Show r. r t THE LAWS AND BUSINESS The New President Ail York Times noting l Tafts Taft's ft's statement that business men must l learn arn and obeY th tho UH law says The TIle temptation is strong jf business men cn to retort t that an equality of rea- rea q lawmakers to l learn arn and conform to toi I ii meaning siness-meaning i meaning the usage of good men of at busi busi- 4 Iss s i or 01 the the common on law of business t I t lh That f is s the p point int exactly What does a n cha chap I I y if- if I night ll up untrained to anything except books P s jall- jall 1 rowing a boat know he emerges f ro chool about how the thc bus business 1 es of the tIle w world worldS S li 3 J cep- cep c the world vorI moving is carried on i lJ 1 iri u l ninety cases out of a hun hundred lcd such sucha a young I 1 p l incapable i apa Je of Ic learning anything g more or of ofa ing a l left t of fo fool l' l s stuff with which his head heads s I d tep ten years A ears after f er emerging from from a hard iid necessity comes comS com om- om i fo o c cai earn fn a livin living liying ivi Why Thy fh should uld such stich a man masi S rd Pi Pinchot Pinchot-be Pinchot ho be Joose upon a conn- conn 1 flar rules iules a aud 1 regulations regulations' for the men 1 I S 'S 1 I f has not a a fact before him t to govern him t t n thing tiling in the world l' l save a soniC some half baked c 4 tI i pp s that haVe ha been cooked d up lip in the kitchen i JUs brain Most Most men o men know only what they hey have e a 44 l J. J Then why designate a nan man to n admin admin- min min- Sg JF pH on something methi g about which he has never had hadJ J uI nce 10 o learn learl one essential fact jg t sailor A i. i can c climb to th the maintop of of a clipper j to h help lp adjust jl st sta a a sail sai he lie can do it off Cape 5 tt 11 n t ti the 9 bl blackest night when masts spars ails ar r covered with ice and arid think nothing lf l him m ashore nd put him on a a buckIn buck- buck j In tang aJla he is frightened to death fright death fright fright- l l p is as a a cowboy would be in the rigging riggingS S S o l ia l a gale ale was was- was lowing 3 c i- i JIBe it is right f for l' l business me men l t to th learn Q laws it is is- quite fuite as necessary for 6 3 Mho wh make and aud a administer minister the laws to know m ab about ut business methods and ad necessities hAk l Chicago j judge dg e who ho fi fined d R Rockefeller ek feller is perhaps a gr great a law lawyer el an and an ai anit 0 it j. j lH man n Lut is not i a business man nian in ie r States Stales tte who read th the decision who ho did jiow instinctively that the m man must be ie ab ab- ti J destitute l itt of c b business sense t l e c college sprouts are arc sent sut west to i regulations construe the la laws ws governing r the they have n no lQ more conception duties than titan President Taft laft did of the J 11 of ol alcohol when the q question estion of What i J- J was submitted d' d to him hini J congress meets luccis it should h hurry to a third thir pt ig and anti and past passa law Jaw establishing a I Jt 1 Wa Washington for lor o statesmen to be j. j J t the alphabet of sense sc before cing P. P Jl government agents ts t f |