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Show THE STRAIN OF WORK. bmd STomnen NOUTIDYKST .NOTES. Oett of Backs Civs Out Under the Three men were buried by a snow-slidBurden of Daily Toil. which carried away the building Lieutenant George (I. Warren, of house ami bunk house of the Danker' No, 3 Chemical, Washington. I). C says: "It's aa honest fact that Doan's National mine at Ouray, t'oio Kidney Dills did of Represent at! butytwo lime i great lot of braries in ibe Mate nut in Tacoma good, and If it and effected the organization of the were not true 1 would not recoin Washington Library association. The date for the twenty first annual mend them. Kuas the strain of lift tournament of the Sportsmens Association of the Northwest, to be held In Portland, have been announced at June 22. 23 and 21. Samuel Olive, a miner, was Instant, lng Doans Kidney Dills I have lifted 1 Cun pounds and felt no had effects. 1 ly killed In a mine in Butte, falling Olivo have not felt the trouble come hack feet through nil ore chute. since, although I had suffered for live body bounded from timber to timber, or six years, and other remedies had his neck being broken. not helped no at ad." The Colorado legislature has passed For rale l.y nil dealers. Drice 1.0 the bill introduced for the purpose of Co.. Buffalo. N.Y. cents. Foater-Milhurrail& Colorado Southern the enabling way to absorb other roads in ColoBreakable Ccins. and adjoining states. rado Until the reign of Edward I. of England pennies were struck with a cross, William Anderson, a ditch laborer, so deeply Indented that it might be was set ujHin by two highwaymen at easily parted Into two for halfpence, Derby, Nevada, and because Anderand Into four for farthings. son had no money, the robbers heat his face and head to a pulp. EFFECTS OF PROSPERITY. In the six years of the countrys Three burglars robbed the greatest prosperity, from 1S97 to 1903, at Spoknne, blowing open the average prices of breadstuff's advanced safe and securing $30 to $40 in cash, C5 per cent, meats 23.1 per cent, dairy Three postage stamps. and garden products 50.1 per cent, besides were to tbo wreck required and clothing 24.1. All these were prod charges ucts of the farmer and stockman who safe. profited more than any other class of William Scott, a street car conthe community by those advances. ductor of Butte, suicided by shooting The miner benefited 42.1 per cent by himself in the breast while seated bethat advance In the average price of metals. The only decrease In the side his wife and child In their home. average prices of commodities In that Scott was despondent over financial period was in railway freight rates affairs. e which decreased from .738 per Henry Wianand of Sioux City, la., In 1897 to .703 in 1903, a loss who shot and killed his wife in Denof 4.4 per cent. The report of the In 27 last, has been terstato Commerce Commission shows ver, on January in the second of found murder guilty that the average increase In the pay of railroad employes in the period was degree. His defense was temporary & trifle above 8.5 per cent. insanity, due to heavy drinking. Thomas Kane, a tourist prospector Buy on Credit in Chins. of San Francisco, was struck by a Foreigners in China buy nearly train and killed at Derby, everything on credit, giving signed passenger chits" for every purchase, the reason Nevada. He was driving a team and being their unwillingness to load attempted to cross in front of the themselves down with silver or native train. Death was instantaneous. coin, while paper money fluctuates too The Norwegians of Minnesota and much. the Dakotas are planning to establish Beware of Ointments for Catarrh an immense colony in Nevada, according to a Reno dispatch. It is prothat Contain Mercury, m mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell posed to secure a large tract of land e e Attended with laintad, offeniive, or foul breath. Utter taate, e port ally In the morning, furred Umgue, tick or bilious headache, pour or Irregular appetite, aour stomach, wau-- brsth." coiutipa lion with strong tendency to the blue," or despondency, are all relieved and radically cured by the faithful ue of Dr, fromtlJe at live tn I dh tnal printoipe I e- troubled jexr. alik ihntlfi o Qur-Ml- f wt-r- o i- r-- n tMs-ai- y ? - from lilliu- - medicinal plants. without the no of alcoiml. not a drop of which enters into Its co.;ijK.itlnn. T he benefit fell from lt me is not, therefore. duo to alcoholic evhlkrutioii. and com,- qu ntly nf short Uuruuoll. but Is lidur-- ; truui-u lake father ; ; and in inedjelne that i in lirlji Bm at all. Ii that iuuld n my try your that I had J lumuvery taking than Le biotnh whott I a entirely cured, and can now rat an I tldnf witln-u- t Mia lins staM-vt- . North Arlington. .V-- Jersey. . r:ni wim I am irratofut u liohlm and I in-!!- - ltn ay Mt-dh- al v. Ui-ir- AurAh:iu-- Cure U-- n tra't-- d fur several tm t'ouM nm any ttgunu-In- f thing without tirrleiui;ff a!n. 1U1 lml- ati-Mand wa fro- nauM-atl My nek iml t tiifltl tr tnml violent and I rmild rta-iai- d and Itmmufhly day. I Bierce Golden Medical Discovery . No man can t stronger than hi stomach; when It gels out of order he trfvome, hi, lou, dyupcpllc, h) xchonirlarai. he feels languid, and out of tired and all fagged out," j or Nothing will morn nently Invigorate and tone Into aril-n- , j liver and bowels than Dr. Db rce's ;.,! " ' wftw and wim r FjHM-dll- I wm ofrrtUtud, I,!t f.,.jiiU V- - ,r Wbrn everything Id e, Buffalo, V Y.J Iails. mv hanpy Medicalthat I have remedy for siotuacti many yeat I could arvly urvadfullv o la- without Ir. IVn to ! a isk- -i truul.le. I,r B, Lol.U-- u ltg ;,Vnd .!) t;ii l.ao-- irr Y1. N Without fiHwl jir, I.eree and It proved ry w.-rair l The great maturity of dl.enes have su(actry iht imught tuon- 1 was nutis-in- t li In He until uf the bad Indla anl Moi:m ihh h, Inception I hat , auut four months. s and Impure blood. r.,,l,r,,jr gostion, bllluu-rie-con-- ; are 'i';" Among th.--,- hra lng csnuinu.it.'whi.h sumption, know to tJoneof U.I nereotn prttst rat loti and exhaustion, m the country, Asa M. Wim-iam- . body torturing ituffalo, N. Y. ltilcy Street. breeding neuralgia, emaciating malaria i blond and u,a,,u'r j)r Dierces pvpngo lllustrabvl tKKk, skin diseases I)r. J'ihguring J j Medical Adviser,'1 Omnium leal Discovery Is a cure for all the-- o ois-- 1 frH, j(i pajN-- rovers, on receipt of .,,1 n like rea.na-- j t stamps to pay cstcloth-lmun-mailing bln time. It Is not a cure-all- . but cuns 31 stamps tho ,,j the disease mentioned fur the reason volume will Address Dr. II V. that they are catistni and acgravattvl hy j 1 rLW' i;..!r:.. sent. y tho asms disorders. It makes tlm apjte-- 1 When tho "Golden tlt keen, tho digestion fs rfect. tho liver IT Mtslical Discov- active, tho blond pure and builds firm Ulw I ILiCC fleh and healthy nerve Dont bo cry " is not quita fn as laxative obstinate wheodled by a dealer into enough, constipasugar-coate- d taking something else said to Ihj Just as tion. tho little, plea-an- t, Delicts" should I taken to aid tha good, only that he may mako a greater profit. Theres nothing "Just as good" "Discovery." tine or two for a laxative, as Golden Mtslical Discovery," with Its two to four for a cathartic. Thoy alon record of cures extending over a third of have been known to euro many bad cases of stomach trouble, dyspepsia and india century. gestion. They act on the liver and A Great 5uffarer Curwl. tho bowels. Tut up In glass regulate Dr. R. Y. Fikrce. Buffalo. N. Y.: vlala, corked, therefore, always fresh Sir My health Is better now than ft has been before for many ye arm. and I owe to Kwl Dr, Pierce's Gulden Medical Discovery a debt di-ea- rfftvl. iio lOen r Mt-o- I te:chl hi n a t.Hvt I c.ih-o-f Ua-the- H y vs I -- In.-anit- tci i M-d- - r one-cen- r d 1 DlneenV j fil-e- penny-grabbin- g ior Pleasant Pellets. ton-mil- nd completely derange the whole system when Such entering It through the mucous furnace. nicies should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting dlreotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure youIn get the Toledo. genuine. It la taken Internally and made Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Bold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take UaUa Family Pills for constipation. Dust Your Foliage Plants. All plants which are grown for their foliage effect and which are, therefore, to be kept for any considerable time in the home, must receive attention at the tops as well a3 at the roots. In the cleanest of houses dust will accumulate, and this, settling upon the leaves, blocks up the breathing pores of the plant. The only remedy is removal of the dust, to which end a sponging of clean water, say at least once a week, should be given. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOKIA, safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought, Peninsula of Arabia. The peninsula of Arabia has an area of some 1,200,000 square miles, with a population estimated at from 6,000,000 to 10,000,000. The Turkish province of Yemen is most populous and is highly fertile. Aden commands a total export and import trade of some $30,000,000. Truths that Strike Horae Tour grocer is honest and if he cares to do bo can tell you that he knows very little about tho bulk coffee he sells you. How can he know, where it originally came from, how it was blended or With What or when roasted? If you buy your coffee loose by tho pound, how can you expect purity and uniform quality ? UON COFFEE, the LEADER OF ALL PACKAGE COFFEES, Is I necessity uniform In quality, strength and llavor. For OVER A and construct an irrigation system. Every railroad In Wyoming has QUARTER OF A CENTURY, has been the standard coffee In granted a rate of one fare for the pound trip to Cheyenne on the occasion of the meeting of flockmasters on April 11, 12 and 13 to organize the association. Wyoming A jury at Laramie, Wyo., has returned a verdict of murder in the first degree in the case of Henry E. Clay, charged with the murder of George Gerber, a merchant of Laramie, on the night of January 19. William Burney is yet to be tried for complicity in the same murder. Clay will be sentenced to be hanged. Wool-Growe- millions ol homes. LtON COFFEE la carefully packed our at factories, and until opened In has no chance ol being adulhome, your terated, or ol coming In contact with dust, dirt, germs, or unclean hands. rs In Oregon a bill has passed the legislature making it a misdemeanor to scalp tickets. The crime is punishable by a fine of not less than $100 or more than $1,000 or fine and imwent The act prisonment both. through on account of the heavy ticket business expected for the Lewis and Clark exposition. With his body swollen to twice its natural size and This face distorted until the features were unrecognizable, William Erskine, a former resident of Salt Lake but recently of Idaho Falls, Idaho, was found in a Butte, Mont., rooming house. He had been dead 48 hours when found, death being from natural causes. UON COFFEE In each package of LION COFFEE you get one full pound of Pure Coffee. Insist upon getting the genuine. (Lion head on every package.) (Save tho Lion-hea- for valuable premiums.) ds SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE O lihSf WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. 2E5S I followed the On the Trad trail from Texas -- koith a FishBrnni Fommeloltcker iSSS Slicker, used for an overcoat when cold, a wind coat and for a cover at night if we got to bed, and I will say that I have gotten mora comfort out of your slicker than any Other One article that I ever owned. (The lutn. and addreaa of th writer of this unsolicited letter may be bad on application.) Wet Weather Garments for Riding, Walk- ing, Working or Sporting. HIGHEST AWARD WORLDS FAIR. 1904. A. J. TOWER CO. Boston, ms. a. TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limited T0B0HT0, CJJUDA Ua The Sica of th UA rV,5F ! SEEDS Goad Bead Pay. When yoa hay Parity Seeds yoa get the beat. Big oatalog free VOGELER EGGS From SEED CO. SALT OITY, THAT WILL HATCH My Prize Winners. Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs, Eggs. . . S. C. Brown Leghorn SA LAKE UTAH DAYI L'M 2.00 1.50 ! per setting. per setting. 725 SEVENTH ST. SALT LAKE CITY... When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper, |