Show APPLE SHOW A NATIONAL AffAIR Special to The Telegram DENVER Oct 13 One One hundred million mil mil- lion llon dollars dollar dollars In agricultural and horticultural horticultural tural products will b be represented in the mammoth industrial parade that will take place in Denver Denyer the first day of apple show week In November ember By this Is meant that the sum Just mentioned Is the total annual output of or thes tw twp twi Industries In Jn Colorado and th thA grand pageant will be Indicative of these e re re- re sources source Mining counties are also In Invited Invited invited in- in to participate While the exposition Is s primarily In Intended Intended intended In- In tended to be an exhibition of apples produced in Colorado and other states in America a 1 grand carnival will also beheld be beheld held and the management has haa invited every county In the state slate to participate In the industrial parade Denver is proud of the apple industry in Colorado Colado but buther buther buther her people are equally proud of the great agricultural Industry and they believe the time is opportune for the counties that do not produce apples In commercial quantities but which are rich in grain and grasses and other products to unite In a a. display of ot their resources In a a. magnificent magnificent mag mag- pageant that will with eclipse anything that has ever been seen in the city Colorado has made wonderful strides Inthe in inthe inthe the last ten years ears in the way of agricultural agricultural agricultural tural advancement and development The Tho carnival committee believes that nothIng nothing noth noth- ing can be so impressive as an industrial parade In which every county count Including the mining districts will take part The effect upon the people of Denver and visitors from other states cannot be bo es estimated estimated es- es It should be understood that the apple show is a a. national affair Apple exhibits will be here from the leading apple states In America Thousands of ot dollars dollars dol dol- lars will be awarded in prizes and premiums pre pre- and from an educational standpoint standpoint standpoint stand stand- point to apple growers the value of ot the Show cannot be calculated The Tho Industrial parade committee announces an- an announces an that most of ot the counties have signified their Intention of preparing floats and the others are at work Interesting Interesting Inter Inter- esting eating their people with the same end in view Prizes will b be given f for r the best and and most artistic floats from the counties outside of ot Denver I |