Show TH THE CANADIAN PRESS Winnipeg Tribune The men who wh till tilI the prairies in the three great gleat western province provinces are even now the backbone of the dominion Very Verv soon loon we shell shall hear from their leaders how they ther regard the verdict The cities and towns may outvote them but it is is un- un I to suppose that great great- eon con is not to be shown to the I basic producers of the wealth of our OUI country The farmers d demand mand wider markets they ask for entrance to th tb nearest and anti what promises to be our OUI greatest market Berlin n Tele Telegraph raph The Tho taking ing of a plebiscite upon IDon the tIlE navy nay would ouM be a c shifts th the mistake not onh because it responsibility from the shoulders on OD which it should be plated placed hut but also because it involves possibilities i es aff affecting affect affect- Ct in ing both Canada and the empire which I are not pleat pleasant ant to contemplate |