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Show I Tuesday, May '14, 1929. THE JOURNAL1. LOGAN CITY, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH. Washington County , Came Directors Pedestrian Dead Favor Mecham I George. May 14 Directors of the Washington County Fish and Game Protective association have gone on ' record as favoring the retention of J. Arthur Mecham as fish and game commissioner. It is the ornnion of the board of directors that, unless more grave and specific charges can be made Mecham against CommisMoper than have yet been produced, he should be retained. . - it .'to - Coast Short Stop Next Season , Ean Francisco, May 14 (AP) Joe Devine, scout for the Pittsburgh Pirates, has recommended the purchase of Gordon Slade, crack young short stop of the San Francisco Mission Reds, "for delivery next spring. Devine belie: ves the coast league star has all the Qualifications to make good In the major circuits. Last week in seven games, Slade accepted 63 chances without an error and hit an average of .400. In 30 times at bat, he hit safely 12, times, five being two baggers and one a home run. ' AMERICAN of Standing Philadelphia New York St. Louis Detroit Cleveland Washington Chicago Boston LEAGUE the Teams .... 13 ... .... Mondays Results Cleveland 4, New York 3. Detroit 5, Philadelphia 3. Boston 2, Chicago 1. , Washington at St. Louis, postponed. rain. Tuesday's Schedule.. New York at' Cleveland. Philadelphia at Detroit-Bostoat Chicago. Washington at St. Louis f jf Pirates to Get .. f vA'v ' 4-- A Z 2 AVi . (umo eaaiooa' if.sociAreo EDVARD PAY50N VE5TDN York New 14 Ed- (AP) If you don't believe the old saw about the benefits of a change in scenery consider, the case of George Uhle, now throwing up his right hand slants for Back Harris Detroit Tigers. For 10 years Uhle did all his work for the Cleveland Indians and very good. work it was for the first eight of them. After a sensational season in 1926 when he won 27 games' and lost 11, Uhle slid back in alarming fashion. He won only eight games against nine in 1027 and only 12 reverses last season. Apparently at odds with their star righthander, Cleveland officials traded bin to Detroit during the winter for Ken Holloway and Jackie Tavener. Under Buck Harris soothing influence at Detroit, Uhle has come back with a- - bang this year Beating the Philadelnhia Athletics. 5 to 3, yesterday Uhle chalked up his sixth victory without a defeat, the best record in either major league. Despite their defeat, the Athletics held on to a tie for first place for the Yankees obligingly lost their third straight, this time to Cleveland by a 4 to 3 count. Hudlin gave the champions only three hits in the first eight innings and stuck out his guns in the ninth to quell an uprising that ended with the tying run on: base. Babe Ruth hit safely in his thirteenth consecutive game. Behind fine pitching bv Danny MacFayden. the Boston Red Sox bunched three hits off Grady Adkins in the fourth Inning to down the Chicago White Box; 2: to 1. Rain washed out the St, game. Over in the National league the Chicago Cubs bounced back IntOj first place with a 6 to 4 triumph; ovr the Boston Braves while the de-feat-s . May ward Payson Weston, famous long distance pedestram, died yestere day. He was 90 years man who at the age of 70 walked 3.895 miles from New York to San Francisco In 104 days and 7 hours, spent his last days in a wheel chair. He had been an invalid since being struck by a taxicab two years ago. Shortly after the taxicab accident ho was found wandering about the streets of New York in a daze, Anne Nichols, author of Abies Irish Rose," established a trust iund for him which yielded an income of $150 a month. With this money Miss Anna OHagen, for 21 years his secretary, cared for the aged pedestrian in his quarters in Brooklyn. Weston began his career as, a walker while serving as a spy :n the Union army in the Civil war. Later his remarkable ability to cover giound enabled him to beat rival reporters when he was on the staff of the New York Herald. He was a friend of Horace Gieeley and was at the deathbed of the famous editor. He began his career as a profes-ion- al walker in 1876 when he walked from Portland, Me., to Chicago, 1,326 miles in 26 days. old-Th- v The Braves hopped on Clarence Jonnard for two hits in the- first inning and with two Cub errors and a base on bails scored four runs. Charley Root then relieved Jonnard and held the Braves scoreless the rest of the way while the Cubs were pecking away at Sox Selbold for the winning tallies in the third and seventh Louls-Washingt- on Sets World Recordll Melvin Smith Shows Class in - By Herbert W. Barker (Associated Press Sports Writer) Y the St. ' Major League 6t . lowly Phil lies were beating Louis Cardinals, 10 to 9. Veteran Tiger Hurler Leading Famous Distance PAGE THREE. : Salt Lake Show Erwin Bige Salt Lake, May 143 Qmaha, unlashed pent up fury Jn the ninth and tenth round to slash his way to a popular, well earned decision over Buddy Washington, 147 2 pound colored Pocatello. Idaho, battler, in their bout, which ended the American Legion's boxing season at the Hippodrome theater Monday night A capacity house sent up a defending din m approbation of the bout. .Melvin Smith, Logan, knocked out Young Haig. Sait Lake, In the third round of their scheduled v 2, innings. Barney Fribergb double with the bases filled in the ninth enabled the Phils to win an uphill struggle from the Cardinals, The Phils trailed by five runs in the eighth but Cy Williams pinch-h- it home ran with one on accounted for two runs in the last half of' that frame and four more came across in the ninth. At' New York, John McG raw's Giants were blanked by TXXf Lu go. que and the Cincinnati Reds and four-roudropped into seventh place in the standing. Luque held the New Yorkers to six scattered hits and added insult to injury by poling out a home run in the sixth. The Pittsburgh Pirates clouted four Brooklyn pitchers for 18 hits and an easy 12 to 4 decision and thereby moved up into a tie with New YorkK. O. Phil Boston for third place while the Newark, outpointed Babe Krplan, McCor-gar- y, Dodgers were sinking deeper into Oklahoma middleweight 10. the cellar. Larry French, young Mike McTigue, outpointed Paul southpaw, pitched steady baU for Hoffman, 10. the Corsairs. Toronto, Albert (Frenchy) Bel- anger, stopped Johnny Hite, MonBUTTER A EGGS Canadian flyweight chamChicago, May 14 (AP) Butter treal 8 (title). unchanged; receipts 17,451 tubs: pion, Babe Stribling Kansas Eggs higher; receipts 42.801 outpointed City Joe Trabon Kansas cases; extra firsts 30 10. firsts 29 ordinary firsts City, New Orleans Manuel Quinstorage packed firsts 31 tero, Tommy stopped storage packed extras 3i OBrien.Tampa, Milwaukee, 5. 3 4c. Columbus O. M ike ODowd Columbus, outpointed Willie MiPOTATOES chel, Belgium, 10. Chicago, May 14 (USDA) PotaWashington, Pa. Tony Herrer-r- a. toes receipts 112 cars, on track 46 Chicago knocked out Ray new, 327 old. Total U S. ship6. ments 528. cars; trading, new Newton, Mansfield, stock, fair, market stronger; AlaTee Cruel. bama sacked bliss triumphs $4 Old stock trading slow, marWhen a magistrate at Manchester. ket dull; Wisconsin sacked round England, asked a husband why be did c; Minnesota and not return to his wife, the mau rewhites North Dakota sacked round whites torted, T have dose nothing to dec; Idaho sacked russets $2.00 serve such punishment." 215 ' NATIONAL Standing of Chicago St. Louis Boston LEAGUE the Teams W. 14 14 10 10 9 10 7 6 ; Pittsburgh Philadelphia Cincinnati New York Brooklyn L. 7 8 0 0 10 '12 10 15 , Monday's Results Chicago 6, Boston 4. Pittsburgh 12, Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati 7 New York 0. Philadelphia 10, St. Louis May Pet July 109 $1.03 1- -2 3-- 5-- 107 4 5-- 8 . 8 $1.05 1.09 nd 9JSHTS tam 27-2- e; ' U , A Schedule Boston-Pittsburg- at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at New York. St. Louis at Philadelphia. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Standing of the Teams geese 17c. Hits; Frisch, Cards, 38 Ba Appreciative. Doubles; Frisch," Cards, ID. Aboe most other things it Is wUse Triples: Frisch Cards, 5, to cultivate the powers of appreciaHomers: Ott, Giants, 7. tion. The greater the number of bases: Swanson, Reds; i Stolen stops In eo organ, (he greater its Robins 7. possibilities as an Instrument of musi- Dowers,, c.-!!. w. Sylvester. Pitching: Malone, Cubs, won 5, lost 0. : American Effect of Golf Stream, Batting: Jamieson, Indians, 402. Generally, the Gulf alma dosd feot Runs: Gehringer, Tigers, 29. effect the eastern shore of Maryland, Runs batted in: Heilmann, because the prevailing winds there Tigers, 28. Hite: Gehringer, Tigers, 40, are off shore and not oa bore, OcDoubles: Gehringer, Tigers casionally, however, and for abort Alexander Tigers, 4. periods, the wind Is on shore! At Homers: Gehrig, Yanks, 7. these times, especially Oaring winter, Stolen bases: Fonseca. Averill, the temperature of the air obriondly Johnston, Tigers, 4. Is a little warmer, owing to the Gftlf Indians; Uhle, Tigers,- won fl, Pitching: ' stream, than It would otherwise be. lost 9, , - tliat interests us rfui -- ' :4 CIGARETTES , WHY CAMELS ARE THE BETTER CIGARETTE (AP) $6 The world s largest group of tobacco experts . brand , . . one quality , . . one size package . . , thing concentrated on Camel goodness. nd . Bran 0. SUGAR New York, May 14 (AP) The raw sugar market was firmer early today and prices advanced 61 to basis of $3 the for spots 132 duty paid, with a continued good from refiners. Sales reInquiry ported included 20:000 bags of Porto Rican due late this month at $3 85 and 14.000 bags of Philippines and 75,000 bags of Cuban at 'Quality and nothing but Quality BM-13- 4 Reflecting the firmer spot market raw futures were higher on covering and buying by houses with trade and Cuban connections There wag a good deal of liquida tion on - the upturn, but there was enough demand to absorb the offerings and after opening 1 to 4 nomts higher, prices showed further partial gains with the list at midday 2 to 4 points net higher. In refined, a good withdrawal demand was reported with prices unchanged at $5.00 for fine granulated. Futures closed steady; approxl-maf- ed sales 35 150 tons; May tl 32 Setdember $190; December 11.96; March $2 03. . . one every- , t. The smoothness and mildness of Camels are possible only through the use of choicest tobaccos. The most skilful blending gives Camels an individuality of taste that is beyond imitation. $3 61. , - I V Flour iOc higher. In carload lots family patents quoted at 6 55-cotton 65 a barrel in sacks. Shipments, 57,724. $22.50-$23.5- - be- -. afmfuwAM MfiVJ-J'Ar- t Camels for you to smoke ana enjoy c; FLOUR & BRAN Minneapolis, May 14 22. I 4 36-46- c; c; , games of May 13) National t Batting: Stephenson, Cubs, 425 Buns; Stephenson, Cubs, 2$ Runs baited in: Wilson Cubs, (Including a Poultry alive, firm; receipts 2 cars;fowls roosters broilers ducks 21c; turkeys c; , cause we make POULTRY Chicago, May 14 (AP) Tuesday's Schedule . , Hollywood at Mission. San Francisco at Los Angeles. Portland at Seattle. Oakland at Sacramento, ' Quite Unimportant, After a college graduate goes forth to conquer the world fee has a hard time getting the world to pay any attention to him. Dea Moines Begt ter. 0. . 5 Harry Chsuca, 20 year old Hopi Indian, toppled a 25 year 'mark when he' ran the aix 'mild race, during the Sen them Pacific A.' A. U. championehlpa in Los Angela ia 28 miiwteo 44 oeccAde. 4 last week; top 111.10 for 200-2Jb weights: lot mixed 179 lb $10 50; packing sows $9 down. Cattle: receipts 132, all for the local market; late yesterday and today best steers look slightly higher;' others steady; load good 1130 lb steers Monday and odd lots BOO lb today $12; part load 1300 lb today $11.75; new 1040 lb 25; $11; few good heifers' $9.75-$1- 0 medium and good cows $7.75-$- 8 to downward lower 75; grades $4 50; good vealers $1150-$13.5Sheep: receipts 11.025, including 28 for local market; remainder California spring lambs, including 8 352 to Chicago, 682 to Utah feedeis, 299 to St. Joe, 844 to Kansas City and 820 to east St. Louis; no early sales. 9. JB usfck 1- -2 3.-- tsyruea IJ 1 13 5-- 8 1 13 5-- 8 1.11 3-- 4 .667 Sept 1.181-- 4 1.181-- 4 116 3-- 8 .636 Dec. .526 LIVESTOCK .526 .474 Ogden, May 14 (USDA) Hogs; .455 receipts 400, Including 160 for the .412 local market; late Monday and 15-2- 5c lower than .286 early today f Tuesday's Chicago at $1 05 BALLANTINE ii Table: Close low gj1 ten-roun- d n GRAIN FUTURES 14 (AP) U Its youf opinion 7 Chicago, May Wheat High pl 'C. 1.- - i rf 14 it o w ,gp, y,v V They have a mellowness that you have never known in any other cigarette , regardless of price. Camels never tire your taste or leave an unpleasant . after-tas- te t 19K, . J. ImeUi Tabacc N.C. 1 . n . t |