Show Marker Rites Si Slated STOCKTON Tooele County County County-A A monument marking the site 0 ol 01 army barracks built in the winter of 1854 by Colonel E. E J. J Stepto Steptoe and the site of the old Waterman smelter built bunt by William Willian S. S Godbe in the early was to be unveiled unveiled unveiled un un- un- un veiled Wednesday after afternoon oon b by state and loCal officials two miles mUes south of ot here Heading speakers at the services was Major Arthur Proctor of New NewYork NewYork NewYork York N. N Y executive secretary and Dr Howard R. R Dr ggs New NewYork NewYork NewYork York American Pioneer Trails association as association association as- as president J. J Cecil Alter authority on Utah history was master of ceremonies Dr W. W M. M Salt Lake City member of the executive committee of the Utah Pioneer Trails a and aid d Landmarks association S. S O. O Bennion and Chesley P. P Seely Seely Seely See- See ly of ot Salt Lake City Alex F. F Dunn Dunnand Dunnand Dunnand and P. P M. M Clegg of Tooele John D. D Giles state director for Utah of the national association and others others others oth oth- ers were to be included on the speaking program program Mrs E. E B. B Bonelli of Tooele will read a historical paper on the work of Jane Hickman pioneer Stockton nurse and boarding house keeper |