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Show To tt you K Weight Down. wish to keep your weight tfcvn, don't drink water at meals. Take tea and coffee.. Rise early, walk at least five mile every day, and don't take a nap after exercising. Bleep eight hour only, and on a moderately hard led. Shun fresh or hot bread. Flee from potatoes, peas, macaroni, olive oil, cream, alcoholic drinks, English Accident Insurance. For a trifling sura 2 cents for every $500 tha person who buys a railroad ticket In England receives a ticket ea titling bis heirs to Insurance money la case he should be killed on the jour rey. The o .er day a workman In sured his llfd for $2,500 In this way. and hi widow received the money. Now there Is a great rush for ruck In- XTJ HLEGA1L i DECISIONS weetn and imtrv. surance. BABY ONE SOLID SORE. The of a p;n, haing Could Not Shut Eye to Sleep Spent t&lned from the ctaie the grai.i of the adj.mm Jaiul utnl. r wait-r- . are $100 on Doctor Baby Grew held in White com- , I'vtu Tnit-- i Worse Cured by Cuticura to he cnj.. )t. ,, pany tN. Y.i. for $5. titled to dto,lK Jt aw. to any prop1 dcTth ,l ,,iaK, A srah foriuc d on my baby's face. hilly iim- ilu owner of spreading until it oniplteIy covered ful. withoui luhililv s a i lu which pi neighboring her from l.:ul to foot, followed by cause of th of il.o iiiicrvci. slipping boils, having fort) on her head at one lands ilu toward excavation. stale Ing more on and her time, body. Then her shin started to dry up and It be- The right to lemove lateral support in came so bad she could not shut her by dredglua water bed s discu-M-a to note cum. (his eyes to slee p. One month's treatment with Cuticura Soap and Ointment The state Is hdd in Mobile Transmade a complete cure. Doctor and medicines had cost over 1 100, with portation company vs. Mobile (Ala.), 4 L. It. A. 33.3. not to abrogate Its baby growing worse. Then we spent a trust by granting to less than $5 for Cuticura and cured municipality her. (Signed) Mr. Cl. II. Tucker, Jr., the shore ot a tidal body of water within Its limits. A note to tills case 235 (!reevf,1bi Vvc. Milwaukee, Wls. reviews the oOir authorities on muniAmbiguous. cipal ownership of the tide lauds. "Johnson wants to borrow some One who fills sn order for a particumoney of me. Do you know anythin? about him? I know him as well as I lar brand of seed by supplying the do you. I wouldn't let him have a kind ordered is held. In Gardener vs. dollar. New Yorker. Winter (Ky.), C3 I It. A. 047. not fo Impliedly warrant that It Is reasonably St for the purpose to which It is not to be applied. - rr fr oh-- j 1 j . ; t Vonr licntcr Allrn'a Foot-Fsen. Is held. In l.ink of Yolovs. Sper Aik A jwwder. it rests the feet. Cures Corns, rj Flour Co. (Cal.). 05 I It. A. IH. to Uuuicns, Swollen. Soie, Hot, Callous, Aching, ho made In the former within the Sweating Feet and Ingiowing Nails. A'len's makes new or tight shoes easy. At meaning of a constitutional jirmlsdon that actions on rontructs may he all Druggiils and Shoe stores, 2Scents. Act in the county when they aro cept no substitute. Sample mailed Fuse. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. made. Coot-lCas- c I ! j U j British Stamp Taxes. Stamps costing $l'd.500 were recently required for an agreenu nt between two London railway companies. An Innkeeper is held In Ilahmtl vs. hndorff (Cal.), 65 I,, it A. 88, not to liable In the absence of negligence on his part, for Injuries to a guest cauMd by an assault committed by a be TEA The holder of a purchase money mortgage is held. In Hinton vs. Mutual 00(1 for a I jt makcs him Fund Life Aso. (N. C.), 65 L It. A. 161, to have no insurable interest In the life of the wife of the mortgagor, who did not join In the execution of the mortgage debt. I off. Sweet Powders Hothrr Gray for Children. , . by oter ctW nurse the Children s Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worm. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y, New Hampshire Justice. A somewhat unusually youthful jus tice of the peace In a New Hampshire town was Called upon to perform his first marriage ceremony. After he had the knot safely tied the young couple continued to stand before him as if expecting some further rite. Whereupon the justice stammered out in a desperate attempt to round off the ceremony with something of a religious turn: There, there, its all over; go and sin no more!" A INCOME PRAYER. Supplicant's Appeal for Jimmy of the Perfunctory Order. daughter Mary C , the of a Presbyterian clergyman in a small Georgia village, had a playmate, Jimmy by name, of whom it was her custom to make special mention in i her evening prayer at her mothers i knee. some child-iOne evening, I J? after ish Quarrel Wr3- c noticed that the boys name was omitted from the petition, and said, Mary, aren't you going to pray for Jimmy No, mother; he's a mean, hateful boy, and Im never going to pray for him any more. Her mother made no reply, not wishing to add fuel to the flame, and decided to allow the youthful conscience to work out the problem in its own way. In a few moments she heard the little girl climb out of bed, fall upon her knees, and say, in a tone guarded by indifference: God, you can bless Jimmy if you want to, but you neednt do it on my account. Lucien H. Boggs, in the Editor Drawer, Harpers Magazine six-year-o- ld n - ?. OF GRAND DUKES. Enormous Sum of Russian Money Absorbed by Them. The Russian Imperial family number at the present time something like sixty grand dukes and grand duchesses. It is a fact that they would one and all be wholly dependent upon the reigning Emperor, whose wealth is practically boundless his minimum income is estimated as being 1,500,000 were it not that a former Czar, Paul I., set aside a certain number of estates to which he gave the curious name of the Imperial AppanThe income of these vast ages. stretches of fertile land is devoted to the maintenance of all those members of the Imperial family who are not in the direct line of succession. At the piescnt time this source of income 2,000,000 a year, and ihe produces Imperial Appanages stand In the proud position of being the largest landowner, the most important and prosperous farmer, and the weatlhiest in the Russian Empire! This is the reason why Russian grand dukes are so amazingly wealthy. wine-produc- twtmnm fom mm; W ym Shaft Of Usefulness Lasting. Mosquito's fashioned old The theory that a mosquito bites bnt once and then dies is a myth. Some varieties are ready for all comers although It takes three days to digest a full meal of blood. DONT FORGET A large 6 cents. I package Red Cress Hall nine, The Kuss Company, South Head ? onlj Free Port." This is the name applied to certain continental ports actually districts which are entitled to Import and export goods free of the ordinary tariff duties. Germany has nine duty-freports, the principal of which is Hamburg. Austria two, and Denmark and Roumania one each. e I am suie Iisos Cure for Consumption saved life three years ago Mils. Thou. Ron him, Maple Street, Norwit h. N. Y., hel). 17. 1W0. my Dog Aids Shoplifter. Arrested for shoplifting in Taris, a woman was found to have a clever accomplice in a King Charles spaniel, which she carried under her arm, and had trained to snatch up pieces of lace from shop counters. London Mail. Dr. David Kennedy Favorite Kennedy, Nerlona kidney trouble. I gained N. Y., cured Bondout, B. IWXOuik1b. NOT AN URGENT ve extremely nice it is. TEA The Russ Company, South Bend, Ind. busi-Reser- We serve nice tea at onf bouse; wc have learned boff d J Wet his TEA TEA another. mAIlJ y Cost of Producing Coffee. The average cost of labor iu the pro Auction and preparation of coffee Is 4.7 cents a pound. -- well-establishe- tOO-blls- ness. The ownership by a manufacturing corporation of a town or city of more than 2.000 houses, with streets, alleys, fewer systems, dwellings, tenement houses, churches, schools, business buildings, etc., no one of which Is occupied by any either than a tenant of the corporation, is held, in rcopc ex Tea puts youth in tired old rel. Moloney vs. Pullman Ialaco Car A residuary legatee who receives, company (111.) 64 L. II. A. 366. to be bones, and turns wrinkles to although under protest, the amount contrary to public policy ami ih exdue him under the will, is held, In cess of the implied powers of the corlaughter. Stone vs. Cook (Mo.), 64 L. It. A. 287, poration. to have no right, upon a mere offer Luckless Wight. lie was over 6 feet in height. to bring the amount so received Into One consigning goods to his agents A man of hoth mettle and mclght. to contest In the of court, another city, for sale, is hold. In the Hut tic showed a receipt validity When dunned for his melpt. will, where, upon the faith of his Pennsylvania It. Co. vs. Naive (Tcnn.), Called the hutehrr a chetpi. acceptance, the special legacies pro- 64 I It. A. 413, to be bound to take And was licked in the subsequent felght. vided for have been distributed. notice of a certain, and general custom in force there, An assignee of a gas lease, which, that business will be suspended on a to Its assignor for certain holiday, so that he cannot hold (o avoid Tasting tea is a whole oc- his shareaccounting of the profits of a well to the carrier liable for failure to make which he Is entitled under the con- delivery of the consignment on that cupation ; coffee tract of assignment, fraudulently com- day. The taster picks-ou- t your tea mingles the product of the well with the product of other wells without A statute authorizing game wardens and puts the price on it. keeping any account or preserving to seize and forfeit to the state sumany record of the amount of gas pro- marily, without affording the owner la ovary packaga of Schilling's Bart Tm duced by it. is held, in Stone, vs. Mar- thereof opportunity for a hearing, all ItsUsli Haw To Miti Good Tart shall Oil Co. (Pa.). Or L. It. A. 218. to guns, ammunition. decoys, fishing Cost of Impatience. be obliged to account for the propor- tackle, etc., in actual use by persons In the impatient mood we are apt to tionate part called for by the contract, hunting in violation of the game law, spend far more energy than is re- of the whole amount, of gas produced is held. In McConnell vs. McKlllip quired in the doing of our work; and and sold by it. under the principle (Neb.), 63 L. R. A. 610. to be void as this excess is lost, says the Indian- which is applied in case of the fraududepriving the owner of his property apolis News. We cannot estimate the lent cdafusion of goods. without due process of law. value of the power thus misplaced. When the impatient mood becomes the An agreement by a resident of one A statute forbidding the use of habit of a life time you can under- county, in response to a telephone call horses whoso tails are docked after its stand that failure, and perhaps loss from a person residing in another passage is held, in Bland vs. people of health and energy, are inevitable. county, that he would honor a draft (Col.), 65 L. R. A. 424, not to be void for the amount in case the latter as an unconstitutional deprivation of USE TIIE FAMOU8 Red Cross Ball Blue. Large package 5 should advance money to a third por- - property. Flogged Because of Their Beauty. Among the Australian aborigines, the newly married wife, especially where she is attractive, is made conscious of her charms by vigorous floggings from the other women until some of her youth and beauty wear e Im-ngh- Mib-ddr- cents. a. mj Warden, liurnavllle, N. J. Bottle 1.00. Poverty in English Metropolis. One out of every four persons who die in London dies on public charity. TEA What is the tea mood? Is there a tea mood? A contemplative mood. Would a little hurt? Writ for our Knowladga Canywiy, San Cook. A CdiiQuy St Francisco. Old Silver Circulates. Silver money 250 years old is still in circulation in some parts of Spain. Mr. WInalow'g Soothing Synp, For children teething, softens the gums, redaeea h. cures wind coilu, 2&c s bolUe. flammaUon, allay i pain, The Effect of Fried Eels. A teacher in the primary department of a city school one morning re cently asked the children what made them bo restless. One little fellow raised his hand and said: "We had fried eels for breakfast at my house this morning. |