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Show M.il SMieJulc. f t .;J tvl i!'jnrturt . 'r i A Xcrtk tnr 3:10jmh 3:40p.ra :'0 a.m. '.I uth 311 p.m. Jf h Ac. h no Snuti iy mail. Al uu.ih, nri ilahy. N.tnm V. 11. g.MstiU tliiity culler; I iLrt iitrra who aro paM - U) Ld 05 80 no Ml 87 d Alfred Fjeldstd . . Alfred Fjoldhted . . t J CJIamcu ... Tukmi IVt-r- n n-r- . . u. . . 1th. .15 31.50 Jh 12 15 10 l'J 50 0.00 17.10 45.00 50 15.00 DM 12.38 50.80 30.00 15.00 7.00 100 150 75 25 120 o Moony to Loan F ou water Largo or small amounts. ' rU'UNINO. I iv , . ti v. Ibvid 1 100 no 3i.no zsP CoBsolidated Wagon & Machine Co. GUNN2SGN BRANCH. Lending Implement Dealers. The John Deere and P iv n Cnnlon Scotch Clipper- TIIESfi ARE THE LEADERS. -- . f - K the limir i'f G 1 i II V! ; 1 1 (! Ci lA -- , . 1 r v.ith the and expewe of t tAJ. ir 1- -- Kasiges and Heating Stoves. full Hue of ITAUNE8SES. Gum . mil nr.RFi IIELE ' jra .r,' vc a. '7 TT Bfuu i ' J OO; ,V(. Z- .. -i ANrt c OU Ac a ;v,m , , - f . r i r ti'.c ! ; o!u ir uu.rU, d - tu-c- 'i j ' Ti rf w Life im writ- -, G. Gray ' 2 , h ...i f , .. "-- 1 id-- 1 j SL.oO. - Cholera . Cotn-p- Inve o owed Chamberlain? v - i f-.- . CW.i'S W.O f'OlC I'i:W W't oaf C it v : c'' if;) in1!, Inv Marl Fi; to G o' :r.i a tia after it 3 el 3 iom,!l Tee wem;:1 out of siglit,- -- Atlarta cows Du'iou. sell r.evr" 2w in majaCrw ; C-l- ic, units in Clutiren. f'. lot: T s. w CrriTterlatWs a;;d Diarrhoea Remedy far Bowel Oqi'-- ;liy from tlm vim-i- ; led Mm, C. i.. m. oh, (3ho!er;i and Diarrhccu Remedy V I xml, i.t our family for years, says Mrs, :i., find tn:ii-;.vbowel u1 .w wive d. LL 'Jocke, of Nedcrlaads, Texas. Ail I . tsv: to al' cf our Ci to their j,r Of 'ft .,W, v d a ou; "ou. Ve have used other medi- h at Tuui v.-n- -!- , ' rr , :: : X- . t;--- j Sr.uVritu; p 'VVV'.U.S 'J , w- . Crin' K.;.:vcj j iND lYiiD&iCl'Ln lV;U II fi . GOODS A 5w not - J! ,ji fhv.Luii, Wagons and Buggies, any size and style. Ilih, ontLe uc, (liM.i'i'U and Ajar: Steel HASROWS. The Canton ell:.- trot:!)!- Gvysr-f'-" Highest Price Paid for Grain and Produce. i ,V t UtciH. Gunnison, cf tach parcel of such iy in iicccjary will be ih-Hm cmup.my, fii.iK used Chamber (dins I have tre-'-vcid Stomach and Liver Tablets with roo.-- taLdy E'or f;'! ' b Guc.-.satisfactory results. says Mrs. K L. irhelps, Houston, Texas. Tor iudi gc&tiou, billousntss and constipation A Gerr.-iou .these tablets are most excellent. Sc id : ;o Co a a' i'1 Gunnison n op. '.'v, by i? 0 f ;if d 1 J 1 10 . . ca-tio- n tt R K Tie' local branch of the Conuoli-dateWagon and Machine company, uuder the management of C. M. MuJ.-iti- i the well known traveling .salesman,, is doing a rushing buy..! ness. Extensive wan.rooms and sheds baye been added to lao ola Co-obuilding, yet mom is inadequate ler the huge consignment of goods that hyegiready come in. The brunch carries a varied acsoitment in the line of farmers supplies. As Chris puls it, they 'are here with the goods and here to stay. 1 OoO the work, Si PATRONS ALWAYS FIND QUALITY OUR AND TRICK RIGHT WITH US. AIM TO SATISFY IS PKOVKRBIAL. THATS WORTH RLMKMlJKRING - - in? no 357.20 00.00 i. lj re.: 5 1 i 0 o! ti.a ijaid of directors made on the L day of Februaiy, 1905. so ! LJO a H 202 03 4.) 31.75 I v rOrmeo ith iw md an . it i tj ord-- Cctne cf tho CuuterHeld people rre thinking of building c new opera Lou so. It is saici he question cf is all that delays eommcrmiiv St r& DO CO 21)7 100 li-.- -a And k V Mrs. V. If. Gilbblo was the recipient of a birthday surprise from many a number of her friends Monday aha K as opening. sold R .... . i". nn 2 tit) 7.83 20 DO 175 . stock. Tilton S. V, tnihou1.!.1 L. Jam s C Tonfh 38 t. L-- . n r 21 (;0 15 , rrcmfc. 3 no 3.00 3.00 27 .(X) 20 20 125 118 .1-N Fatir'r .. Fred C S.: w ..... 17 i, - 18 30.02 c.i-tui- m 1 210 no no l- -, April 10 i'2 u Tuesday 45.00 S0.2;i 27 show cv ry ono is ko Gcslfrey Lorentz-1 tirtd of. Tin Mahans will iutro-due- Godfrey liorentzen into th ir uteri liinmmc douMi NFL Larsen .... 17 th-- j acme to, order of t lif L C Ltulvigsiu... 15 oil IS r iorodora, 1. allies in tlril poms, CI C Lano.: A Kearns 15 fancy dresFos, grand marches, GiM'I 85 d. This I A Kearns chorus. all beautiful J d vs not by nny mM.nct cf meno-- j Adolph M Mvrup. 12 I orris L Nay . . . . . 11 d der from thu usual big program offered in tho olio of tho show. The John V, Nielson .norm Daniel Obmi .. ..110 Citizen, Am. Folk. 12 N lV.rl-e-r hotif-Gumd-o- n . 80 100 1 opera k ;t , 21 00 ID r im!i, i :v) 10.00 Iliusca G F .15 18 IS no . hue of full nuking, including . number of hand:;. mm women which Ham C Ji will h! q hie i.j icuovenmut in ibvlf, Driglnm Jei 'm.. A M Jeto Ti, Sr.. Id doigg away with th old tilin' thread-bea- Tpo - 13.00 23 .k) 17 no 100 80 ... ... C FjMilsted A C Fjdlxti-A rs m Gust, if Jo.mv u. if J hi'on . u Gmg u wtf ril Louis F (m ker. ... 90 AcnicC Christ enson '.) II tns Criu in gr-du- thi , - i: 21 ruis MahoraV Big MimtH?! Agprogi that will o! i tho board American Fork tpon hoivo next T.trsl,l tOgiit, WlSli'M tei us with t!u a pcrforin'iium r'putMion of bo e c.tmmt that wiled. Mahara Brother with t.v,nt y mr experience b.lieml ia tho nU mutium : w hat is worth duing at all is worth doi.-iwoll, urn! (hoy have guUurtd to gather ibl i . AND VAIHLIV CVrt. O H Frglnod O II Ilerglund C Myrup... Lc uis F Decker. ... Loir F Decker ... ; , l! fl No. of I . OF N1IW AND UF-TO-DAl'- V s Maharss Mfnstrtls. . tdALl IN 1 l-- lG:30a.m ILlL.NA , FKMHMDFAf THIS SiOliL LFADS lt ID'purl hi F..;Me Favt Locution and piincq d compnny. ih phice of budimsn, Gunnison, NOTICE There hb delinquent up on the ft Mowin' described Mock, ( n No. 12. levin account of on thn t day of February, 1105, tl e several amounts f t opposite the nanv-shirt hold rs of the r ns follows: nss-s-uH- nt ;r vh"3' r,w, rr.?:y C72LLI2ZC! S u A.MMia lumim.Mm i.v.n of anti south. :!'. 0 Delinquent Notice. v: 0 c H c rsc i f. m ra WC liCr-l:- cidicuTv' , u t.ie same puipo&e. but never urw. Duig to Kjual If von will use it as directed ,.;n o ww a cure. For sals by I j A (a. am 01: rp. |