLE RADIO AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 1tyoJL7IO SINCLAIR Products Front End Alignment Wheel Balancing Motor Overhaul 20,000 volts of picture power Sunshine Picture Tube e New Zenith Target Turret Tuner Spotlite Dial e Clnelene Picture Fin Cooled Power Transformer 3 Glass Stage I. F. amplifier t Bonded Safety Glass e onoff control Tone Control Two S' t 4' Zenith Quality Speakers. Dust-Tigh- Pull-pus- Managed alphabetical office Powerful audio output for outdoor listening Sensitive reception with Zenith Wavemagnet Antenna. Vernier tuning. Operates on low cost flashlight batteries. Attractive Saddle Brown color case with beautiful chromium elated grille. Qr Welding Brake Service Glass Replacement Lubrication Gold Strike Stamps with oas and oil 4.50 SS A BUTTON... TABLE-TRAV- JEHKIHS SALES 8 SERVICE 805 North Main O Nephi COMPLETE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Model F3350 In grained Walnut color, grained Mahogany color or grained Blond Oak color. Only Side MdJo Csetrel Shit Speaker Side per week Shirley Gay 60 gauge 15 Denier 2 pair (regular 1.49) only 99c Seamless stretch, 2 pr. now only 1.59 at Johnsons IGA Q Ele- 0 COME IN TODAY for Sinclairs Power X gasoline at Jenkins Sinclair Service its so potent you could drive to Mona on the fumes in your tank Fill up today at Jenkins Sinclair Service, 8th North and Main Stop In today for at REMOTE TV TUNING TUNE TV FROM YOUR EASVCHAIR O O SAVE 50c ON NYLONS SEDANS spacs eoimra shaped on swivel stand. Long distance AM radio operates on low cost flashlight batteries. .finioJ, Handsome gold POWER X I .. 23 overall diag. picture meas. 282 sq. in. of rectangular picture area. gant styling. Triangular rd AMERICAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION OF UTAH I ALL TRANSISTOR RADIOS Two sets of keys LOST Good supSTOKER SALE 1 with 4 keys) 3 with (1 unkeys used and new ply of both Furnace motors and near court house Monday night. its controls also in stock. Barton Finder please return to Times office and well forward Plumbing Co., 349 North Main News to the owner. Reward. them used FOR SALE Slightly KNOW YOUR ALPHABET? land leveling equipment. Case easy as ASC EAE Vt Vt Vs Its an Soil 900 tractor with easy as ABC this saving Its Mover Scraper. Priced to sell. at Alens See Grayson Roper. Oak City money on groceries our big adCash Store. Read Utah. vertisement on page four for the best bargains in Nephi, in fact the Levan or Mona best bargains in Central Utah. LI -- 4- I? - and remember, you can shop every night (except Sunday) until 8 p.m. ks 1961 December 28, twnnmili - Cameras - Films RAW-LEIGH- City for the calendar year MMMMiiiirnnuili Compacts to please the most particular of ladies Glades, McDonalds and Sweet's Boxed Chocolates Write, giving age, previous giving. S work, phone number. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ivan Tew 3, Dept. visited in Heber City with their Denver, Colorado. 3tipd son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Daniel from CHRISTMAS TREES Lim- Tuesday until Saturday of last ited supply John V. Garrett week. at 197 West 3rd North or Fred Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sud-weeWilkey at 463 East 3rd South. 6. y Max Factor and Evening in Paris Cosmetic and Gift Sets Boys Schwinn almost new Bicycle phone 474 Roy W. Hanson. FOR SALE The Lynn dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. organiza75 N. 6 East Mellor home at Sherman Wall in Provo. untions, schools, universities, Call Neldon Hanson, phone It 472J. ions and even churches. Mr. and Mrs. Nello Sudweeks was pointed out that even radof Springville visited with Mr. a certain io broadcasts contain and Mrs. Richard Sudweeks on amount of propaganda. SPECIAL Christmas cem- Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Those present were: Mrs. J. etery wreaths $3.00 and up Verl Sudweeks of Payson were E. Andrews, Miss Naomi Bai- Centerpieces made to order quests on Sunday. ley, Mrs. Eugene Beck, Mrs. potted plants, cut flowers and C. Frank Brough, Mrs. Clyde Nephi Floral, Neplanters Child, Mrs. Fred L. Gadd, Mrs. phi. Udell R. Jensen, Mrs. A. K. Johnson, Mrs. Cleon Memmott, IGA LIQUID DETERGENT Mrs. Frank Matheson, Mrs. E. full quart (10 oz more) only C. Sherwood and Mrs. P. L. 54c at Johnsons IGA where you Jones. buy all of your food at COST Case lots cost PLUS 10 plus NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING TREE RUN ROME BEAUTY Notice is hereby given that 900 APPLES $1.50 bushel will Corporation Nephi City hold its hearing on the budget South Main, Payson. Jackman 2ti to govern expenditures of the Fruit Farm. are most welcome and invited, too. GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR SALE into our - 345 North Main Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner and Miss Francis Taylor spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Salt Lake City with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Bailey of Salt Lake City were Thanksgiving week end visitors of her brother in law and sisLOST YOUR KEY? You can ter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. get another made quickly at Warner. 44 West Center. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Aiken and daughter Sandra of Spring City visited at the home of her SALESMEN WANTED Mr .and Mrs. C. R. WANTED AT ONCE Men parents,on Sunday. Tolley to supply Rawleigh household consumers in necessities to Mr. and Mrs. Duane Tidwell Juab County. Full or part and family visited in Moroni time. Old established demand! with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steady year around income. Forris Blackburn on Thanks- tive brunette volunteer ambassador will spend most of her time during the year touring "the country to promote the sale of U. S. Savings Bonds and Stamps. Mrs. Beck DRESSES -- BLOUSES SLACKS - ROBES -- Mr. and Mrs. Harold WarGIFT LISTS Tor weddings, ner and Mrs. May Memmott of etc. at FORSEYS Phone 87 Scipio were in Provo on Sat- and well do tne rest. afternoon. urday 61 SOUTH MAIN ST. Nephi, Utah |