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Show 4 4 The Gunnison Gazette 4 a KATimonmLw Published every Friday nt S;iuj ti County, Utah. OLELdlLL N. f i IVloSiruo IUTE3: FRIDAY, 7, 4 4 4 4 4 IPIow Co ll.LM 1.00 .50 APRIL 4 4 Carload Just Keravetl From ilio A X (iiedltiu, Meaner. Oirj W ur hJiX Moutlw TVitt o Months 4 u sON., I'uMgl.cri, Km-CRIl'rtO- Weientsl 4 Gun-uuo- a, t 4 4 4 4 4 ? For Plowing VO ALFALFA lDth. Disc Harrow s Disc Plows. meeting of thu I. ah fruitgrowers 18 to Imi b Iti iu Fait I, aka City, on the Stir and lOtb of Aptil Vie' pr?inu of orgiuimg a Si it. Horticultural iaciei) has b. cn und r untumphtion for simo tiine, iThieb it h i iteiiilul to , piqued. It viil rhuru by () euctut this meeting. Kat Jis,.iy g the Tirf.l abi'1 for tho im will Li lirKi m HmU !hall, sixteenth, in i Le.iau of tho at JO amt 2 oc'ook, t!.oa o:i Monday ? I ifiy-um. in the city and count) buslumg, room A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 Til! Celebrated Sclmttier Wagon. ! f-sio- 4 4 4 I 4 i 4- - at the linurs Sci si. Seu.nl iu- Senator Stewart of .Nevada who has . ih will In real by eu terciii . pip . mad and lou out) in hl'mu . . n I moorperm need fruit aoMi-u in titinv Idtdj umiuj' e,- cnu,uru.r iuuity given after each paper for terpn-nn-. . Lia unlive etulo. questions anu di3cu-ioas- . Asptated ia the circular program, one little Two hundred Confederate flags blot picked up in feme dkcumion d of tho rebelwar tho may be worth many time i the coat of captur. during lion have been returned to the fattemliLgtke meetings. SB 4 201, t4 fo-.tii- O 4 -- . 4 4 4 4 h - 4 . untidy? Q General Merchandise. I a ifprdVM UTAH. i GUNNISON, 4 4 44444444444444.P44444444444 4 4 4 4 444444444444444444M-4- 4. The governors of Southern States. War department has many others The lat congress ave to two which will be retained as there are no goui.rals'of the late war who hid long means of identifying them. since retired from the army the GIIURGE S. FRANCIS, Proprietor. rauk and pay of retired brigadier Tho abounding clmgo i" made generals of the regular army. Quo of Hair Cutting;. James II. Ilde of the Equitthem, General Osterhaua uhow;i3 a Shirlng able Life Assurance company that ha poor man h4 returned to his native ShfimpoolriK tied thirty thousand dollars cf the country, Germany, to enjey in afMnssn go funds for a dinner given companys fluence his bountiful yearly Hair Tonic. pension. 31. Jules the AmbasFrench Cambon, Tiif other, nator General Hawley MY AIM TO CONSTANT TG PLEASE CUSTOMERS. of Gout . otic ut h S3 guno to that sador last Nofciiibtr. The e.xpendi-uris justified on tho ground that it bourne from vrhiuh aorne eay no 27" Agent Celebrate! Troy Laundry. was succowsfuj in pieventiug legisU-;iotrai tier return j. in Franoe that would have operMain Street Gunnison Utah. ated to the iujury of tho Equitible. A iJcston woman ci;,Lty-twyears old has begun the ttr.dy of greck and T!io government has undertaken p says Fho hopes eooa to be able to new iud'rtry in tin establishment of argue with tho Venus of Aiilo iu her a PHOFRIETOS OF large bullfrog liateherv at San own language. where there is aht ady Harco, pa gou rnmcuk hsu Lutchcrv A ij The Japanese say they do not want . . i 1 4 n c. A ft the Philippines. Thats what wo are 1 A. iiiT A I k Heat !7!ade Fro a Pearl. more and more. feaying A jeweler In Turin i.v, una'c a liny boat of a slnyle y eel. Tie hull is AND DEALERS IN Chicago has two hundred bras3 fn o:C( a,1(! n ;. k. s a a raccw h ,, t!0 saii bands and a whistling choir aud etiil nmfci for cf beaten pP. stnd.Tc, Mg, hua wind to epuro. Deer and tee LiM'a c e g a )riect Tie Palace Tonsorial ex-S- Parlor t o n o L. Luciiisson rr bl - DT C if v 1 fl-nc- -- , ;1 - Choice Wines, Whiskies, ci;a-aU)nf- C'-- 1 ruby. cr'i der, and is tful h Its veiybt is ios, th m co-it is said to An g 1 ; - e ; g ; j;.- bo - rPy Ourare Line of Bottled Goods SUnpiy Elegant. i NATIOXAL NEWS BREVITIES. ar j hje Tne North Atlantic equedren la to bo organized. The flea ia to bo diLast KJ,)e YatdsbtJ. vided into first, second, third, coast and When Lading pl. dcians - ,d Ihnt er qur.drona with si:; s each ..f which can be do f M. Smithr.it, of 1'eSdn, la., hud tachui at an) tune and bo sent out on iLCurnbic mumil p.c.-- .bis Iw--t lioj'o ba-- Fr. canishu orders fiom the Navy department, Kings N-- . ,v Discom i o , Gouths Rrui covery lor C Representative LaFevre who was Colds, L p eiec'ed last fall and whose constitu- says : fi. re ency includes Judge Alton Paikers cured r. , 1 home is one of the youngest members tireu, b .v of congress, less than thirty arulco:.- - b .) r, run d ire of age. c lung cur. . ' for 'U,di , . t de-.tro- FOOL TABLES TN GUNNISON UTAH. ' -- ) The ci.vi-ion- 1 : b-i- ng If1. Lin j' "i Vv - lv tf A 13 i U i A 3 f1: rs j D-- d, on i'bnrm.geitieat. V 1 i' hij.1. JL . f u a ' t ? . I imw . ND KEPT T -t . 1 I '.IVES in.. u n fOe ami CIO) h i Philippine junketing party preventive will leave Sau Francisco the sixth of 1'ilv i jb.ead of the frut as originally f V i i i be t-V- ij j t- A o P&A T? , : and Cigars. 3 K Nonlecha dm; tie free t I ml V At |