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Show Nephi, Utah Thursday, December 8, Page Four I960 30OIAL ITEMS OF LEVAN nz Addresses Missionary Because of numerous requests, we are printing herewith the addresses of missionaries from Juab Stake, as far as we Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Gard- have been able to obtain them. We realize that there are ner spent ThanksNATIONAL EDITORIAL givingandin family Salt Lake City at others in the mission field but they are not located at the the home of their son in law present time. Perhaps by next week we can bring you the Of and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. remaining addresses: IXJUf SIATtl SOC1ATIOX Grant Kendall. Elder Don Worthington Mr. and Mrs. J. B.Thom and Box 72 Auckland, New Zealand Published every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. family of Springvile, and Mr. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah, as second class and Mrs. Bill Cowan and famElder Judd D. Morgan mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. were Sunday ily of Dugway Caxia Postal 76 months Si. $2.25. dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Subscription rates: One year $4.00; Sao Borja, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil John D. Shepherd. Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising rates on request. The Civicettes held their Elder Tom A. Hayes h regular meeting on Wednes Street N. W. Publishers: A. B. Gibson and Roy .. Gibson day at the home of Mrs. Irene Dakota North Minot, with Geraldine Mangelson Roy E. Gibson as hostess. Rosequist acting Elder Michael Emery Beck Mrs. Velyn Stevens, Juab home 89 Avenue Paul Pasteur Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah demonstration agent, showed Mardnelle (Hainaut) Belgium Christmas gift suggestions durthe ac ing evening. She was 1 companied Elder James R. Paystrup by Mrs. Louis KiZ' sak. Those present were Enid P. O. Box 121 Worwood, Louise Taylor, Irene Alma, Georgia J TMf 500-12t- Editor-Manage- r: MARIE S FASHIONS COATS AND 20Vo SUITS Mangelson, Codeal Brough, Melba Ballow, Eileen Ballow, Blanche Stephensen, Stephensen, Marva Shepherd, Pauline Mangelson, Floy Harper special guests, Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Kizsak and the hostessess, Mrs. Roequist. OFF Myrtis DRESSES REDUCED FOR Slips Elder Thomas R. Lomax 20a) HILDESHEIM MARIENSTR 3 GERMANY Handbags - Gowns - etc. Elder Karl Dee Ostler General Delivery Picture Butte, Alberta, Canada - Gloves - Jewelry - Accessories 3 co Elder Paul Orme Viglangdsgaton 12 Goteborg, Sweden MB Bo then Jambrott Elder Grant Taylor Priorveg 12 Copenhagen, Denmark Street Christchurch, New Zealand Today, thousands of American youngsters are buying U. S. Savings Bonds by saving 100 Elder Melvin D. Wilkey 50 Princes Gate Exhibition Road London S. W. 7, England and 250 Savings Stamps. Stamps are sold at many schools through the Treasurys school savings program, for each dollars worth of merchandise be given away to a customer on they can be exchanged for Bonds. While they save for Bonds, these children are learning lessons in good citizenship and thrift. And at the same time theyre helping to keep our country strong. SATURDAY DEC. 10 U.S. Savings Bonds purchased at our store, the purchaser will receive one ticket - A turkey will Presence not necessary to win GRAHAM ELDER NELSON L. JONES BRAKE UNDER WESER HARRIUSTR 39 BEI STEINKE, GERMANY and at all Post Offices. And as the stamp albums are filled, full-fledg- Elder Steven S. Morgan 360 South M. Street Pensacola, Florida Elder Martin Poulsen 825 South Lincoln Santa Marla, California You tave more than money teith 4451 Englewood, Colorado The V. S. Government does not pay for this 4dvertising. The Treasury Department thanks, for their patriotic donation, The Advertising CouneU ' Elder Mark C. Warner Sheridan Chattanooga 11, Tennessee 14 1903 Shelby Avenue Nashville, Tennessee Elder Ross Christensen Ward sgt. 41$ SODA CRACKERS 45C 2 LB BOX 3 pfcgs 95c PILLSBURY CAKE MIX HERSHEYS CHOCOLATE CHIPS - - 4 pitgs 89c ROLLS 89c TOILET TISSUE DIXIE SORGHUM- - - - - Vz gallon 1.69 POWDERED SUGAR-- - -- 2 Pkgs for 31C COOKIES - forge Variety - lb pkgs 2 fr 89C WHITE STAR CHUNK TUNA -- 29c SWIFT ICE CREA M- - - - Vi gallon - - 69c --12 1 Elder Niles R. Broadhead EfopSai IFire? or ----- Elder Grant D. Williams South Cherokee Buy them where yon work or bank Box 17, Elberta, Alabama Elder Richard Sudweeks 1408 Rhode Island Avenue N. W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 2 for 99 TV Elder Lowell M. Jones 517 West 9th Street Pueblo, Colorado We realize, also, that many would appreciate having ser- mens addresses published, but insufficient time this week makes it impossible. We shal attempt to have the list published next week insofar as we have addresses available at our office. May we suggest (1) that air mail postage be used on overseas addresses, and (2) that proper first class postage be used on domestic addresse in order that forwarding privileges PASCO ORANGE JUICE vice ftirecokv will be available on your Christmas mail. Missionaries often! (3) Place your return address on the envelope. move 6 ozcans ORANGES -- Navels 6 for 1.00 - CORN - BEANS Snow Crop -- - 5 pkgs PEAS 1.00 COMMODORE JOHN R0DGERS 2 heads 250 LETTUCE Very CHOICE BAHAHAS lb 10c snedaD III. 45k Sliced to your desired thickness All you Gan Cat! WHEN JOHN RODGERS SUNK BRITISH Children under 6 Free - - per lb 90 - - each - - 90 SWIFTS BACON -- Big Bargain - per lb - - 49$ SWIFT BALOGNA The Best - by piece lb 39C 6 to 8 p.si Adults $1.50 Children 6 to 15 75$ 3c - Sunkist AVOCADOS CELERY HEARTS Cello -2- Serving From 69$ . Salad Dressing Mr .and Mrs. Wesley A. Lynn 114A Somerfield IE). CHEERIOS OR WHATIES - 4 for 1.00 HERSHEYS INTANT COCOA 2 lb 6 oz cans - Each 79c 8 oz size 75c POSTUM 7 for 1.00 SHUREFINE MILK -- Mans CLEANSING TISSUE ----- 5 Pta for 1.00 TANG LUNCH MEAT - 2 oz can - - 39c iWestf. Steinrutherstr - 2 bEwald Berkey WGermany New our "NEW MOVIE STAR LINGERIE" -l- vwmfrOTnmnMT.Tnnnnnnrnr. Elder Galen N. Gadd THIS BIG PRE CHRISTMAS EVENT 3e Ms Bros Coflfoe Pueblo, Colorado HAGEN - - junjmnnr Elder Chad P. Winn P. O. Box 235 Steger, Illinois Elder Gordon A. Jones 727 West 13th Fern Wankier, Carol Hansen, Bonnie Bosh, Bonnie Paystrup, lb29c TASTEWELL MARGARINE for WONDER BREAD- - - Reg- loaves 4 89c Sperrys PANCAKE FLOUR--4HM5LOG CABIN SYRUP ar9e24ozsize-49c KELLOGG'S CEREALS - Corn Pops, Frosted Flakes - Sugar Smacks - OK's - All Stars 4 Ps 1.00 LITTLE T HI REIT IN A NIGHT ACTION IT WAS ONE I OF THE FINAL SFARKS WHICH TOUCHED OFF THE WAR OF 1B1J., GIVEN COMMAND OF THE US. NAVY BY PRESIDENT MADISON, RODGERS COUNTED SPARS. HE HAD SIX SHIPS READY Of SEA DUTY. A SEVENTH 43C lb 39C per pound PURITAN PICNICS - Beady to eat PORK CHOPS - Special per pound 59$ ORDER YOUR TURKEY FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER NOW--- Headed LDS area 10 years THE FAMED CONSTITUTION, WAS UNDER REPAIR. WITH THIS HANDFUL OF VESSELS HE TACKLED AN ENEMY WITH 600 SHIPS. THE OUTCOME IS HISTORY. RODGERS AND HIS MEN f OUGHT AND WERE VJCTOl O US OVER THE BEST THE ENEMY HAD AFLOAT. ' ( MEATSGROCERIESFRUITSVEGETABLES.Phone 6 Nephi, Utah |