Show Condit Nears Deadline For Slaying Appeal Deadline for filing appeal of Donald Lawton Condit Comfit 24 J former convict convicted of first degree murder was Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- I day but by noon it lb had not been filed at the Utah su- su pr preme m court offices Condit previously had been t sentenced to die August 1 for forthe forthe forthe the hitch hike murder of Harold arold A. A Thorne Thome Salt Lake grocery I salesman Fifth District Judge Will L L. Hoyt permitted Condit's counsel until Wednesday to perfect perfect per per- feet an appeal t Supreme court attaches said t attorneys would be given givena a reasonable length of time I I. I after the deadline to file the ap appeal ap- ap peal Condit was convicted at Parowan Parowan Paro- Paro i wan on June 20 of murdering i Mr Thorne Thome after the latter had J given Condit a ride in his automobile automobile auto- auto t i t mobile March 20 The murder which was done in an attempted i j holdup was on a lonely road a afew Ii few miles west of Cedar City i |