Show DETROIT WALKS YI AlKS IN BUS STRIKE By Associated Press Detroit's street car and bus bug YS tern tem was tied up Wednesday by t r strike A stalemate continued continue a aa a aa a huge New Jersey shipyard where C CIO I 0 men walked out weeks ago the Tle Detroit strike became effee tive at 4 a a. a m. m climaxing a dispute between A F 1 anC and anc C CIO I 0 unions The A F L voted the strike Tues rue day night and Mayor Edward J J. Jeffries quickly order ordered the rival C CIO do I 0 union to make no o attempt to operate the transit system The government withheld action on the offer of the Federal Shin Ship building and Dry Dock company to turn over its strike-bound strike Kea Keany Kearny Rear Kear- ny fly N. N J. J yard to the navy so c that work might be r resumed Umed fin on worth of defense con con- tracts In similar letters to John Green president of the C CIO I 0 ers ers erst union and L. L H H. H company head President Roosevelt urged that their points of difference difference differ differ- ence be subordinated to national defense and that work be resumed immediately by the plants plant's The letters were sent yesterday It is my hope that neither em em- nor employers will in the present emergency sever the good relationship that had existed between between be be- tween them in the past to the detriment det of the national welfare the president wrote C CIO I 0 unionists picketed ll lla big department store in Neu a New Ne NewYork York and there were disturbance there thera Tuesday on the picket line The union demanded raises rakes for foi who now receive 16 tc 22 a week A C CIO I 0 strike at New Haven Conn held up production of some somi timing devices for bombers About Aboul 1300 were idle Another labor dispute continued from August Augus 11 at the Leland Leland- Gifford factory at Worcester Mass where airplane crankshafts crankshaft are machined |