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Show WOMEN AND CONSIDER THE KKWS SC.MMAIIV. ! (I!1E 'll GIMT Rear Admiral Hoblcy I Evans has ffdretej the new Maine ns his flagship. BEING 3 HEALTH TO 7;i ..i . BEES OB BAKE TAMILY. High winds at Ottawa, Kars, cau-e- d much damage to properly an I Cnrrs m lVtft-'lirltility fi r M.tttii.i, t twelve prins who Injured. m i hi, i 'a llntlmuil'i It r.iiuin. Ktw m n lo- Hour lives in the MisXrnmii I have r comnu-tid.-souri liver at St. Joseph while atlb, Williams , Pink to Pills .nl Mr. j a in skiff. to cross tin j many river tempting 1,. Mail "brraUM'I g ii Five miners were killed and four (JosM'lt, r in time after time, iht my n it results, injured as the result of a cave In at family. Tin re are tl.r In bate f the Imperial mine, at Silver Itell. Ari- lit limit t ab ait til if :n tils. We d iut zona, Hied to take any .:dIl ii the Mil, Uiy. t for ietwe our ls taught eXJ.. Hoth houses of the Nebraska leg jei 11 tin ties bow vt i ve praise. y Idature have passed a bill prohibiting It was about ten y ;;is ag that spoils on Memorial day, and the gov- I liist readjustabout l)r. WiM.an.s Pink ernor will sign It. Pills nud bought my lii?r lv. I waat Edna Wallace Hopper, the actress, that time all run down, weak, nervous has won her lir.-- t victory in the light nud without aiubiti rt. 1 bad been le. for a share in the millions of the late foritrg nil Mimmor for malaria ami fctoinaeli trouble. Iac thought I Ihinsimiir, her stepfather. was going inti eor.Miiiij ion, n iuy . Ten los of Harvey, a suburb of Mother bad died of that ths aso have confessed to the robbery Thank to Dr. Williams Pink Pills, of tight en stores, three churches, I am now ulivo nud Im.u ty. 1 in gun to two school hou-.eand a railroad sta- impi ovo ns s..n us gun to take them, I when bad taken and three 1ocs I wusn tion. . a ALL-IMPORTA- NT - f .( f Ii-- W I u lrit -t FACT . v;, . 11 t.- That In addressing Mrs. Pinkhara you v n dV are txmtiding your private ills to a woman a woman whoso experience with wo s covers a great many year. man's tltM-aYou cm talk freely to a woman whoa it Is revolting to relate your private trouble to a man besides a man does not understand simply because he is a man. Many women suiter in silence and drift along from bad to worse, knowing full well that they ought to have immediate assistance, but a natural modesty Impels them to shrink from exposing themselves t the questions and probably examinations of even their family physician. It is unnecessary. Without money or priee you can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual experience is great. Ab-xande- A'--- i ktf.C's rs (hi-eago- The Wise nsin legislature has an which anti tte bill, parsed cigar absolutely prohibits the sab' or manufacture of cigarettes or cigarette papers. Three nun were killed outright ami anotlur so badly Injured that lie died a few hours later, bv an explosion at the Seliaghtleoke powdt r mills near Troy, N. and Ingin return except your good-wiladvice has relieved thousands. Surely : woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if does not take advantage of this gener offer of assistance. Lydia E. linkb 1 Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. let- result. First letter. As you know, I wrote you that my doctor said I must havo an or 1 could imt live. I then wrote you, telling you my ailments. I followed your advice and am entirely well. I cun walk miles without an ache or a yain, and I owe my life to you and to Lydia 12. 1mklia ill's Vegetable Coinytound. I wish every suffering woman would read this testimonial and realize the value of writing to you and your remedy." Mrs. Mary Dimmick, f.ffh and E. Capitol Streets, Donning P, O., Washington, D. C. oin-rutio- n Dear Mrs. Pinkham: For eight years I have suffered something terrible every month with my ieriods. The pains are excruciating and I can hardly stand them. My doctor says I have ovarian and womb trouble, and I must go through an operation if 1 want to get well I do not want When a medicine has been successful to submit to it if I can possibly help it. Please tell me what to do. I hoje you can in restoring to health so many women relieve me. -- Mrs. Mary Dimmick, 69tn and E, whose testimony is so unquestionable, Capitol Sts., Bcnning P.O., Washington,D.C. you cannot well without say, trying it, Second letter. I do not believe it will help me. If Dear Mrs. Pinkham: are botill. hesitate a to dont you get After following carefully your advice, tle E. Pinkharas Vegetable of Lydia and taking Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable, , m at once, and write Mrs. Pink-m- y Compound, I am very anxious to send you''omPou for special advice--alueai- ul others know that ham, their Mass., testimonial, Lynn. may what you have done for me. it is free and always helpful. a WE. TREAT and CURE of the eye, car, nose. throat, lunjs, atom ach, liver, bowel, kidneys, bladder and all chronic, nervous and private diseatea of both eexoe. and diseaLses of children. Home Treatment Cores. Write for free symptom list If yon cannot call. Consultation Free. J. SHORES. great landslide ocurrod at Sem-lin- , Hungaria. A squadron of soldiers who went to the rescue of a buried woman suffered severely, eight of their number being killed and nineteen injured. Mrs. Frank llolie, aged 62 years, was criminally assaulted by a negro in her home in Johnstown, Ia. Her condition is serious. Posses are after tbo negro, and he will be lynched If caught. A resolution demanding the union of Crete with Greece was passed at a mass meeting of 4,000 Cretians in Athens. The Cretians afterwards paraded the streets carrying flags and shouting for the union. A workmens organization, which at two meetings demanded the convocation of a constituents assembly and liberty of has speech, press and conscience, been dissolved by the police in MosA who are suffering from Private Diseases-wheth- er Unfortunates, of both sexes, IrnX ..a - 2.1. kana al n a wo hna n 1 DR. O. W. SHORES. caused hr . irnor- - WISH TO YOURSELF. DR8. SHORES KNOW THEY CAN CURE AND DO CURE PRIVATE DISEASES IN BOTH SEXES PERMANENTLY, and to PROVE their skill. In this class of ailments, they treat and cure such oases before the patient Is required to pay Urs. Shores' one dollar. Or those who prefer, or monthly Installments as the cure progresses. THIS HONEST may pay the fee In small weekly PLAN OF DEALING WITH THE AlFLICTED. deals a death blow to the Quack and Fakir who demands all Cash, In exchange for empty promises. Did you ever hear of a Fakir refunding a to a duped patient? Take no chances you cannot lose your money If you don't Dav it out. penny Nine-tentof so called 'WEAKNESSES OF MEN are simp y the result of or Inflamed PROSTATE GLAND Drs. Shores new LOCAL TREATMENT for such casesenlarged INVARIcases Doctors how CURES ask cure other ABLY many under the old and useleM plan of they treatment for this trouble. We cure LOST MANHOOD. Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhoea GONORRHOEA. SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and kindred troubles. In less time and for less money, than any Institution In the west, every case Is confidential we never use a name or betray a secret. Consultation, Examination and Advice FREE by mall or at the office OFFICE HOURS: 9 a m to 5 p m; Evenings 7 to 8; Sundays and holidays 10 a m to II YOU hs 249 INerymm wonder how I keep n well and am sddo to earn my home nml six cin!.!rn without help. Dr. Williams Pink Pills explain it. My oldest girls health began to fail when vasalu;i fourteen, kibe was of sharp inius in lierv us, complain-her load, would g-- deathly hick nnd have to leave thus bo. 1 room to get fresh air to revive her. I gave some pills to her. She took only a few boxes, but they cured her troubles, nml caused her to dovclop inton perfect picture of health. Then my husband took them for rheumatism nml found that they Would euro that too. Bo you boo wo havo nil got great good from using them, and that is why we recommend them to others. Mrs. Minnie IT. Gossett lives at Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, nml is well known, as sho lius resided iu the same neighborhood for moro than thir teen years. Her story shows that q medicine which makes the blood sound nml the nerves strong, overcomes n variety of diseases nml should bo found in every household. Dr. WilliamsPink Pills nro sold by nil druggists everywhere. They have cured nmiemia, and nil forms of weakness, also tho most stubborn cases of dyspepsia nml rheumatism. They are indispensa ble for growing girla. Well woman. fr ! Pays Dearly for Stamp. For using on envelopes two stamps which had already been through tho post, an Irish schoolmaster has Just 100. Some of womans been fined economies often prove In little daily the end expensive. London Globe. TEA How can an everyday drink be so bad? a, cow. Special Offer in Private Diseases DRS. SHORES & SHORES, Expert Specialists, One thousand carriage workers in 320 shops of Chicago struck Saturday In retaliation for the alleged locking out of union men on their refusal to sign individual agreements. theZou-batovichtin- CATARRH and all curable diseases OB. X. Y. Senator Richard W. Morgan will be tried before the bar of the Colorado Beuato on charges growing out of the bribery investigation of the joint con- - that Following wc publish two 1 1 s Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Piukham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, ters front n woman who accepted this invitation. Note tlio liy r l - Mrn. IMukluunjj Standing Invitation: l, I 11 - - Because of historical associations, -- .e members of the Mormon church have purchased lor $4,000 the old jail at Carthage, Ills., where the first prophet and the founder of the faith met a tragic death at the hands of a mob. Oh, theyre used to itl" New Machinery. We have edited the Mineral Belt Gazette for forty weeks without a pait fo scissors. We have added this piece of machinery to our well equipped plant. Mineral Belt Gazette. to-da- y TEA Wasnt it dreadful ir Yes. Did she know it? Senators who called on President Roosevelt last week to consult with Probably not. to as for the probable time him the inArt of Long Ago. were of congress, reassembling Perhaps the first American woman formed that it was likely that a spein art is a Maya priestess. Pictured cial session will be called for Octo-a bearing huge Moan bird. It was ber 16. found in an ancient codex, something After long and distinguished ser- like the Egyptian papyrus scrolls. A. S. Barker, commavice, nder-in-chief of the North Atlantic hauled down his flag on the fleet, Give thought to the tea Kearsarge on the 31st, and was placed on the retired list of the navy. In the war with Spain Admiral Barker was you buy. Yoor gnext Mam one of the ipo-jrmu manmf If w IWl fi prominent membeis fckiilinfs RmC of the strategy boird. 1 Rear-Admir- TEA L |