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Show Volcanic Islands. Sines the beginning of ihe last cen- IASI HOPE OF THE EMPEROR volcanic tury no fewer than fifty-twIslands have risen out of the sea. Nineteen have disappeared and tea are RUSSIAN SUCCESS IS NOW CEN now Inhabited. TERED UPON ROJESTVENSKY. GUNNISON GAZETTE. VIRTUE OF PEAT UATH3. Discovery Made by Poor Pcant on the Coast of Finistere. nr x Krui o mill a aojr. The discovery of the value of peat baths was made accidentally many UTAH, PUNNI8QN, tara ago. there lived On tho coast of Flnisu-r7 Tbo a family. poor UTAH STATE NEWS. His Squadron Is Expected to Defeat at one time a out clud scanty Isn't it queer thatSoIomoa fstber of the family Admiral Togo and Thus Break diand cuttle aged killing by living Governor Cutler has Issued the ofChain of Defeats. Long reknow teal vesting them of their skint. The ficial Arbor day proclamation, desigmains he sold to tanners and refiners. which benating Saturday, April 15, as tho day The HYMNS OF A HIGH NUMBER. announcement that President Of tho t v children a poor was one to he observed. I Roosevelt has ft Washington on a longed to thM couple The hoard of education of tho local Curious Rule Prevails in the English vacation trip is accepted in St. Pet- creature, delicate and wretched, and naif wilted. Tho mother Church at Monte Carlo. fcfiool district is working on a propersburg as evidence that the efforts apparently of this offspring that ashamed so was A curious fact anent tbo service to draw Russia and Japan Into peace osition to establish a high school la to have the child bear she could not Mount Pleasaur during tho coming held In tbo English church at Monte negotiations have come to grief for in her sight. Carlo Is that no hymn under thirty-seve- n lh moment. No definite school year. explanation Consequently ho spent most of his is ever sung there. The reason of exactly what happened is forthcomtime, half clothed and badly fed, rollGovernor Cutler and tho entire for this may not be generally known. ing. hut the general impression Is that ing about la the peat bogs which we;e lewis and Clark commisison visited It Is as follows: A member of the congregation, a Japan either declined to treat upon ths behind the cottage. Portland last week, where they se- Little by little It was noticed that looted sites and space to bo used by I certain Kngllsh peer, once went to Russian basis or demanded a direct the child was Improving In health, llie roora 8 0,1 Sunday Immediately avowal that tlure was a pacific dispoUtah at the exposition. skin was becoming as fair after the morning service, and put sition. At any rat1 the advocates of that his as a peach, his eyes bright The fears of the farmers of tho Salt the maximum on thirty-two- , tho num- a continuation of the war scetns se- and soft his and spirits and actions those of a J,ake valley and the northern valleys ber of tho last hymn. It turned up, cure of their and everything strong, healthy boy instead of a halfposition was widely of tho stale that there would not bo and the 'Inspiration indicates that the hope of an Imme- witted little animal. such as talked about, been things are In th diate putliclent water this season has The old country physician on one change of fortune is staked on of frivolous the principality, society snowfall. tho recent dissipated by noticed the improved Tho next Sunday the little church Vice Admiral Rojestvensky. whose of his rounds of the estahto condition toy and mentioned Then is a movement on was crowded and the last hymn being squadron, according to the best inforand the cause at a medical llsh a driving park in or about Iugan, a jow. number, an unseemly rush to mation. Is now actually on Its way to that fact New7 York Hera commute having the matter In tho rooms took place directly It was meet the Japanese. The admiralty Is conference in Paris. ald. charge Is busy with details, and it announced. Curiously enough, the greatly encouraged by the prospects What Everybody Says. looks as if the project would succeed. cumber again turned up and the bank that Rojestvensky will he able to dewas badly hit. Jamboree. Ky., April 3rd. (Speow ing to the splenKdward Gray, of Salt Lake City, has On the following Sunday the church feat Admiral Togo I for years with my suffered been arrested at Las Vegas, Nevada, would not hold all the worshipers," did reports which have Just arrived cial.) M. Coleman, a well back, says Mr. J. charged with killing ( l)e Prater in but their Intent was frustrated, as Here 'from Rojestvensky, Mated from known resident of this place. Then the Island of Madagascar, recounting I It is claimed I)e all tho hymns were off the board a saloon light. I Tills and have used Dodd's Kidney in detail the condition of the ships since. a little not felt Prater was the aggressor in the light. and have been so ever since. My girl pain and personnel and the results of the She back. of her used . complained was man of and tho target practice The body of an unknown squadron What jt Cost tQ Discover AmerIca. box of Dodds Kidney about one-hal- f of the maneuvers In which the warfound lodged against the pier of the The discovery of America, according Is sound and well. she and Pills have been for three ships drilling bridge across Weber river In tho to documents found In the archives o months. It Is thousands of statements like western portion of Ogden, on Sunday. Genoa, cost a little more than $7,000, the above that show7 Dodds Kidney DEMOCRATS CARRY CHICAGO. The man had been dead at least three The fleet of Columbus was of the Pills to be the one cure for Backache value of about $3,000, while the salary or any other symptom of deranged A Political Tornado Seems to Have of the Admiral amounted to $300 kidneys. For Backache Is simply a The fruit of Weber countj, with the year. The two Struck the Windy City. captains who accom sign that the Kidneys need help. possible exception of the apples, has panie(j the expedition received a sal A Dodds Kidney Pills always cure political tornado on Tuesday overbeen considerably damaged by the re- - ary of $200, and the members of his Backache. They also always cure whelmed one of the most ruggedly cent cold snap, but has not been com- - crew were paid at the rate of $2.50 a Diabetes, Dropsy, unique leaders in the country. Inci- Brights Disease, Bladder and Urinary Rheumatism, pletely destroyed, as was at first month each. the Republican party met de- Troubles and dentally Heart Disease. These feared. CHILDREN AFFECTED. feat in a memorable effort to capture are more advanced of stages kidney the mayoralty of Chicago. As a direct disease. Cure your Backache with Cache county is importing JapaBy Mothers Food and Drink. result the city is officially committed Dodds Kidney Pills and you need nese lalw)r. A small colony of the Into babies been launched have to the policy of the quickest possible never fear them. Many brown men are locating at Lewiston, life with weakened constitutions by cessation of private franchises for pubWhere they will be employed in beet Down in Nova Scotia. disease in with their taken mothers culture in the interest of the new beet milk. Mothers cannot be too careful lic utilities. Municipal ownership Is People say that have been touring factory to be built there this spring as to the food they use while nursing especially threatening street car lines Europe when they were over there and summer. for a week, and living abroad when it their babes. The experience of a valued high up in the millions. reAfter four was a fortnight. New York Press. winning in case successively a Kansas is City mother Dr. Deatty of the State board of markable biennial fights of independhealth is calling attention to the fact point: I was a great coffee drinker from ents against the regular Republican that a great many horses throughout a child, and I could not eat a thought of Chicago, John party organization 1 the state are now afflicted with Both wine and tea mcal without it. But I found at last it Maynard sou of Associate JusHarlan, dread disease glanders, and asks the was (joing me harm. For years I had tice llarlan of the supreme court of talk, but not both make wis-dohelp of all Interested in stamping out been troubled with dizziness, spots be the United States, was a loser as Refore my eyes and pain in my heart. publican candidate for mayor. The the disease. which was added two years ago, a defeat is attributed to an extraorAfter passing several days in the chrome sour stomach. The baby was dinary whirl of causes, starting with Beer in the United States. Salt Lake county jail, where she was born 7 months In and a wide revenge political from almost and taking The ago, production of beer is now more held on the charge of murder in the sec- :han half a barrel for every man, beginning, it, too, suffered from sweep, embracing the most ond degree for performing a criminal S0Ur stomach. She was taking it socialism as a factor. The victor Is woman and child in the United States. Judge Edward E. Dunne, Democrat. Operation upon Margaret Graham, Mrs. from me! In my distress I consulted a friend Lizzie Geisler has been released on ROOSEVELT AT LOUISVILLE. of more experience than mine, and $5,000 bonds. she told me to quit coffee, that coffee Genuine Southern Welcome is ExtendTheres plenty of money According to the supreme court in a n0f make gOQ(j i have since to ed Chief the Executive. decision handed down last week in the ascertained that it really dries up the to smooth the little difficulIn the shadow of a magnificent case of Retta Sterling against the milk. ties that happen; they do So, I quit coffee, and tried tea and bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson, Woodman of the World, a fraternal or der can refuse to pay its policies if at last cocoa. But they did not agree just in front of the architecturally happen. the insured have not complied with all with me. Then I turned to Postum pleasing court house In Louisville, Coffee with the happiest results. It Ky., President Roosevelt on Ysur grocer return your atone If you like Tuesday, the formalities prescribed: this even to I be the Buhilling needed. t. proved very thing in something less than fifteen minutes, if they have paid their fees. It not only agreed perfectly with baby delivered a notable address to a crowd He Wasnt Inute. Treasurer Rudolph Kuchler of the and myself, but it increased the flow The sweet maiden said: In a minute that extended for two blocks on the Ill Lewis and Cllark exposition commit- - f my milk. My husband then quit give you a kiss if you winute. east and west sides of the speakers And he won the kiss. tee last week deposited with the Com- - coee an used Postum, quickly got As was planned by the miss, well of the dyspepsia with which he stand, which jammed intersecting aveBut he was too shy to beginute. Fort Worth Record. had been troubled. I no suffer nues and overran the broad lawns as the first payment on the $30,000 , from tfie dizziness, blind longer spells, pain which skirt the square. Not more than appropriated for the exposition. This jn my heart or sour stomach. Post- - one-fiftof those who saw7 the presiis the first time that state money has um has cured them. could hear what he said, but they Dont you know our tes Now we all drink Postum from my dent ever been deposited in an Ogden bank. him heartily nevertheless. Id cheered I?8 The G. A. R. are making elaborate hnfandI( has The presidents welcome to Kenyet? to be best proved was of state the and his typical preparations for their encampment to ot driok we haTe cver used- - We tucky You have missed a bo held in Ogden May 15. As one of would not give up Postum for tho beet reference in his speech to a united good country, his greeting of confederate the features arrangements have been coffee we ever drank. deal of comfort and lost Name given veterans as my comrades and his made for 5,000 school children to line by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. allusion to the wearer of the gray who some money. Theres a reason lore aloft at the head of the procession 25th street, each carrying a flag to of escort the flag of one united counMttle return, yw mo greet the old soldiers as they march Wellville in eachbook The Road ta try, greatly U pleased those who could pkg. from the depot. pp hear him. o ltd TEA e v-r- tidnt I I TEA mac ml I up-to-da- te TEA I h TEA I rywi! |