Show a and nd ita t Vital Statistics From S. S L. L and Intermountain Territory v 1 Martin A. A C. C Martin MartinA A A. A C C. 65 63 a retired printer r died Tuesday a afternoon at Ms his I te home 30 Tenth East t street streel rna after atter an Illness of ot 18 months Mr resided resided re re- sided aIded In Salt Lake City for 25 years He Ht was wu born In Denmark Den mark on April 22 1876 a son Ion of and Johanna Fisher Surviving are his widow Mrs lOts Thora 1 S I three sons ions n Mack Nic Nb- iJ m Eduard d Nic and John all of of Salt Lake City three daughters daughter Mrs Ir Ir- 4 meline Hansen of Sacra to Cal S Mra Mrs Irene Handy and 1 Miss Joan Elizabeth Eliza 1 beth t e both bothof of Salt Late city It a s brother th In is lQ I and another in South Mr Sir Mcola sen Africa and live five grandchildren Lowell David Funeral services s for Lowell David Ras- Ras mussels four old year old son loss of ot Mr and Mrs Mra Lowell P P. P of 1224 Fenway ave aye nue sine who died Monday will be conducted Thursday at 1 p P. m m. In the Emigration S ward d chapel f Tenth East and Seventh Sev- Sev So South streets Burial will willbe be In Salt Lake ake City tery Friends may call at 12 Fourth East street Wednesday e from 5 to 8 p p. m m. m T afo and I Thursday prior to 11 a a. a m. m m. m and at i the place of ot funeral Thursday Item from 1230 p P. p. p m m. to time of services Emma Keller Miss Mice Emma Keller 81 a It a resident of Salt Lake City for approximately 50 years died Tuesday d a at 17 11 p p. p m m. m at il Thirteenth East lt street lr of f f Infirmities t itI I Inci mci- dent lo io age S Miss Mis lisa Keller T r. r a former milliner was wu born bornn In n Ohio March r 24 24 1860 JoEI a d daughter of Alex x and Elsie Singer K Keller l Three nieces and one nephew are the on only sun survivors Ivors S lv Ched Funeral u services tentatively are ached ached- f for fre Friday rda at 11 ha a. a m ni at North r Main street Friends nay may ym call cali at place 1 of funeral Thursday even evening g and Friday until time of services S Interment will be In Mount Olivet h tery S Frances W W. C Carver Mrs Frances Watson Carver 29 20 wife of Winston V. V V V. Carver 1216 East e South o street died I Tuesday at 10 1020 20 p p. p m n. n l In a Salt Lake k City hospital She was born In Evanston Wyo Wo July 7 7 1912 a daughter of or Mr and Mrs Franklin Frank lin G G. G Watson Watson and had resided In hi Salt Lake City about 10 yea years Surviving art are her husband her parents parenti one I son Thomas ar F. F naJ Carver aJ fi- fi two JI JIo brothers o Gild an d' d Jack Watson n Salt Lake City and andone one e sister Virginia watson ot oc Evanston Funeral Funera services will be announced from 2 East Last First South street John Steele S Mass fus for John Steele 62 oldest of the Utah Copper company In point of service and general powder foreman for the company since 1010 1910 was lun sung Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day morning In the Holy Moly Rosary church at Bingham by the Rev Daniel E E. E. E Leahy Mr Steele who baa had haa worked for the copper company about 38 years year was waa killed Sunday when he fell tell from a flat car of ot a company supply P train rain at the mine fue n Interment was s in Mount Calvary y cemetery tery In Salt Satt Lake City Laura M. M Bentley PAROWAN PAROWAN Funeral Funeral services for Mrs Mr Laura Bentley 64 who died Saturday at the Iron County hospital of an Intestinal obstruction were conducted Tuesday at 2 p P. m. m In the Parowan East L D S 8 ward ward chapel apel by Bishop W. W L. L Adams lle S Burial I Iby was wan In PiH Parowan cemetery directed by S Southern rn Utah mortuary r oi of Cedar g r City Friends gs' gs may call 1 at the family nl home In Parowan Tuesday d until time lime of services Mrs Bentley was born July 4 4 1877 In Parowan a daughter of ot Nells Neill and Hannah Taylor She was wu married to John ohn W W. Bentley on March 3 3 1903 1003 She was an active L LII S church worker having hayIng hay have ing served ae aI a member of ot the genealogical committee of Parowan East ward tor for many years parI S Surviving are her husband a son and four daughters Shelby Shelb Norma and Roma Bentley of f Parowan Mrs Clara B B. B Knell of Cedar City Wow and 1 Mrs Pearl rr B B. B Hot Mor- W tenson of ton Los Angeles Cal two two brothers and two sisters listers George and Albert MIckel son ann and Mrs Lena Benson o of f Parowan o and t Mr of Salt i. i Li Lake City l and three grandchildren Joseph P P. P Payne BURLEY BURLET idaho Joseph Idaho Joseph P P. P Payne prominent Burley mortician died Tuesday at t 5 p m in at his home In Burley f from froma a stroke r te suffered r e on gust August t 6 6 He e was 58 years old A resident of Burley for 10 years vears Mr Payne was well known In tn Paul Idaho and andy y and n Salt a Lake City Utah having hay hav ii inS ing lived I In each c of cC r these e cities fei for several ev i ipa pa years lIe He was born In on February 26 26 1883 a son of George H H. and Harriet Phillips Payne Coming to Burley from Paul In 1931 1031 Mr fr Payne established the Payne mortuary and had been a prominent business leader since He also had bad been active In L D B S 8 church circles ha having served a year three-year mission for tor the church In California In his hla YO youth i Mr Hr Payne served as a guIde guide on the r. r D S temple grounds In Salt Lake City for three years l Mr Payne iy is survived bv by bis widow Mrs Retta Sessions Payne whom he married January 7 1914 a son lion Garth Payne of Burley r two daughters Mrs Kathryn Kathrn m na Taylor ray Tay f Inc lor of B Burley yd and Mrs Lucille Detmers of ham Bingham Utah three brothers Henry and John Payne of Burley e and Myron o Payne Payne a of Syracuse c Utah and one sister st Mrs r Hattle Robinson of Sandy Utah Funeral services will wilt be conducted Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day at 4 30 p P. P m YE at the Burley L D B S tabernacle with Bishop Karl Earl Overson pre pre- siding S Joseph Taylor node Tooele TOOELE Joseph TOOELE-Joseph and Joseph farmer Je Taylor and laborer 71 native of le tg the of community for fOJ almost all his life life died Tuesday at 1 p p. p m m. at his hll home North Main street of f a heart attack He Ste had td tda been hn hIN in n IN good gf health tl but complained o f ln of a slight h Illness s at noon and died an hour later ro Ha He was to born In is node Tooele May 28 1870 a son of John and Eliza Matthews Taylor Except for five years In which he lived successively successively suc suc- in Sunnydale Idaho American Fork k and n Lehl Lehi UtH Utah he had a spent all I Ift his kI efrat life I In Tooele He was a retired as an of the International a 1 Smelting and ft ti Refining company a 10 years a ago He was a member of the L D S church He lie Is s survived by three h sisters slaters Mrs leb erh f JI Hannah a aT T T. Gillespie and n Miss Sarah ray Tay lor br of ot Tooele and Mrs Mary of Lehl and two brothers John Taylor of Rexburg Id Idaho o and Daniel Taylor of Tremonton Tre Tre- monton Funeral services will be conducted Sunday Sun day In the Second L I D S ward chapel by Marcellus R. R Clark Burial willbe will willbe willbe be In Tooele cemetery Friends may call at the Smith funeral home prior to services ices Icee Vervene C. C BENNION BENNION lira Vervene Cobbley Soren Sor Sore en enlon enson on 37 31 a resident of Bennion for 1 14 ye yeArs yeara rs died In a a. Salt Lake hospital Tuesday Tuesday Tues rues day at 11 a a. a m m. of bronchial asthma Mr Mrs was wu born In Ill Linden Uta Utah May 2 2 1904 a daughter of Albert and Violet Banks Cobbley She was wai wa a member of the list Bennion L 1 D S 8 Sward ward Belief Re Be lIel lief Surviving are her ber husband S Thomas H Ii r h her mother residing I In n Salt Sait Lake City iy two o sons g erBo Boyd C C. gan gann and L Lynn T T. or on a daughter ht III C C. Soren Soren- son n two hr brothers brothers t r II Cobbley o of Heber and B B. Cobbley of Salt Lake City and mt t two sisters Mrs Grace Hansen a of Orem m and Mrs Florence e Peterson I of Long Beach Cal Funeral services will be conducted Friday Fri day a at 1 p p. m. m in the Bennion I L 1 D S Sward sward ward chapel by Bishop H Henry I rh gh rI may call at the family residence Thursday evening and Friday prior to services Burial will be In Murray city cemetery Sarah E. E S. S Ballard CACHE JUNCTION Cache County County- Funeral services for tor Mrs Sarah Elizabeth Stevens Ballard Bailard 61 61 of Cache Junction who died Monday morning will be conducted con con- ducted Thursday at 2 p p. p m sn In Newton L D S ward chapel Burial In tn Newton cemetery will be directed by Lindquist Ie Sons SOliS mortuary of Logan |