Show PROGRESSIVES ARE PLANNING CAMPAIGN CLEVELAND 0 O. Oct 13 Following Following a talk he had with former President Roosevelt and Senator Bourne o of bre Oregon on In New r York James R. R Garfield former secretary secretary- of the Interior left he here lere e last night for fo Chicago where next week ho he will attend a conference of so-called so progressive progressive pro pro- gr Mr Garfield Garfield- Republican yb understands 3 s leaders that the Uie rin con conference l ference Is not designed to boom any an parI particular par par- candidate for the presidency He I will wll advocate ocate a progressive platform I based on the Republican platform of O 5 and ur urge e that progressive Republicans Republicans I leans in all congressional districts gf of the country nun tn make campaigns campain to send said progressives progressives as delegates lele a tes to the Republican national na convention con |