Show DR CLAIMS JURY WAS VAS CORRUPT KANSAS CITY Oct 13 s a fellow on n that t Jury that can be bought Leave It to me and Ill I'll fix It fn in tile the foregoing words according to toan toan toan an by Dr B. B Clark Hyda Harry Hoffmann a 8 deputy county marshal mar mar- s sought a bribe from the physician on May Alay 6 6 during his Ills first trial for tor forthe forthe the tile all g gerI ed d murder of Col Thomas W. W affidavit was as Introduced In Inthe Inthe inthe the rl h ital al here yesterday during a R the application of If Dr Hydes Hyde's attorneys for the appointment of to take charge I g l of the jury at the al s e trial Dr Hyde Hydee said the attempt to solicit a I. bribe from him was made while he was b being taken from the criminal courtroom courtroom courtroom court court- room to his cell In the county Jail jaU Hoffmann Hoffmann Hoff Hoff- mann al he said broached tho too sUl subject In Inthis inthis this way Doctor I am very friendly with you jou ou and sympathize with you in your trouble and have your interest at heart I 1 have something to say to you ou but I am afraid to say it It Dr Hyde In his affidavit said he as assured assured assured as- as the d deputy put that he need not be afraid to say anything to him and Hoffmann Hoffmann Hoff Hoff- mann finally continued continued- Theres a n fellow on that Jury that can 1 b be bought If It you ou will give me mo 1500 for him pu will have a a. hung Jury This fellow says however that If there is an acquittal he must have After saying repeatedly that I 1 must keep this to myself said ald Dr Hyde and not mention It to my attorneys or any other p persons the deputy said said- If you will leave this to me Ill I'll handle the entire m matter for you ou I Hoffmann the accused deputy denied the charge against him in absolute and I PI plain terms Counter charges U hargeS of attempts of Jury bribing by the friends of Dr Hyde HydA were I Imade made in to affidavits presented by the i prosecution I Virgil Conkling county prosecutor In Introduced Introduced In- In an affidavit by Clare Wilson who at the th time lime of ot the Hyde trial was was employed by the hotel where the Jury Jury- boarded In III her affidavit she said she ahe was approached by a man named Thomas Thom Thom- as McAnany who asked her if there was not some way to get to the Jurymen in to inthe I the hotel i The affidavit declares McAnany said sald i You are art getting along In years and there Is here for somebody and you OU might as well get it as anyone else Mrs Wilson said she Ignored the proposition Late yesterday an affidavit sworn to by bv Hoffmann the deputy accused by Dr Hyde was Introduced b by an assistant assistant assistant assist assist- ant prosecuting attorney denying at length an any conversation with the physician phI phI- clan cian wherein therein he said laid he hA could hang the jury for 1500 Affidavits were also Introduced Introduced in introduced In- In from County Marshal Mayes and Claude Claudo Mays MaII his son a deputy making general denial of ot the affidavits flied filed by the defense |