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Show Universal lacrorUaii iAl Salt-- Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, December Single Copy 10c hand Anyone can see the writing on the wall especially if theres a kindergarten pupil in the house. reg Two verified cases of adult lead poisoning have been tracdish-war- e Twelve choice Pride of Utah" turkeys ed to the use of colored made by Laurel Pottery will go on the auction block next Saturday CaliforCompany of Stockton, as the second weeks drawing takname afternoon, the under sold nia and es place about 4 pm. on Main street. There Cerama-Ston- e. M- - D.. will be no cash Wharton D. bidding for the birds first 12 James. drawn will tell the story. Interim Director of Public coupons turkey Health urges any who have Last week two of the eight went to Morto repurchased such dishware one to Mona, one to Levan and the others oni, which turn It to the firm from to Nephi. This week the number is increased immediately. it was purchased to 12 and all the coupons from all the boxes up . reg Some folks are willing to If the forgive and forget Is right. price reg to approximate drawing time Saturday will be in the box for drawing. Next week end Saturday December 17 20 of the delicious birds will be on the firing line and all coupons from all three weeks will be in the box, Nephi merchants are grateful for the response of last week and many of them are again offering specials for the Town Meeting Questions Told On Wednesday, December 14 so at 7:30 p.m, at the Juab High (Were not lazy Just busy, school auditorium, the citizens were doing a little clipping) of East Juab County will meet View" From Ants Eye to discuss problems of administration and taxation of Juab Morgan County News. School District. The meeting do to What It used to be: is one of the series sponsored until the doctor comes. Now What to do by the Nephi Community Devits more often: elopment program. commercials. TV during the Questions outlined for disdo YOU do? What ' are as follows: cussion can Best deal of all, if you 1. What is your understandof one have to is aford it, ing of the responsibilities of these automatic snapper-offerofficvarious district-leve- l When the commercial comes on the es? screen you just television your lean back and push the button. Remote control. Of course you have to snap it back on. And you might miss something the clue on whether they went thataway or thisaway. . . whether it was the butler or the s. ' Club Hears of Progress in CD Program es maid. Some folks get up and go to The Nephi Kiwanis Club met the kitchen for a quick snack. up twice recently at the Snak This practice usually shows out Shak Cafe. On December 23 on the waistline . . (or the meeting was arranged by back). business affairs their eyes the public and Dr. A. A. BosOthers just close committee with and relax. ton in charge. Speaker was is Now me, I have a magazine Keith Wilson who currently Communon my lap and when- I have advisor to the Nephi in to listen to which soaphair-slic-or ity Development program which Nephi. or which cigarette Mr. Wilson explained the Short I read instead. Dithree phases of the program. Readers the in like stories alHe that four of the 16 I reported about right, gest are just committees have reported in ways say. the study phase. Dr. Boston announced that Or you can open a light conthe next "Town Meeting will versation . . . be held on Wednesday, DecWell, my dear, what did ember 14. you do with yourself today? On November 30, Rey Deckof the Juab High School facer I indeed! do What did I The worked like a dog all day. ulty was the speaker. was under the directmeeting 6 morning, this at Starting Education and Felafter I milked three cows . . ion of the lowship Committee with Reeve Better yet, better not open G. Richardson as chairman. a light conversation. I know a guy who puts his hat, brim up, across the room. During the hard sell he tries to toss cards into it. He's getResults of recent ASC comting pretty good (10 minutes munity elections have been announced as follows: practice every 30 minutes) Levan Harlin J. Williams, counter. the Then theres Erin Poulsen, vice chairman, He keeps track of how many chairman; Eugene S. Powell, a him during the evening he regular member; O. Sonnie after this message, Aagard first alternate and Anhears but first, . . and now here gus Christensen, second atler-nat- e. k, 2. Should the district remain in the high building? 3. Should all district high school students school in Nephi . attend sufficiently? All of these issues vitally 4. Is there respect in the concern residents of the entire for the teaching district. Residents of the area community are reminded of their pledge of profession? If not, why not? 5. Do you feel the teaching last February to support the is paid (a) about right? (b) Community Development too much?, (c) too little? and attend the Town 6. Is our district tax struct- meeting next Wedneday seven-inure satisfactory? Do we have 7:30 p.m., at the auditora large enough percentage al ium. pro-gam- g, Parents, Scoufers Health Forum Again Invited to Series to Open Training Courses chairman Theo Training Westring announces that training of scout leaders and parents is progressing but without too many trainees. He encourages all untrained Scout and Cub leaders to take advantage of this training opportunity. December 12 will be a Cub session on program planning and all Den Mothers and Pack leaders and parents who have not had this session are asked to participate. Next Wednesday, December 14 will be the Scout session on meetings and activities. This is important to all scout leaders as well as informative to parents of boys Lets fill these classes to capacity and all become trained leaders. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Vinton G. Steiner and his mother, Mrs. Millie Steiner of St. George spent Thanksgiving day in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Steiner. Ma-plet- ASC Election Results Given (Inddently, whatever hapI mean just pened to soap? never plain soap? There was m any argument about soap soap the washtub. You put inclothand you took out clean es and that was the business, kid. Whats the big So what do YOU do? Well bet two bits you dont listen. to-od- Mac. Mona chairman, Elgy N. Ellertson, Loras Kay, vice chairman; Claude Kay, regular member; Alger Sutherland, first alternate and Floyd Keyte second alternate. DeVon Winn Nephi North r, Mid- - January The Extension Service is to announce that the Utah Medical association again will participate in sponsorship of a series of health forums similar to those held last winter, according to Dr. Marden Broadbent, District Extension Director; and Velyn Stevens, home agent. At the close of the series of health forums held last year a survey was made to determine the public interest in continuing these programs. As a result of the survey the Health Forum Committee met and made plans to hold the first forum on Wednesday, January 11 in the Juab High school auditorium. The subject to be discussed, according to the survey, will be Strokes" which probably will include high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and circulatory diseases. A surgeon and medical internist will participate on this panel. A very important item in planning these forums is the questions the public would like to have answered. If each person will send or call their question to the Extension Service (phone 164) a program can be planned that will be of real benefit to the residents of the county. pleased Chariman, Raymond Pay, vice chairman, Grant Allen, regular member; Jesse Bailey, first alternate; Perry C. Hal, second alternate. Nephi South: Reese Painter, Vaughn Paxman, chairman; vice chairman; Fred Pace, regular member; Maurice first alternate and Wm. Paxman, second, alternate. The chairman of each comshould be submitmunity committee is a delegate tedQuestions within the coming week or Convention to to the County ten days. select a county ASC committee. This convention will be Other health forums now in held on December 19, 1960. the planning are: February 8, on Kidney diseases; March 8 on digestive disorders to include gall bladder, pancreatic and ulcers. Mem-mot- t, Lake cityy Utah Volume 51, Number 49 Ute Stampede Dates Are Set; Services Today Three Directors Are For Mrs. Glynn Uniforms For Band Planned Re-elect- ed Association held Monday evening at the Juab County Court House. Three directors were to serve for a period of two years. Renamed to the board were Bill Howard, Jack Brough and R. A. Jackson. T. Hanson . Funeral services will be conducted today (Thursday) at 2 p.m. for Mrs. Laura Glynn Hanson, 48, who died Monday at 7 a.m. .at a Salt Lake City hospital after a short illness. Mrs. Hanson was the wife of Levon M. Hanson. At an organization meetthe public ing following meeting Mr. Brough was elected president for tho coming year. Other officers named include Maurice Tolley, vice president Parents of the band students with Lorin Christensen, secof Juab High School have rec- retary and R. A. Jackson as ently elected the following as treasurer. officers: Mrs. Harlow Pexton, Others on the board are J. E. Robertson, William Cooper president; Earl Warner, Mrs. Thayne offices located to regular school use? 7. What is your evaluation school of the school lunch program? What is attitude of students? junior Are the lunch workers paid t U3rP 8, I960 The Ute Stampede association spent a total of $3,715.30 for labor and material during the 1960 Stampede, according to the treasurers report given at the annual meeting of the From the Mall Baf fifcarpont Av&mo Jar- and Mr. Howard. Dates for the 1961 Ute Stamrett, secretary-treasure- r. These officers wall help to pede were set as July 13, 14 promote projects that wil be and 15. of help to the band. They will organize committees of other band parents to assist in these various projects. Foremost pro- Funeral Services ject at present is to raise funds to purchase new uniforms for Held Monday for the band. , committee for Nominating the new officers was James P. Alonzo A. Boswell McCune, Mrs. Fred L. Gadd and Kay Stuart. Services were conducted on Monday for Alonzo A. Boswell, 55, who died at his home in Legion Auxiliary Nephi Friday, December 3rd. Bishop J. B. Jenkins of the Nephi Third Ward conducted Christmas Parly the services. Mr. Boswell was bom OctHeld Recently ober 11, 1905, at Nephi, a son of Owen and Mary Anderson The American Legion Aux- Boswell. He was educated in ilary, Unit No. 1, held their the Nephi school.s He married Christmas party Monday Dec- Stella Harris, and they later ember 5 at the home of Mrs. were divorced. The home Roy McPherson. Surviving are two daughteis was beautifully decorated in a and a son: Mrs. Connie Craig Christmas motif. of Santaquin; Miss Trudy BosTwo district No. 4 officers, well, Salt Lake City; and RichMrs. Vioene Reese and Bertha ard Karl Boswell, Nephi; also Duggas were present. They surviving are four grand childcave interesting talks and gave ren; three brothers, M. O. 'instructions for the coming Boswell, Laurence Boswell and year. They also expressed their Milton Boswell, Nephi; and a thanks for the unit response sister, Mrs. Myrtle Barrett of to the call for Christmas gifts Berkeley, California. sent to the Veterans hospital Burial in the Vine Bluff cemlast week. etery was directed by AnderDelicious refreshments were son Funeral home of Nephi. served to the following: Wanda Burridge, Melda Fackrell, MONA The Mt. Nebo Foote, Blanche Cooper, Viola Ockey, the visiting guests Camp of the Daughters of the Bertha Duggas and Vioene Utah Pioneers are holding a Carnival at the Reese, and the hostess, Mrs. Christmas Mona Ward Recreational Hall Coequella McPherson. on Saturday, Decembber 10 at 7:30 p.m. A good program is being readied for the affair. There wil be fun for everyone Engagement Told with dart games, cake walks Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Jack-so- n and a fish pond. There will be announce the engagement eats to sell, and door prizes and approaching marriage of will be given. Top prize is a their daughter, Miss JoAnn beautiful quilt made by the D. Jackson to Steven L. Kay, son U. P. members. of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kay of All funds will be used toMona. ward a sprinkler system for A late December marriage the Memorial park at Mona. is being planned by the young All residents of East Juab couple. County are invited at attend. Friends may call at the Lounge room of the chapel from 11 a.m. until time of Mrs. May P. Burton Open House to Honor Matron Open house Saturday between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. will honor Mrs. May Pexton Burton on her 80th birthday anniversary. The family of Mrs. Burton invites her many relatives and friends to call during that time. Mrs. Pexton, widow of Judge Thomas H. Burton, was bom December 9, 1880, at Nephi, a daughter of James Dales and Mary Ellen Grow Pexton. The Pexton family home at that time was across the street to the west from Mrs. Burtons present home at 196 West 1st North. Mrs. Burton began her LDS church work at an early age as organist for the North Ward Primary, and later served as organist in ward and Sunday School. She also served as secretary of the Stake Relief Society and as president of the Nephi Ward YWMIA. She is an active Relief Society teacher in the Nephi Third Ward. Mrs. Burton also has been active in civic affairs. She has been a member of the Ladies Literary Club since 1919. In 1958 she was one of the nominated Mothers of the Year by the Federated Clubs of Nephi. She was maried to Thomas Burton January 14, 1903 in the Salt Lake Temple. Mr. Burton died in 1930. Mrs. Burtons family consists of Dr. Marcus H. Burton, Oral Surgeon practicing in WashingHyrum ton D. C. since 1944 and now residing in Salt Lake City; Mrs. Glen (Florence) Worthington, Logan; Mrs. Clem F. Hesse, La Jolla, (Blanche) California; Clarence G. Burton, automobile salesman of Salt Lake City; Dr. Alma P. Burton of Orem, dean of admissions and records, B. Y. U. and Lee Clark Burton, counseling teacher at Granger High School. Three sons have filled missions for the L. D. S. Church. Second Ward. Surviving are her husband; two daughters and a son: Claudia Glynn and Koa Rae and Hanson, both of Nephi; Russell Don Hanson, with the U. S. Navy stationed at Adak. Alaska; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Dell Taylor of Nephi; one grand child; a brother and two sisters: Don Taylor of Salt Lake City; Ila Coates of Nephi and LaVell Peterson of Orem. Scouts Set Year's Slogan The Boy Scouts of America new theme for the 1961 year Strengthen America . . Character Counts". Those outstanding citizens in your community who always are ready to serve you'd be surprised how many of them were Boy Stouts in their youth. All throughout America, in small communities and great cities, it has been found that those who were Scouts in their youth go on to outstanding citizenship. For nearly 51 years the Boy Scouts of America have won acclaim for its program for character development, citizenship training and physical fitness. So effective has been this program that the results are living examples men of the highest calibre physically, mentally and morally taking their place in every field. Millions have climbed the Scouting trail to go to dedicated adult service. America needs millions more such devoted citizens to maintain Americas strength and freedom. Strngthen America Character Counts support your local Boy Scout program see America grow. Nautilus Literary Club Hears Suggestions on Home-Mad- e ... Congratulations to Mrs. LaRae Jarrett membership of the the and very First Ward choir forrecent fine numbers during the stake conference. And to Mrs. can C. W. Glazier . . she sure sing! make thhat organ to most of the Main street merchants who were out last week early this week and to get the snow off and . the it bare pavement showing . cleaned surely is nice to have walks. . . And to the City George Park (in our end of town) for getting the sidewalks in the residental Ne-p- er area scraped. the . and speaking of snow, crews State, County and City ally reserve a lot of praise for their woak during the past Beyond the call two weeks. their jf duty aptly explains of fine work. Thanks to each ays: sn see the wall hand-th- e the to translate it. Speech, Music Groups Plan Yule Program hi ... Walk-mak- Bishop Kenneth Nyman of the Nephi Second Ward will direct the services, and interment in the Vine Bluff cemetery will be directed by Anderson Funeral home. Mrs. Hanson, an active mem-oe- r of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints, was born at Plano, Idaho, January 26, 1912, a daughter of V. Dell and Laura Livingston Taylor. She was married to Levon M. Hanson June 22. 1938 in the Manti Temple. She had made her home in Nephi with Mr. Hanson and their family for the past 18 years. Mrs. Hanson had been active in the Primary association and as a member of the Genealogical Committee of the Nephi y reg ... service. The Nautilus Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Ostler for their regular meeting on Thursday evening, December 1, with Mrs. Lee Boswell, president, conducting. Club collect was read by Mrs. LaMont McPherson and the pledge of allegiance was led at School on Dec. 16th The Music and Speech departments of the Juab High School are preparing a Christmas music program to be presented on December 16 at the Juab High school auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Thela who is over the speech department has prepared the script. The program theme will be "Christmas Carols of the various countries and their orThe Times-New- s igin. The musicaal numbers Personality Mystery wall be under the direction of is on the way up again! jackpot Royden Hill, director of the This week it moves to a total of $34 00 music department as Mr. Clue outsmarted the field last week and as Mrs. Erma Garrett, personality prize A joint advisory board electwanner of $6 00, failed to have enough clues to ion wol be held December 13 at the Millard County Court- wan. There were 26 clue buried in the adverdisplay house at Fillmore for the pur- tisement of sponsoring merchants two members advertisements and want ads! Mrs. Garrett of pose electing (tauet) w demonstrated to tho public and industry at Cbar lotto, to the Fillmore District No. 10 and as far as we could se everyone else Mich., to show bow this automatic Indoor warnia device could Advisory Board (Nebo) and Miles A. Anderson, local fire chief and sent a aver lines. power alert the whole population by special slrual two members of the Fillmore picked Leo A. Hoefh, director of tho Office of Civil sad Defense Mebiiiaa-Uas the personality. And If you were mortician, D strict No. 3 advisory board prooood the bvttew aetivatlaf the wanhf demonstration. eagle-eyeyoud found all 28. (Pahvant). PhoSsS. IOOOM Wan-kie- r, Contest Jackpot Hits $34. m, d Gifts This week the $6.00 personality prize and the $28 00 clue count prizes add up to $34 00 which would help most anyone with their Christmas shopping. You may deposit your entries this week with Greenwood Service, Chapman Furniture, Pratt Merc. Co., and Carter Cleaners. And dont just hurry in and hurry out pause a few minutes to thank these merchants for making the prize money available to you and take a good look at what they have to offer you. Selection of the winner will be at Pratts next Monday at 10 a m. or thereabouts. by Mrs. Blaine Belliston. Mrs. Velyn Stevens of the Juab County Extension Service was present and demon-starte- d how to make decorations for Christmas. Everyone enjoyed a very interesting evening. Those present were Mrs. Forrest Anderson. Mrs. Evan Blackett, Mrs. Lee Boswell, Mrs. Jay Bowles, Miss Corrine Garrett, Mrs. Kenneth Ingram, Mrs. Theodore Jones, Mrs. LaMont McPherson, Mrs. James H. Ockey Jr. Mrs. Norman Ostler. Mrs. (Heston Park. Mrs. William Sperry. Mrs. Richard Whittington, Mrs. Don Beck, Mrs. Blaine Belliston, Mrs. Jack Carter. Mrs. Neil Kay, the special guest, Mrs. Stevens. and the hostess, Mrs. |