Show Adair to Seek Added Honors With the end of the racing season season season sea sea- son in sight Harold Adair Adali Wednesday was v preparing to tc lengthen his point lead in midget midgel auto circles to clinch the 1941 championship Adair low 5 now has a point total of ol leading Ed Peterson his nearest competitor by 76 points Bill Logan who is fourth in ir point standings in Denver waa was wa wasa a minute last-minute entry for Wednesdays Wednesday's Wednesdays Wednesday's Wednesdays Wednesday's Wednes Wednes- days day's races He will appear Wednesday night only Mike Julian whose continued absence from the track has pushed him down into third place was wa expected to have his car in shape i for Wednesdays Wednesday's races and had L hopes of climbing nearer the top Ten boys will compete in th the i midget-midget midget event with all at II I eyes on Keith Partington who I lapped every bug in the field last lasi L week in his washing machine motor motor mo rno tor powered speeder |