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Show t tah December 8, I960 Thursday, Page Five Cdr. RICHARD OKANE 1 NOW for the big Horns-Confetti-Mi- Es-pli- over-nig- A. Ivie of Scipio. Son, bom December 2 to Mr. ad Mrs. Donald Allbee of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Meredith of Pay-so- n and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allbee of Des Moines, Iowa. Great grand mother is Mrs. Bertha Allbee of Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lomax Mrs. Nadine P. Chappell xers Air. Fri- Mrs. Wilford Springville visited of her brother In ter, Mr. and Mrs. last week. Westman of at the home A marriage license was issued on December 6 to DeVere Kelsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Brigham Gar- Arthur F. Kelsen of Payson rett had as their Thanksgiving and Donna Jean Bowles, the day dinner guests of Mr. and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Duane Garrett and family Spencer L. Bowles by James of Kaysvile, Mr. and Mrs. Law- P. Christensen, Juab County rence Garrett of Ely, Nevada Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Garett, Max and baby and Mrs. Garrett Pearl Dahien all of Provo. YOUR OLD WATCH IS Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gadd WORTH MORE ON and family of Salt Lake iCty TRADE IN AT spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. NEPHI JEWELRY and Mrs. A. V. Gadd. Phone 341 Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Chester Foote ' BO YEARSI AGO. WHEN CAR8 HEADLAMPS, NIGHT TRAVEL WAS HAZARDOUS ji No Stags IGA ADVENT OFTHE GENERATOR j NOT ONLY PROVIDED ADEQUATE HIGHWAY LIGHTS, BUT PAVED WAY FOR Peaches llA size cans No. 40 oz package Package opportunity. Enjoy these advantages as an owner of a coin operated car wash multiple operation. No land to lease, no building to buy, no fixed overhead, no labor problems, no experience necessary. We furnish location. Instructions and training. You furnish $2,990 and reap the profits. Can be handled without disturbing present occupation. Write for local interview. WESTERN SALES FEATURES OF TODAY'S CARS. Kg 5 packages IGA TABLERITE S- - Family consists of - lb Many I and .. from 698 to 10.00 styles-pric- ed Sheets - 2.49-7.9- 8 Towel Sets 1 .98-3.9- 8 PRATTS Boise, Idaho GIVE HER BEAUTIFUL HOSE -- -- 79 pair 2 PAIR 1.00 HOW ONLY ALL FIRST GRADE LEOTARDS - Childrens i LB CHEESE-- - - 98c fh LADIES COTTON SWEATERS MOST IMPORTANT ELECTRICAL ADVANCE IS THE ' ALTERNATOR. PIONEERED ON VALIANT AND USED , ON ALL 1961 PLYMOUTHS. THE ALTERNATOR PRODUCES MORE CURRENT AT LOW ENGINE 6PEED3 THAN DOES THE GENERATOR, AND ASSURES LONGER BATTERY LIFE. LBzoie 6o ORANGE JUICE S VMWkr 56 EAST CENTER STREET PHONE 87 NEPHI 1 3 lbs Sf lb set (ERi 4.44 Woodbury Lanolin Rich LOTION 1959 FORD V8 VICTORIA Regular 1.00 Value Clean Real Sharp 1957 V8 FORD 4-D- 1956 V8 FORD 4-D- A 3 -- Service for 4 to 7.99--12- .99 1952 V8 FORD 4-D- lb Holiday Ellegance 144 iy2 Pecan Paddies - -- 1 lb - Cherry Chocolates 13 oz 100 449 BLANKETS R. 4" 1957 PLYMOUTH Others priced 2.99 to 10.95 or V PARKIN MOTOR CO. 137 South Main -- Nephi -- Phone 312 1 284 SUPREME BLEND Suited the Indians 6 5 lb box Holiday Ellegance HOME Hot Buy Many more to choose from G 1.00 CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES BUY A GIFT FOR THE R. Approximate COST OR LESS To which we add CASE LOTS are for plus federal fax R. 1954 CHEVORLET only 10 - Special PreChristmas Sale . . SPORT COUPE bag at cost plus Service for 8 Several Patterns to Select From prices are our All 1.00 19.95 NOW 24.95 MELMA f( DINNER WARE 45 piece set NOW ONLY MS Real Clean PICTSYEET 2 Limit - now Several Patterns to Select From 45 LB 1.29 full length 8 persons 35c Choice MILD Free Turkey Ticket with Each 1.00 purchase CUSTOM U. APPLE COOKIES CHEESE SPREAD box 4 Tablerite New Purity DUTCH 21b l.fflTTl IGA Navels FROZEN PICTSYEET - Knee High OEARANC Large Sunkist ORANGES - MODERN DINNER WARE 3 W lb -- FOR THE HOME Blankets - 4.98 5.98 - Bed Spreads 12 oz box BEEF POT ROAST PEAS -- Turn Key Installation CHOCOLATES 1 9.98 Dusters 3.98 to 6.98 Pajama- s- 2.98 S4.25 Slips 1.98 3.93 House Shoes 2.98 6.98 Blouses 1.29-3.9- 8 Shirts 2.98 to 4.98 Capris 2 98 - 3.98 Slack Pants 5.98 to 15.98 Ladies Purses -- 1.98 to S3.98 Seamless De Lux CHERRY IGA TABLERITE 6.98 16.98 Robes 8 98 POWER-OPERAT- IPre-CIiriisIft- BRACK OR FROSTING MIX HER R, interior ughts, radio and THE MANY D RIPEK-BAGGE- Mil SLICED BACON Priced and HIM - Heavy Duty BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES 30.00 Riiip) CHRISTMAS TREES Limited supply John V. Garrett at 197 West 3rd North or Fred Wilkey at 463 Eaat 3rd South. DEC. 28th BISQUICK Limit -- for ADVENTURE. BUT NOW, MODERN UOHTING SYSTEMS HAVE MADE NI8HT TRAVEL COMMONPLACE. SUGGESTIONS FROM 1 10 J Wyoming. CHRISTMAS GIFT 1 14.98to JANTZEN SWEATERS Be first to enjoy this amazing Box 2081 LIGHT THE WAY FOR SAFETYp lsOCARBI ) SAMSONITE LUGGAGE AUTO WASH Marriage Licenses Over-the-knee-leng- Die 12 In 'Xaia& Suyye4tiM& law and sisRoss Harper day. Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Roberts of Raymond, Alberta, Canada, Thanksgiving and week end visited with Judge and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Will L. Hoyt over the week- Harper were Mr. and Mrs. John Jensen of Las Vegas, Mrs. Dan end. Hafen and children, and Mr. James Warren Hansen, son and Mrs. Douglas McArthur of of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Han- St. George. sen (Alice Christensen) of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olsen Lake City entered the mission home on December 5. He has and family of Ogden were been called to the Southern Thanksgiving day guests of her States mission. He is the parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. of Mr. and Mrs. Rue Hansen. nephew Golden. The Levan Ward Relief Christmas will Society Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Golden be held December 13.party lesand sons Carl and Dennis of son "Care of the SickThe in the Henderson, Nevada spent the Home will be given by Kitty Thanksgiving week end at the Beard. All women of the ward home of his parents, Mr. and are urged to attend. Mrs. Rue Golden. at Mesa, Daughter, bom December 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. McDill of Levan. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Simmons of Manti and Dr. and Mrs. W. F. McDill of Lyman, Served After Midnight BE IN BY of Greenriver spent the week-en- d with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Pay. Mrs. William Bailey spent the recent Thanksgiving holidays at the home of Mr. and visited in Ephraim with and Mrs. Dick Bailey on Levan Hews Briefs . Daughter, bom December 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Bird of Nephi. Grandparents are Mrs. Margaret Jacobsen of Moroni and Mrs. Lavilla Bird Delicious Smorgasbord RESERVATIONS MUST ht and family and Mrs. Jennie L. Steele were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Steele in Granger on Thanksgiving. of Nephi. per Couple n Ma-plet- Mrs. W. Lee Bailey Arizona. Daughter, bom December 1, to Mr. and Mrs. William D. Howard, NephL Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dean Howard of Mills and Reed Belliston of Nephi. Great grand mothers are Mrs. George E. Howard of Nephi and Mrs. James Cedars Cafe Banquet Room $15.00 Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pay were Mr. and Mrs. Vance of Orderville. J. S. Winter and son David of Bountiful were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephensen on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Vinton G. Steiner and his mother, Mrs. Millie Steiner of St. George spent Thanksgiving day in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Steiner. Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Steele of Granger announce the birth of a daughter on November 27. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Claude R. Lomax Jennie L. Steele, both of NePaul Steele spent last phi. week in Nephi with his grandparents while his mother was in the hospital PARTY - Hats - The Ladies Literary Club held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Dee Wright with Mrs. W. W. Stephensen Club collect was conducting. given by Mrs. Jack Wright. Af ter a short business session the group made Christmas decorations under the supervision of Mrs. Velyn Stevens. The home was tastefully decorated for Christmas. Present were Mrs. Jack Wright, Mrs. W. W. StephenMrs. BIRTHS NEW YEARS EVE Live Music Nephi Local and Social Items sen, Mrs. T. H. Burton, Mrs. A. L. Garbett, Harry Foote, Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mrs. Ferry J. Ostler, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. Leo Christensen 64,.Jsr MSE Leo Christensen, Mrs. J. E. Robertson, the hostess, Mrs. Dee Wright and special guests Mrs. Velyn Stevens and Mrs. Morgan Lunt. COMMANDER RICHARD H. O'KANE INTREPID SKIPPER OF SUBMARINE TANG WAS TOPS" AT SINKING ENEMY SHIPS. HIS RECORD 24 SHIPS FOR A TOTAL OF 93J24 TONS. IN 1944, WHILE SURFACED, HE ADDED THREE MORE TO HIS THEN HIS LUCK RAN RECORD. OUT. HIS LAST "FISH" WAS FAULTY ; MADE A CIRCULAR RUN AND BLASTED TANG OUT OF THE WATER. O'KANE AND EIGHT CREWMEN WERE HURLED FROM THE SUB'S BRIDGE. O'KANE WAS RESCUED ONLY TO BE THROWN INTO AN ENEMY PRISON CAMP. IN 1946 FOR HIS "GALLANTRY IN ACTION" O'KANE RECEIVED THE CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR. Make Reservations Social Items SEE OUR BARGAIN SQUARE- - |