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Show GIGANTIC FOOTPRINTS OF ANCIENT MONSTER FOUND IN COAL MINE y JRSSEWSjhoe 35 West Center Street. LOCAL NEWS Make your loan with Federal Building & Loan Association thru Geo. Y. Smith, general agent for Cache Valley. Advertisement Store Lyric Building. Fenders and Auto Bodies straightened. Shoup, 74 W, 1st N , (Advertisement) The speakers at the Scandinavian meeting Friday evening at 7:30 in stake house will be August SJostrum and Walter Nielson. 17-1- DOLLAR DAY AT H. G. Hayballs ioi iot f.i Hi omih ,mltA Mercantile Co. Smoked 1. Lot each ... S'! Hams l ?1 1 1 ?1 1 .n 'Cora ?i ?i .... 4 C 10c packages I 4 I v Macaroni, Spaghetti Vermicelli, Noodles A Bars Palmolive Soap ... . 4 A Pkgs. Corn or I U Gloss Starch 9 Large cans Pork 'and Beans .... pkg.1 Quick Quaker Oats Cans stringless . Beans medium sized 8Cans g n n S 4 I $4I 4 I $1 $4I Cans Sardines.. DRY Goons? DEPARTMENT g Heavy Turkish yds 42 in. Pillow Tubing yds 4 Sheeting Extra Heavy .. yds. Peter Prints .5t 31, 21 9-- 4 Past Colors 36 in. Cretonnes 4 yds. New Patterns , ILot House Dresses Any ladies' hat, in the Store for N. $4I 4 I $4I 4 I i toe and 32 Inches across. They resemble the tracks of dinosaurs, but of a touch larger variety than previously identified to this section. Scientists have not yet classified the beast. They think it may have weighed five or six tons, that it walked on two feet and used its tail, for balance when erect. en-It lived, they say, when Colorado joyed tropical weather. Unusual Bargains Prize Awards in Fire Drill Contests (Continued from Page One) loss ratio within its district from October 8, 1928 to May 11, 1929 The Webster school district did not have one fire within- - this period. The Philco radio- set was from the Thatcher purchased Music company by mutual under-statndidio among the local-radealers. ' The Fire Prevention committee has decided to present as prizes some durable five by eight U. S. flags with fast colors, to the Senior high school and the Ellis school, the Benson school and the Whittier school. One of these flags will also be presented to the Wodruff school for its fine showing in fire drills. On Friday, May 17, the Fire Prevention fcommittee will officially present these prizes to all the schols, at certain hours during the day. At the Senior high school Scout Executive Preston Pond, with three boy scouts in uniform, a flag ceremony on Feet nearly the size of small baby carriages made prints in will conduct will act as the ofThis Friday. soft earth which filled with sand that in time hardened into the ficial to the Senior presentation stone shape shown. school of their flag. high Colo. AP) A Canon City, HU Dear Departed. pa Al- resembled hugh footprints. mals of many million years ago is A Berlin fusDaud advertises bis the latest find fn Colorado fossils though the tracks were numerous, matrimonial troubles in a local paper: It lies 900' feet below the sur- one pair especially attracted atfaithful wife has departed face, in the Chandler coal mine tention, visible for a distance of My pious near here. It was discovered by 150 feet, until they were blotted from me. Will the honorable Under Andrew Wilson, a worker in the by other similar tracks. please keep?" mine. He blasted loose two of the Also:. Sland f In the roof above a formations and took them to, the if' In on ' Death ami . drift of coal he noticed oddly sha- surface. They were great, threeIs ioiIjdIn hi ,J"ih but moa, 2 formations of sandstone that toed 40 ped tracks, the largest : from heel to tip of the big le8S- Don't miss the $1 00 drapery bargains tomorrow at Christensen's. e Advertisement 4 V ", 1 J ng Bazaar Second ward M X. A. apron Juvenile Officer Andrew King and candy bazaar Thursday, May and deputy sheriff Oliver Eames IS, 3 30 ocldck. Splendid enterwent to Pocatello this morning tainment in evening at 8 oclock. to get a young, man from NewAdvertisement ton who is charged with passFair Premium List ing a fraudulent check. , Printer Karl Kowallis lias just Gentlemens suits and over- completed the printing of the coats cleaned and pressed $1.00. Cache County fair premium list. Ladles plain dres s$1.00. Try our The list carries the rules and permanent crease. Logan Laun- regulations and list of premiums to be awarded at the seventeenth dry and Dry Cleaners. annual county fair, which is to Advertisement be held September inclu9 In the city police court a sive. young man from Preston was As usual Edwards Millinery dollars by Judge fined twenty-fiv- e Rich, on a charge of being drunk, and Ladies Furnishing company, with the alternative of spending is headquarters for Dollar Day 25 days in Jail. He paid the fine. bargains, 29 W. 1 No. Advertisement -- Tuesday, May 14, 1929. TEE JOURNAC, LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY. UTAH PAGE FOUR Appreciated Official Aid- -In appreciation of the service rendered on the occasion of their Health Day celebration. Mayor J. W. Klrkbride of Smlthfield sent' a very fine spirited letter to Sheriff W. H. Shaw and his deputies. These officials were on the job and assisted in seeing that no harm came to the children and pupils of the Smlthfield schools who staged the parade. Entire room of wall paper for Christensen Furt niture company. Advertisement $1,00 - tomorrow. Appendicitis Operation Miss Mabel Shaw, 17 year old daughter of Sheriff W. H. Shaw was operated on during the night for an acute attack of appendicitis. The young lady is reported to be resting - easily today. Miss Shaw is one of this years graduates of the Logan Senior high school. Returned From Lava W. D. McClellan, division superintendent of the Utah Power and Light company, has returned from a business trip to Lava Hot Springs and adjacent territory. The power company has an extensive extension program outlined for southern Idaho during the present season Upwards of fifty miles ctf power line extension will be made in the vicinity of Grace, Idaho. Judge Moffat Hero-Ju- dge David W. Moffat of Salt Lake is holding court here today, having before him the case of the application of the Thatcher Milling and Elevator company to change the point of diversion of its water right for power purposes. Judge William Story Is representing the Thatcher interests; Attorney A. E. Bowen was here in the interests of the canal Lawcompanies and Attorney rence Miner of the attorney generals staff represented State Engineer George M. Bacon. The latter has ruled against granting the application upon the ground that to do so would be against public interest. Dollar Day Specia- l25 shine tickets. $1 00 Hat and Shine Parlor. Advertisement each-Roya- l Benefit Dance A Success-D- ue to the efforts of the police and sheriff's departments in the advance sale of tickets, the generosity of the Palais dOr management in donating its use, and the Bluebird orchestra in furnishing free service the testimonial dance in honor of the late policeman W. R. Dahle on Monday evening was a decided success bringing in approximately three hundred dollars. Some of the purchasers of tickets were quite generous. Naturally hundreds who purchased tickets did not attend; but there was a good m body of dancers. Marshall and members of the police force desire us to express their grateful appreciation to the Palais dOr management, the Bluebird orchestra ,and to all who responded and purchased tickets. The accrued result of all of these efforts has been turned over to the Dahle family. . Me-cha- tun six-fo- ot $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 fr . Gloss Starch for .. $1.00 H packages Mountain Made Raspberry Preserves 6 cans for $1.00 r 10c Bars Wool Soap 18 for $1.00 10c Bars Jap Rose Soap 1 16 for $1.00 Kirks Olive Soap 17 for $1.00 40c Pint Jars Sweet Mixed Pickles 4 for $1.00 60c Coffee 2 pounds Chase and Sanborn $1.00 Or 2 pounds and lt lb. C. & S. Tea value $1.60 all for $1.20 35c Quart Bottle Ferndell Cider Vipegar 4 for ...1. $1.00 35c 4 for Flag Ketchup - - 35c Beechnut Ketchup 4 for 20c Cans Beechnut Spaghetti ; 7 - City Grocery 35 West Phone 32. 1st North ln-ch- es Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hammond of Providence, a fine daughter; which is their first child, and also the first grandchild of Captain A. N. Otterbeck of the Logan Fire Dept, and Mrs Otterbeck. I Dollar Day Wednesday Mondays Journal contained a number of most attractive advertisements featuring Dollar Day bargains offered by the merchants of the city to be placed on sale on Wednesday. Some are re- others will be found Seated andissuq-.Xis the ope oct casion pf the year upon which such startling values are offered for a single dollar. Equally good bargains on a larger scale are offered in the form of heavy reductions offfered in nearly all lines. Read the advertisements and this evening look over the display windows, and it is then certain1 you will be out shopping early on Wednesday. Art Student Asks Information of The art committee the Logan high school has received a letter from a promising young artist pf Stockton, California, relative to the purchase prize art exhibitions made by the local school, of which he learned recently when visiting the studio of Maynard Dixon a prominent He was artist in San Francisco. much interested and has asked details of the plan from the start, with methods of operation necessary to make it a success; this with a view to starting a similar movement in the high schools at Stockton. Seoul Affairs Members of the Cache Valley Council B. S A., who attended the conference held with the Scouting committee of the state M I A. on Sunday in Sait Lake, were: Dr. B. L, Richards, Prof. Calvin Fletcher. P. A. C. Pedersen ana At Executive Preston W. Pond. this meeting matters connected with the program for. the year's work to be drawn at the June conference, were considered. Dr. George R. Hill, Charles R. Mabey and Oscar A. Kirkham of the scouting committee of the general M. I A. Board attended. Other councils were also Represented. Following the .cleanup of this years work during this month, the next meeting of commissioners of the Cache Valley Council will be held at, the Scout camp in Logan canyon on June tenth. Efforts wiU be made to secure a good attendance of each unit using the Scout camp during the coming camping season. I Daughters of Pioneer 4- Dollar Day means ECONOMY at our . stores. While Dollar Day is supposed to be strictly for Logan, these prices will obtain in all our Stores, and you can save money on every dollar you spend yritlu:sjtqmor-U- I . o row, wherever you shop, We have a big outlet, and are constantly,.' looking for specials both in low prices T and unusual and extra tasty foods. Shop' with us tomorrow. BEST BUYS IN UTAH $1 DAY Company DAY - May 1 StK Wednesday is not a DOLLAR DAY at Dollar-Eliaso- n Clearence of odds and ends. It is a planned event, offering new wanted, seasonable merchandise. This is an immense celebration of Values, one of the biggest events in the history of our store. READ EVERY ITEM. 1 , $1.35 value Bathing : Suits 75c Value Bathing ' Suits, 2 for Crepe Night Gowns 2 for Dresser Scarfs for fembrodering, 3 for ?1 1 1 ?1 : Night Gowns $1.25 value Knit Bloomers 75c value 2 for Childrens Bloomers, 50c value, 3 for Boys and Girls Dimity Underwear 75c, 2 for Girls Middys $1.25 value Giirls Gym. Bloomers $1.25 value Black Bloomers 50c value, 3 for Rayon Stepins , 2 for 1 ?1 1 $1 n n ?i ?i ?i ?i ?i ?i ?i . Ladies Princess Slips $1.25 value . Ladies large size Sateen Slips, 2 for Rayon Stepins 2 11 for ..Jl One lot' childrens Bathrobes Baby Blankets 2 for. Shopping Bags Meet Smith camp will meet May 16 at 3 o'clock at of Mrs. A. B. Harrison, 1st East. The assisting for the afternoon sre: Mrs. Fred G. Wilkinson, Mrs. John E. Carlisle and Mrs. Charles Martineau. A good attendance is desired. 2t The Ballard Camp Daughters of Pioneers will meet at the Bluebird at 3.30 on Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Ellen Barber, Mrs. Kinnie Came, Mrs. Lucy S. Cardon and Mrs. Margaret Morrell as hostesses. A full attendance is requested . Joseph Thursday, the home 137 South hostesses ay B3)Illlau? 3 for 3 for , One lot childrens bags Brief Cases jfTN Good value Cash and Carry Stores 27 West 1st North 88 South 2nd East . Logan SMITHFIELD ' HYRUM . . Boston Bag $1.50 value One lot Ladies and' Childrens Hats Huck Towels 12 for Towels 20x40 5 for Ginghams 30c value 5 yards Lingerie-Voilall colors e 35c value 4 yards Wool Dress' goods 1 $1.25 value, per yard Figured Rayons 65c vaJ he, 2 yards Rayon Vests, 75c value 2 for One lot Camp $4I ?1 n - Blankets ....J. One lot Boudoir ' ?i Pillows Rayon Curtain nets 35c Value, 4 yds 45c Curtain nets Rayon Value, $4I n i 3 yards Rayon Curtain nets 65c Value 2 yards Indian Head Luncheon Sets, $1.75 value Belgian Linen J... Luncheon Sets Boudoir Lamps, hand Painted shades 5 Piece Raffled Curtain Set One lot Childrens Dresses, 7 to 12. .. One lot Ladies House , 4 Dresses ?i i n $4 L1 ?i $4I Many other Bargains throughout the Store Dollar-Eliaso- n Cash Store WELLSVILLE 12 West Center Logan Utah. i i h i !. |