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Show W - T" Nephi, Utah Thursday, December 8, I960 Two Page ITEMS OF SCHOOL SOCIAL LUNCH MENUS PROBATE FOR WEEK Give Yourself a Christmas Present Menus in the Juab School sliced pickled beets, buttered District lunch program for the spinach, celery stick stuffed week of December 12 through with peanut butter, grapefruit Decemtier 16 have been an and bananas, cheese rolls with butter, milk. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Jensen nounced as follows: Good sup- and family of Murray were STOKER SALE Monday day dinner guests e Irish stew, sauted ply of both new and used un- Thanksgiving Mrs and Mr. of her parents, Furnace motors and its slaw, apricot halves, date and Mrs Newton. Mr. controls also in stock. Barton Percy and daughter brownies, biscuits and butter, Basil Plumbing Co., 349 North Main Robyn Shepherd Recently admitted patients at of Salt Lake City also milk. the Juab County Hospital invisited with them. Tuesday clude the following: LOST YOUR KEY? You can Mr. and Mrs. Richard MorSliced baked smoked ham, Allan Kay, Mona get another made quickly at ris of Santa Monica, California potatoes au gratin, lemon but44 West Center. Marjorie Burton, daughter of flew up to spend the Thanks tered brussels sprouts, Christ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton, Mr. and with mas ribbon salad, mince meat Nephi. giving holidays FOR SALE Slightly used Mrs. W. II. Summers. They also tarts, bread and butter, milk. Shorl Vance Ericksen, son of land leveling equipment. Case visited in Salt Lake City with Mr. and Mrs. Shorl Ericksen of Wednesday Soil Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sum900 tractor with an Mt. Pleasant Chili meat delux, green salMover Scraper. Priced to sell. mers and in Orem with Mr. Tanya Stephensen, daughter caulSee Grayson Roper, Oak City and Mrs. Robert Summers, ad with fresh spinach and of Mr. and Mrs. Kenard Stepiflower Mr. were entertained Utah. buds, by plums purple they hensen, Springville. and Mrs. Ken Newberry and whole wheat cooldes, eornmeal Louise Johnson, foster child Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newton. Parkerhouse rolls with butter, of Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. GIFT LISTS Tor weddings, milk. Neilsen, Lynndyl. etc. at FORSEYS Phone 87 The family of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pay, Nephi W. H. Summers had Thanks and well do tne rest. Thursday Milo Cazier, Nephi Turkey jambalaya, buttered giving dinner at the home of Mrs. Earl McPherson, Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Russell Neilsen. green beans, blushing pear FOR SALE Boys Schwinn Leslie Jean Dalby, daughter salad on crisp lettuce leaf, almost new phone of Mr. and Mrs. Deaa Dalby, Bicycle Bryant Young was honored whole date wheat muffins, 474 Roy W. Hanson. by his Sunday School class with Nephi chews, milk. a party on November 26. He cranberry Scott May, son of Mr. and entered the mission home on Mrs. Richard May, Nephi Friday FARMERS have you seen November 28. Scrambled eggs and bacon, Sylvia Romero, Fairview. the new Chain Saw we have on display? Its a honey! 4D Mrs. Arnold Kay of Salt Lake Plumbing and Builders Supply City was a week end guest of at 44 West Center. her brother in law and sister, MONA See our fine quality handChapman made Stieff Toys Furniture Co. 61 South Main Almost new FOR SALE John Deere crawler with winch and dozer. Sacrifice Moroni, price. Phone 2966, Utah. 440 WANTED SALESMEN Men WANTED AT ONCE to supply Rawleigh household consumers in necessities to Full or part Juab County. time. Old established demand! Steady - year around income. Write, giving age, previous S work, phone number. Dept. Denver, Colorado. RAW-LEIGH- UTL-151-24- 3, 3tipd CHRISTMAS TREES LimJohn V. Garrett ited supply at 197 West 3rd North or Fred Wilkey at 463 East 3rd South, The Lynn FOR SALE Mellor home at 75 N. 6 East Hanson, phone Call Neldon 472J. raisin-appl- NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of and 135, Utah Title Code annotated, 1953, the State Tax Commission of the State of Utah will sell as is the following described property at public auction to the highest bidder at the hour and place shown below: Wednesday, the 28th day of December, 1960, Greenwood Service, 740 North Main Street, Nephi, Utah, at - 4-- CHRISTMAS TREES for Bale Colorado Fur and Spruce Available December 5 at Corbett, 244 North 1st East, Ne4tlp phi the purchase price to be payable in lawful money of the United States of America. The seller reserves the right to bid. Dated this 2nd day of Decern FREE use of our Carpet WHEN YOU THINK OF Shampooer with purchase Of ChapBlue Lustre Shampoo INSURANCE PHONE 636!!! man Furniture Co.. 61 South Date of publication: December Get a 20-l- 8, 1960. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the BOARD OF COUNTY JUAB COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY, NEPHI, UTAH, will receive bids for furnishing all labor, materials, transportat-o- n and services for the construction of an Addition to the present Hospital, at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Each bid is to be in accordance with and plans and specifications Dther contract documents now on file with the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JUAB COUNTY, where they may be examined and copies may be obtained from the LEWIS Architect, 290 North Uni versity Avenue, Provo, Utah upon deposit of $50.00 per set which deposit will be refunded upon return of such copy in good condition within five days after the bids are opened. If any contractor desires more than one set he shall pay $25.00 for such set, which amount shall not be returnable. Bids will be received for one contract covering General Con ERIC-SANDSTRO- struction, Electrical Construct ion and Mechanical Construction (plumbing, heating and ventilating), and one contract will be awarded for the entire project. Bids will be publicly opened at the office of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JUAB COUNTY, NEPHI, UTAH, at 2:00 p.m. on Dec ember 29, 1960. Each bid shall be made out on a form to be obtained at the Architects 'office; shall be accompanied by a certified check, or cash iers check or bid bond for 5 of the amount of the bid, made payable to the order of the BOARD OF COUNTY JUAB COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY, NEPHI, UTAH. The above mentioned check or bond shall be given as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract if one is awarded to him, and will be declared forfeited if the successful bidder refuses to enter into said contract after being requested so to do by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The successful bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory Performance Bond In the amount of his contract, and a Satisfactory Payment Bond in the amount of 50 of his con- tract The BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, JUAB COUNTY, reserves the right to reject any or all bids or waive any informality in a bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening thereof. Dated this 28th day of November, 1960. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. JUAB COUNTY, By R. Elgin Gardner, Chairman ATTEST: James P. Christensen, Clerk (Seal) Dates of publication: Decemb-- i er 1, 8, 15 and 22. 1960. in The Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah.. of March, A. D. 1961. ; s JENNIE L. STEELE, executrix of the estate of? Earl H. Steele, deceased, j Dates of publication: Novemb-- j er 17, 24 and December J and 8, 1960. - Estate Dates of publication: Novernb-- 1 er 17 and 24; December 1 and 8, 1960. ystery Reward Offered! A CONTEST ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS IN NEPHI AND EAST JUAB COUNTY DEPOSIT ENTRIES WITH ANY OF THESE FOUR BUSINESSES THIS WEEK X NORBEST b. CHRISTMAS TURKEY with the purchase of a UNICO HOME FREEZER You can eat better for less with a wonderful Unico Home Freezer. Your savings will help pay for the freezer. Unico gives you many features of the freezer models and assures you years of trouble-fre- e and the prices are LOWI seivice top-price- d ... Chest-Ty- Models pe feet 13-17-- Upright Models and 21 feet 17 High carbon steel head, forge finish, polished face and Just quality hickory handle HAMMERS smooth STOCK-O-MATI- $00 WATER C Jamesway Model PJ 1454. Fiberglass Trough, Cattle Size Hi-B- 7530 Special JAMESWAY VOLUMATIC SILO UNLOADER Three point - suspension and positive circledrive. Fast, high volume disSpecial charge. (You save $277) 1110 JAMESWAY PIT CLEANER Valued at $1396, you can get clearance sale at just. ft. coop.) MOUNTED SPRAYER Six row, boom Roller, now on 40x80 (Will handle TRAILER it (plus Trailer, Pump Sprint U-- 800 installation) economy model. package with Emparco SOAA 4.UU (You Save $57) Big Reductions on 10 feet X 52 inches 12 feet X 52 inches 14 feet X 52 inches 16 feet X 52 inches JAMESWAY AUGER STEEL 10 . S4 $31 83 ... $34 SO FEEDER Reduced for quick sale. about this special. TIRES FARM GATES: $7? 00 . (Floor Display Model) Ask your Branch Manager Reductions on all BATTERIES ACCESSORIES (Tires for car, truck or tractor; tubes, batteries of air sizes, bicycle tires and tubes, spark plugs, oil filters, grease and oil.) These are practical Christmas Gifts at Bargain Pricesl See your Branch Manager UTAH POULTRY & FARMERS COOPERATIVE R. Roscoe Garrett, Mgr. So" of By1 j TO CREDITORS of Elmer Meldrum,! deceased. Creditors will present! claims with vouchers., to the: undersigned at. the law officer of Udell R. Jensen, 125 North! Main Street, Nephi, Utah, on! or before the 18th day of' I March, A. D. 1961. s GENEVA MELDRUM,! Executrix of the estate Meldrum, deceased.! NOTICE Our 34.00 ' ers to the undersigned at the law office of Udell R. Jensen ; 125 North Main Street, Nephi i Utah, on or before the 18th day' - 509. : deceased. Steele, Creditors will present claims with vouch- Furnished FOR RENT apartments at Kendall apartPhone 19 for informents Sedan Chevrolet Motor or ID. No. B57K 176 ber, 1960. STATE TAX COMMISSION G. W. Barben, Secretary State Tax Commission Who TO CREDITORS Estate of Earl II. Steele, aka E. H. Steele, Earl Harold Patient List Trade in FURNACES that old furnace on a new oil Material or coal furnace work and furnaces guaranteed BARTON first quality PLUMBING & HEATING 347 North Main Street, Phone 95W 10:30 A.M. 1957 NOTICE 4-- D Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keyte. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Neilsen and Mrs. David Neilsen spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lofgran at Granger. AND GUARDIAN- SHIP NOTICES. Consult Juab County Clerk or Respective signer for additional Information. Western Advertising Enterprises. 34 West Broadway, P. O. Box "Mystery Personality fp) by Western Advertising EnteroriUT 1327 Salt Qty' UU |