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Show FIFTY MINERS ENTOMOED. HOW TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ESCAPED PELVIC CATARRH BY AID OF PE-RU-N- Female Weakness Is Usually Pelvic Catarrh. Cures Catarrh Wherever Located. Mrs. Lizzie Redding, 3134 Mo., writes: A. Pe-ru-- na Clifton Place, St. 11 I found after trying many different medicines 1 I 1," r f; bft 'Ilh'hlk. vpI i ' - rf; Wsmkrn :ilt. to restore me to health, that Peruna was the only thing which could be depended upon. I began taking it when I was in a decline, induced by female weakness and overwrought nerves. I began to feel stronger during the first week I took Peruna and my health improved daily until now I am in perfect health and enjoy life as 1 never did before." Lizzie Redding. Explosion of Gas in Illinois Mins Brings Sorrow to Many Homes. Some fifty miners were entombed Monday in Joseph Letter's mine at Zcigier, Ills., by a ferritic explosion of gas and It is probable that thirty or forty of the buried men are dead. Tims far four bodies have been found. The exploMcu was due to the fact that the l.ei ter mines are not worked on Sunday, thus allowing gas to accumulate in the lower workings. When between thirty five ami forty-fiv- e miners had descended into the mine Monday to resume work a terrific explosion blew the timbers about the mouth of the mine high into the air. One of the steel cages were blown to tin surface from the bottom of a 500 foot shaft. Tlu shock of the was felt at Denton, twelve miles distant. OFF FOR THE SOUTH. President and Party Will Attend WiV". 'H1. - ly M V IlfURS. 71ASLE J BRADFORD. v-. Mrs. Mable Bradford, 13 Church street. Burlington, Vt., Secretary Whittier Oratorio Society, writes: Peruna is certainly a wonderful medicine for the ills of women. I have heard it spoken of in the highest praise by many, and certainly my experience is well worthy of a good word. I began to have severe pains across my back about a year ago, brought on by a cold, and each subsequent month brought me pain and distress. Your remedy was prescribed, and the Way it acted upon my system was almost too good to be true. I certainly have re- my health and strength, and I no fgained suffer periodical pains and extreme onger lassitude." Mable Bradford. Thousands of Women Cured Every Year This is What by Correspondence Dr. Hartman Proposes to Do For You Without Charge. Women who suffer should read the evidences presented here. We have thousands of letters from grateful friends who tell the same storj Half the ills that are peculiarly Roman's own are of a catarrhal character. Female weakness was not understood for many years. Dr. Hartman deserves the credit of having determined its real character. He has made catarrh and catarrhal But Did Joseph Know? Joseph T. Buckingham of Boston, one of the best writers and grammarians of his time, said that not one scholar in a thousand ever received the least benefit from studying the rules of grammar before the age of 15 years. Lynn Item. XX N . t 4 i C.vli-W- r ' ' ...' T" PC, ...... '' S's ?; " cre . ' , : A rRS. s'"' ''"s's" Re- union of Rough Riders. The presidential party left Washington at Monday morning on a trip through tin south. The special train, which is one of the finest tha Pennsylvania railroad ever has sent out of Washington, consists of threo the president's private car cars. Jtockele, the Pullman sleeper Forest and the combination baggage and buffet car Viceroy. The train is handsomely fitted and contains every known appliance to insure the comfort ami safety of the passengers. In the party besides the president were Secretary Loeb. (leneral S. B. M. Young. Dr. Alexander Lambert, Lieutenant G. R. Fortesque, one of the president's aides. M. C. Lata and J. L. Metlrew, stenographers to the president; tographer, newspaper The trip enable the H. A. Striehuieyer, pho- and representatives of the press associations. is being primarily made to president to attend the re union of his old regiment, the Hough Riders, which is to he held at San Antonio. Tex., next Friday, and to hunt big game in Oklahoma and Thousands of testimonials to this effect are received by Dr. Ilartman every New Canal Commission. Peruna cures catarrh, year. The good that Peruna has acwhether of the pelvic organs complished in this class of cases can The personnel of the new Isthmian or any other organ of the human body. scarcely be canal commission, appointed by Presia Natural Beautifier. dent Roosevelt, is announced as folPeruna produces clean, mucousmem-branes- , If you do not derive prompt and lows: Theodore P. Shunts, ehairman; the basis of facial symmetry satisfactory results from the use of Charles E. Magoon, governor of canal and a perfect complexion. Hartonce to at write I)r. Peruna, The women have not been slow to zone; John F. Wallace, chief engidiscover that a course of Peruna will man, giving a full statement of your neer; Rear Admiral M. T. Endicott, U. do more toward restoring youthful case, and he will be pleased to give S. N.; Brigadier General Peter C. beauty than all the devices known to you his valuable advice gratis. science. Ilains, U. S. A. (retired); Colonel OsDr. Address President Ilartman, wald M. Ernst, corps engineer, United Many a girl has regained her faded of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbeauty, many a matron has lengthened M. llarrod. These the days of her comely appearance by bus, Ohio. All correspondence held States army; Benj. names were announced at the war deusing Peruna. confidential. In Peruna these women find a prompt strictly partment Monday, and in connecand permanent cure. tion with the announcement Secretary Taft gave out for publication a statement showing the allotments of salGood Natural Tonics. Mad Dogs Held Sacred. aries to the new commissioners and For general use are a brisk walk or It is claimed that if a dog goes his own letter to the president, and a bicycle ride. They rouse the whole mad among the Mokis, a special house one from the latter explaining the of the commissystem, aid all the processes of life, is built for him, and there he Is kept plan of and eliminate the waste products of and nursed in the greatest reverence sion; the reasons therefor and the the body. sedentary until he dies. Like the venomous rep- particular duties to be assigned to commissioner. people are robbing themselves of med- tile, the mad dog is sacred to this each icine which Nature dispenses gratis. eccentric Arizona redskin. Moyer Brings Suit Against Peabody diseases, including pelvic tarrh a life-lon- g ca- study. J over-estimate- Pe-ru-n- d. a, Stay-at-hom- e, and Bell. John H. Murphy, as attorney for Charles II. Moyer, president of the Western Federation of Miners, filed a complaint Monday in the United States court at Denver, against James H. Peabody, form-e- r governor of ColoKnown the world over as the rado; Sherman M. Bell, former adjuand promptest, surest cure for tant general, and Captain Bulkeley Wells, now adjutant general, who was in Telluride military commander while that city was under martial law and Moyer was subjected to hardships, humiliations and disgrace by the defendants without probable cause, and also without legal process. He was also deprived, the complaint reads, of having a public and speedy trial by an impartial jury in the district in used every washday will make your clothes white as snow and as beautiful as when new. The most competent housekeepers in the which the offense is alleged to have country use Red Cross Ball Bluand no other. Just try it once and you will see the difference. All grocers sell it. large package 5c. been committed. 4. Jacobs Oil Rheumatism Neuralgia |