Show JOHN JOUN HENRY SMITH DIES SUDDENLY Second Couns Counselor to President President President dent of Mormon Normon Church Is Called Caned HEMORRHAGE OF LUNGS ATTACKS HIM IN BED BEDWas BEDWas V Was as Prominent nt in Building Up of Utah Since Early Fifties John JohnHenry Henry Smith second counselor to President Joseph F. F Smith second in succession for the presidency of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Latter Saints member of tho Utah capitol commission and one of the most prominent prom prom- fleet nent men in the west died at his home 80 West First North street at 1215 o'clock this morning Death came with a warning of but a half hour and the news vs will be received received re- re today as a distinct shock to thousands of people of Utah as well veU as the entire west President Smith retired retired retired re re- re- re tired to his bid bed at 10 o'clock last night apparently in good health health At 1145 o'clock last night his wi wife e Josephine Josephine Josephine Jose Jose- phine G. G Smith was awakened by the sound of heavy breathing coming from it j 4 4 JOHN HENRY SM SMITH TH th the r room om occupied by Mr Smith She hurried to his bedside and discovered that he was suffering with a a hemorrhage hemorrhage hemorrhage hemor hemor- of or the lungs Dr H. H Z Lund r responded to a a. call callIn callin callin In a a. few fow minutes but Mr Smith was beyond human ai aid When the spark of life fled his wife his half balf brother Joseph H. H Smith Dr Lund and President Anton H. H Lund were present Hisson Apostle George Albert Smith has been ill in bed since last Monda Monday and was nut not notified of his fathers father's death until this morning His first wife Sarah Farr Smith is visiting i in in Chicago and was not notified until this mornin morning She will win leave for home this afternoon and is expected to arrive atTire ar at- rive Tire Sunday or Monday Until it is known mown definitely when she will arrive arrive no arran arrangements will be made for the funeral It will be e held in the tabernacle taber nacle nacie either Monday or Tuesday I Suffered Hemorrhage in April Up until the time that he was vas stricken late last night President Smith was supposed sed to be in his usual health though it was known that he lie had not I II been as stron strong as usual since last April I when he suffered an attack o of hemorrhage hemorrhage hemorrhage hemor hemor- of the lungs Jungs During the summer summer sum sum- mer men he be spent some time in the Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellow Yellow- stone one park an anti and he be return returned d home feeling feeling feeling feel feel- ing comparatively well Later he made a visit through a number of the eastern states returning home for the conference of last week which he lie addressed addressed ad ad- dressed twice Wednesday afternoon he delivered an address at the funeral of Mrs Hyrum Groesbeck Gi in the seventeenth ward meeting house Yesterday y he ho was at athis athis athis his office time tIle greater reater part pant of the day returning home shortly after G U i o'clock last ni night bt At that time he hp maJe made no complaint of his feeling unwell and alid it was not until he be was suddenly atta attacked ked that any member of tho the fam family ly had hat an all anida idea ida that li he was not in isis Ins usual health As Mrs Smith hurried to his side Sile he be whispered Put a n cloth across my lun lungs s. s These were the last ast words le lse spoke President dent Smith is survive hy by two widows Mrs lUrl Sarah Farr Smith ana anit Mrs r Josephine OE Gro Groesbeck Smith and th the following sons and daughters George A. A ASmith Smith Don C. C Smith E. E I I Chase Smith Mrs Sarah Parah A. A Pond Winslow Winslow Win Win- I slow P. P Smith Nicholas G. G Smith Nathaniel Nathaniel Nathaniel Na Na- thaniel L. Ij II Smith Joseph oseph r H H. Smith I Claire Smith Mrs 1 P. P S. S Lan Langton ton Bessie I Smith Elsie L L L. Smith Glenn Smith Zella Zelia Smith and Josephine Smith The Tho following follo are his sisters Mrs Mary A. A Wimmer Parowan Utah Utah- Irs Mrs Sarah Colton Provo Mrs Clarissa Ciarissa Wil Wil- hams HamB Salt Lake City Mrs Grace Chic Chie- hers bers Provo and Mrs Irs Elizabeth Cartwright Cartwright Cart- Cart wright Salt Lako City The following account of his life is from front Whitneys Whitney's IS works by Whitney I John Henry Smith was born at Carl Car- Car bunca buna la Is a 1 lids He was l Continued on pa page e 7 1 I IJOHN g JOHN HENRY IRY SMITH nTH I I Continued front from page 1 1 son of If I the h lie late President Smith and ana alt ah Ann 1111 U JAb ibbay Smith mith Ills His parents I d teen been driven from Illinois and Miss JUs- JUs s ri rt tic the rest rt of tt o members ers of dnn church ell and It was Wit while th they wore a Ca t L. L now net Connell Bluffs that t h 11 un t-un on was IS horn I II His h father the lato late George go A. A Smith had acom m V 11 Young Youn and the st I unman ump of ut to the Great Greatt it t Lt Lake alloy alley alk the year ear before and h 8 oni f f had also returned t the Missouri 1 river ri Upon his lu's arrival ro re e li he h. i Nl to make preparations tho i I 1 Oval or Of ilis his family faintly to the new I 1 quarto of ot th the Church but hut It was I until II tho summer Rummel of 1849 that the they ily Iy y ix he ii n their that journey journe west westward ard f lh the Jf I 1 liver Ilver and John Henry Hem y just i u i lt it t ode jiu- 01 year yeal of age when the f its illy t I I 1 molt d in Halt Salt Lake I-ake City Here o un 1 U. U hi his died of con- con conSi Si aid after her death Ilc-ath he w n ws is s sc ced c d r the lilt care of his his his' mothers mother's s Cr I r. r it H. h uin h 11 Maria who was also one Ins his 11 tatI t rs 1 wives and to her he hed heid id d 1 mik-li mik to 0 his future growth and at I hi nine to In n the J ent and amI prolonged n n. n of Ins ills father front from home the thc ws almost m exclusive 61 under the theion i ion loo iO a. a o his hu runt annl Ills Mis fathers father's u lam fani- ho 10 widely ly separated soon after t iI h r arI an al in Utah some residing Int in It t Lake Lal t city fity 11 and others IS in Parowan 1 I lie ile hi his wives Hannah were rite rill s the summer of of removed to oYO in which town to the lad tad spent his hish ly Iy lit a arted as Ca' Ca Cattle Herder 11 he dr d. d s of his boyhood passed In tn a a. as s nilar l' l I manner wanner to that of other sons of nr s and one of his Ills first ions ion WIS WAS in herding cattle on the theova ova 0 0 hen h h and along the bottoms th h shores of Utah lak lako He was as a ag af age g ge f and powerful bo boy and was alwa always S 'S uler d a genial natured good-natured comer com com- er h h hy his hi friends For several everal years ears earsa a Her Pr PI the first firt settlement of Provo Pro the were ere exceedingly troublesome hd rl d thought though but bin a a. 10 John Henry par- par 11 Ipa 1 I t nf Ii in n man many adventures adventureR at one oneE ne P E loping hying shot hot at at but fortunately wit without hout injury When h hn he was wast t years of age he had a narrow escape cm m drowning in the Provo Pro river during d je e water high season and remained so 50 soa fog g a time timp blow the water that his hisie ie e p was despaired d but hut his remarkable tali stood him in good stead tead and en Em n hI he finally came ame to the surface as al soon oon resuscitated As he advanced in years ears he removed Salt alt Lake City and attended the thes s c bools that were then in existence The con conditions in Utah Utah then then were crude e and imperfect and his hise e I inn n was received more from his fis in life and from the tho teach- teach gs or of f his mother foster-mother than from front Tarries arries ames Ogden Girl lr At t the he age of 18 lb he married his first ff fe Miss 1 Sarah Farr Fair daughter of the LorE Loren t Fan Farr of i and she as ever Ir a a. true and devoted help- help act to her husband Ten years ears later to married Miss Bliss Josephine Gro Groesbeek Groesbeck sheck aughtr of Nicholas Groesbeck an elder eider t the church his marriage to Miss Farr the oung foung couple removed remo to Provo where 1 John fohn H Henry Hnry nry Smith was employed as a a. While hile residing there he was as a counselor to Bishop Bishop W. W A. A W Follett of or the Fourth ward of that town the transcontinental railway was onas was was' I earing Bearing completion he left Provo and en- en pred red the service of Bensin Fan Fan- West rest nd and assisted them in completing two and red miles of line of the Central Pa- Pa fic lc Ic railroad which the had road llad contracted build Upon the completion of this ork Governor Go Leland Stanford of Call Call- nta t offered f the young man a a good po- po po position nl f in Sacramento r ngu ngua but as 1 his father t sired ired him to return to Salt Lake City declined the offer He was his fathers father's frequent compan- compan On on his travels throughout the territory terri tory ory ry and from these j jo U s be he deved de- de ved much of his hits acquaintance with the prominent men of th the community This also afforded him an T to acquire an education which could O of he obtained t from books 0 and how howe e gerly pr he 1 h grasped eJr it r w was shown in do the nines mess n of his bis character and life in 1872 r rAt t Vt At t the session of the territorial l legis- legis ure are of ll 2 John Henry Smith vas iwas 1 ap- ap assistant clerk clerk of of the of oft sel js and from O t this time piled t ted th- th beginning gin gg of his his' IS career in I yil 11 matters In the same year eal he was hosei assistant clerk of- of the I ai 11 convention In n 1 Ma 1 1074 74 he be was go on a ai ari I Fi ri i I lo to b by President Brigham 1 n n. n j i eft on June 29 of that Sar I r and in New York on July JUb 4 I id d 0 i c arine 1 paid a short visit t to tos s s rn m ii I hf brothers then residents of I ew ew t He arr arrived ed in Liver Liver- O- O fi pool England on July 86 36 tad and andre re to his cousin Joseph ph F. F Smith S tb n president of the European P mission olt a him he was assigned I to the duty of a traveling tra elder In the Birmingham nt conference con conference COlt ference under the di direction of I Elder Richard V. V Morris While on this work worl he visited most of the conferences confErences conferences con con- of 01 Great G cat Britain and ana also accompanied accompanied accompanied ac ac- companied President Joseph F. F Smith Elder F F. M. M I L Lyman nulU and ana other r ht high h of officers officers of of- of the mission to Den Denmark mal Ger Ger- many maity Switzerland and France After a lapse of a year car he was called to Utah by bv the sickness of his father and antl andr reached ached r Salt Snit Lake L le City in time to spend fifteen days s at athis his fathers father's bedside previous previous ous OUR to his his death on September 1 1875 1575 lIe He again too took up the active work of the church hurch In Utah and andL on November Xo 22 2 1875 1575 was appointed bishop of or the Seventeenth ward for fot Salt Lake Lak City which position position- ho ha filled f with efficiency effi y yand and zeal for five years Mrs During this period h he was also employed by the Utah Central R Railway company compan Apostle in 1880 I At the general conference of the church churchin I in October ber 1880 the first presidency of the church was reorganized and I Elders II Francis M. M Lyman and John Henry I Smith were called to lo fill 1111 vacancies aca In Inthe Inthe Inthe the quorum of If tho the twelve apostles being ordained on the day of that month In the first months of Df 1882 when the Tucker Edmunds-Tucker polygamy anti bill was before congress Apostles John Jolt Henry Smith 1 and Moses Thatcher were sent to Washington to assist George Q Cannon the tile delegate from front Utah in preventing the pa passage sage of this title act hut their labors were unsuccessful Upon three subsequent subsequent 1 quent occasions Apostle Smith visIted visited visited vis vis- Washington in the Interest of the i people of of- Utah In 1802 he went to the capital to lo aid in securing the thc admission of Utah as a state and in the early part of 1900 1100 he again visited that city in the tine endeavor or to modify the en sentiments of the leading men of the country and their attitude in regard to the members of the church lIe He was again called to go on a mission mis mis- mission sion Ilon to England h by President John Taylor Taylor Tay Tay- lor this time October 1882 to act as president of the European mission While there he visited the various conferences in England and traveled extensively in France and Italy b absent from rom home a a period o or of twenty-one twenty months Upon his return he found the whole state in a turmoil turmon due to the arrests and prosecutions then being made under tinder authority authority authority au au- o of oi the Tucker Edmunds-Tucker act He lie was s arrested upon the prevailing charge unlawful cohabitation cohabitation but but was dis dis- discharged discharged charged on account of the lack of evi evi- dence President of Constitutional Convention In addition to his duties in the work worl of d developing the church Apostle Smith took an active part in the political affairs of the state slate In hit February 1876 he was was a member of the Salt Lake City council and served for sox six years ears as a a. councilman In August 1881 he was elected a member of the territorial le legislature legis legis- is lature Upon the division of the Peoples People's party and the Liberals upon national political lines he was one of the first to advocate advocate cate t the principles es of the 6 Republican pu lii party y and was always an do active worker In that part party He was president of the convention that formed the constitution constitution constitution con con- under which Utah was admitted admitted admitted admit admit- ted into the union as a state Since his call can to the apostleship Elder Smith devoted practically all of his hiss time to public duties Except when absent absent absent ab ab- ab- ab sent from the country r on missions he traveled almost constantly among the stakes of the church attending attending- conferences conferences conferences con con- instructing and encouraging ng too the members organizing and setting in order the stakes and wards He visited evel every stake of the church hurch in Utah many of them several times limes including those in Old Mexico and different states and territories of the United States and Canada Can Can- ada He also made a tour of the southern southern south Gouth- ern states mission 1 in n l 1599 doing consid considerable os eta I Irh rh redO erable b preaching a both there and on his way In Development of West In 1901 at the session of the Trans- Trans Mississippi Commercial congress held at Cripple Creek Colo CoJo Mr Smith was elected president of the congress and presided over its deliberations So closely cloel had his time been devoted I to public affairs and to the affairs of the church that he h h J not d d had lead time to devote devote de de- vote ote to tir td any extensive personal business enterprises He was however connected with a number of the leading Institutions Institutions lions of f the state as as' as-an as an officer and di director dl- dl rector in which positions he hI exhibited exhibited exhibited ex ex- the same ability and enterprise that marked his whole life B By nature and training he was admirably admirably abl ably equipped equipped for for public duties He had hada a thorough knowledge of human nature arid add an extensive acquaintance with prominent men not only in Utah but Inthe Inthe in inthe the whole country count as well These qualifications qualifications together with his faculty for making and holding friends fitted fitted r bf hint him 01 or on |