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Show pth IB 4 A tVOLUME WEATHER qD LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH, TUESDAY MAY 14, LIL Export Debenture Supporters Gives the-Thirteer- fth Joe Colletti Gets Term at. McNeil Island Salt Lake City, May 14 (AP) Joe Collett! of Kemmerer, Wyo., the first man in Utah to be convicted under the Jones law, was sentenced to serve two and one-ha- lf years in the federal at McNeil Island, Wash.,prison by United States District Judge HuD. Johnson today. man' Collett! In jvhen arrested Echo canyon, March 4, two days after the new law went into effect, had 500 gaUons of liquor in his possession. He pleaded guilty. Deputy Sly riff Stockman, who arrested Colletti, testified that the defendant offered him a bribe of $1,000. Judge Tillman in passing sentence declared this is the type of case that should be handled under the Jones law. This man is evidently a large scale liquor operator and not just some cm- - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turley welcomed a new son bom May 11. Mother and child are nicely. doing to Mrs. Jesse P. Rich of the Logan Parent-Teache- rs active organization, health crusades will be conducted the among children' attending city schools, by Miss Vera Kllng-ma- n, during the summer vacation. According President Mr. and Mrs. Robt V. Stewart of Reno Nevada arrived in Logan last evening on a visit to their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon. They motored over the desert route, by way of Wend-ove- rThey will refnain but two days, and will spend the remainder of the vacation period on a ranch in the Nevada hills. Featured In this afternoons program over KSL radio, the Agricultural College was featured by a talk by Prof J. C. Hogenson on farm pastures; by Prof F, M. Coe on thinning orchards,a and by Prof. W. D Porter in description of the Farmers. Encampment to be held in July, featuring its valcourses and uable condensed many social contacts and attracU. S. A. C. - tions. Crane Service Car bus, A large and handsome property of the Crane company general atof. Chicago attracted street this tention on Main , morning and was Inspected by many. It was filled with several forms of baths and lavatories, a needle shower, automatic water sink and heater, combination faulaundry tray, water softener, convencets valves and other iences for kitchen and bathroom. The exhibit was In charge of J. . H. Riley, -- () Whitewright, Tex., May 14 Two brothers and a companion were kiUed four miles north of Whitewright today 'When they walked into a high voltage wire which had been blown down. The dead: Dock Webster, 20, Tommie Webster, 23, and Bowen Daniels, 21. The three men, accompanied by Mrs. Dock Webster, were driving along a highway, when they ran oiii of gasoline. The men left Mrs. Webster in the automobile and walked across a field in search of fuel. Mrs. Webster, after waiting for some time, foUowed them, finding the three bodies underneath the wires. worth- less checks on a number of dentists had been made against Edwin Koza today. Koza, arrested at Bagley, Minn., was returned to this city to face the charges. that he might pass i Idaho Man Dies From Burns Twin Falls, Idaho, May 14 (AP) Orlando Brown, 25, lineman for the Idaho Power Company died last night from burns received Wednesday when he fell across a transmission line near Hazelton carrying 3,500 volts. Funeral services wiU be held Wednesday. Logana Plunge Opens to Public On Wednesday Manager LeRoy S. HUI of the Logana plunge, announced today that the popular bathing resort north of the city will be opened to the general public tomorrow. The plunge has been given a complete overhauling In preparation for the season opening. A. H. Palmer and Sons have installed a new boiler with a "stoker feed for heating the water to the desired temperature. A new well has been sunk which provides an additional 160 gallons of water per minute, giving a total flow of about 600 gallons of pure clear water flowing into the plunge every minute. The water ranges around 80 degrees as it flows from the artisian wells and with the new boilers Manager Hill expects to increase the temperature eight or ten degrees. Pressure pumps have been installed for supplying the water to the showers. Additional lockers have been provided and with the canopy constructed outside for providing shade for any organization which may wish to hold parties at the resort, it is expected that Logana will be one of the popular resorts in this section of the state. FIRE DRILL Fire Prevention Work in Schodls Greatly Improved-Hard to Make Decisions 2 Schools Retain Prizes Perm anently. 4 The Fire Prevention committee of the Chamber of Commerce had a difficult time at a special meeting on Tuesday in deciding the winning schools in the Fire Prevention contests during the school year from October 8, 1928 to May 11, 1929. There has been a great Improvement in all the schools, dh fire prevention work and the com, mittee commends the fine work done and the Interest taken by the teachers and pUpils. The committee decided that prizes would be given to all the schools for their good work in fire prevention. Of course, the four principal prizes were definitely won by certain schools. The Junior high school won the silk flag for the best fire drills. This flag was won last year by the Junior high. It now remains the permanent property of this school. This contest was between the Junior and Senior high schools. The Wilson school won a silk flag for the best fire drills in the grammar schools. This school won this flag last year and it now remains the permanent property of the Wilson school. The Woodruff won the silver loving cup, offered by the Woolworth company, for the school showing the keenest interest and most activity in fire The Webster prevention work. school won the Philco radio set with dynamic speaker for the school district showing the least number of fires and the lowest llj SEVEN DEATHS: Notice to House Thirteen Jurors Reach The Three Men Left Among Best Known Pioneers of Valley Decision at Helper, Their Automobile on Extracted Teeth J - Had Been 111 Only Utah on Highway After RunTo Pass Checks J Short Time Citizen Recomi ning Out of Gasoline of Month of Many , Accomplishmend Life Imprison- And Walked Into Minot, N. D., May 14 JP i several ments. he had that Charges ment Wires. healthy teeth extracted so Price, Utah, May 14 (AP) The thirteenth of the month, 13 jurors and 26 instructions by the court formed too potent a combination, John Martin declared after :ie had been found guilty of murder in district court here last night. Martin, also known as Jack Blackie Gibson, was convicted of shooting James Papacostas, pool hall proprietor of Helper, Utah, in 1922. He was arrested in Tonopah, Nev., last December on a federal counterfeiting charge, and later was Identified as Paper costas slayer. Hayter O. Philion, a Canadian war veteran, was arrested a year ago in Los Angeles after he had been identified by an eyewitness of the slaying, and was tried and acquitted last November on the grounds of mistaken identity. Some of the witnesses who had identified Philion as the slayer also testified against Martin. The jury last night recommended life imprisonment for Martin. NUMBER 1925). Two Brothers and Companion Killed By Power Wire GUILTY OF s Mostly fair tonight and Wednesday; cooler northwest portion tonight. IDAHO: Fair, cooler southeast tonight. tTTAHf Hyrum. May 14 Robert Baxter, perhaps the t best known pioneer of Cache Valley, died at 6 a. m. Tuesday morning following a short Illness. It was just five weeks ago that' his wife, Mary Allen Barnes Baxter, died and since that time? Mr. Baxter has been falling rapidly having given up the struggle at the time of his i wife's death. Mr. Baxter, has many firsts attached to his name as a builder and promoter of improvements in Cache Valley. He was the first to establish a post office at Mt. Sterling; donated the first school house in that community; established the first R. F. D. in Mt. Sterling and College ward, whicii was a:so the first route in the Valley; he was the first school trustee in Mt. Sterling; first road supervisor; first justice of the peace; first president of the Wellsville Canal company; the . first mail carrier In the valley on the payroll of Uncle Sam., he sat on the first grand Jury held in the county, began the first newspaper in Hyrum and opened the first drug store. He was born in Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland, Nov. 2, 1848 the son of Robert W. and Jane Love Baxter. In the fall of 1855 the family crossed the Atlantic coming direct to Utah with the Richard Ballentyne company. Although Robert Jr., was but seven years of age he walked every step of the way from "Council Bluffs to Salt Lake City, it was on this trip that he learned the art of Bull' Whacking. a tem fohich Mr. Baxter used for the chiving of oxen. lam-iiv- s Arriving in Salt Lake total capital amounted to ;9 cents which was spent for bread. They built their home in the 19th ward where Robert senior plied his trade as a shoe maker and the faro.ly subsist' I on root- - and the bark of trcs for the lir year. It was while living here that the Baxters suffered ajl the privations known to the pioneers of Utah. It was at this time the: the threatgreat grasshopper famine ened the inhabitants. As too siioe maker could not find enough to keep his family he was for red to vork in Echo canyon where most of his time vas spent in walking tuard. Robert then 10 years of age was given charge of the fam- Senate Leaders Declare Property And Cron The Senate Had Right Damage Running Into Another Pioneer -Answers Summons on Measure Hundreds of ThouP! Because It Is Not Rev sands of Dollars Communication enue Raising rupted. iate to-Init- Washington, May 14 (P) The senate farm relief bill containing the export debenture plan was passed late today by vote of the senate. 80, te Washington, May 14 (AP)Leaders of the Democratic and Republican independent coalition, which favors the export debenture plan, gave advance notice in the senate today that a serious change would meet any attempt by the house to decline on con stitutional grounds to receive the farm bill because it Included the - debenture proposal. Senators Robinson of Arkansas, the Democratic leader, and Norris, of Nebraska, a spokesman for the R e p u b 1 can independent group, asserted that the debenture plan was not revenue raising legislation and that the senate had a right to initiate it. House leaders have asserted that initiation of the plan violated the constitutional provision which gives the house sole authority to suggest revenue leglsla 1 - ROBERT BAXTER EXPLOSION KILLS tion. , Senator Robinson contended the debenture plan was appropriating legislation and not a proposal to raise revenue. Senator Norris argued that inasmuch as the senate has the constitutional right to propose amendments to revenue raising measures, the addition of the deSer- benture section would not be a because technically the Soft violation whole senate farm bill would be an amendment to the house farm bill passed some time ago. E L Five Other Persons iously Injured Drink Place And e Apartment Building Womens Club Windows Wrecked Broken Nearby. St. Joseph, Mo, May 14 (P) A girl was killed and Infive persons were seriously nine-year-o- ld Livingston, Tex., May 14 (AP) Seven dead and property and crop damage running into hundreds of thousands of dollars was the reported toll taken in Polk county yesterday by a flood following two days of torrential rains that sent the Trinity river and several creeks out of their banks. Communication was disrupted and the exact number of lives lost could not be determined. Rescue forces in row boats worked frantically throughout the night taking residents from house tops and trees in the flooded districts. In Long Cane community, 3 2 miles from Here, four membeVs of one family drowned when they were swept from a tree top. A row boat on the way to rescue capsized and its four occupants, who managed to escape, told of seeing tire four carried away by the swift current. Several families were reported marooned in tree tops at Lamont, another nearby hamlet. Attempts to reach the community were futile and fer was expressed that rising waters would engulf the before aid could reach refugees - the. them.- The flood cut off train service to Livingston and a food shotrage was feared. There was also some fear of a water famine unless a pumping station put out of commission by the rising water could be restored today. Strikers . For ; Intimidation (P arrested For Coming Year in an explosion which a soft drink place and apartment buildirg here today. jured wrecked , Tenn., ' May 14 250 strikers were on charges of ' Elizabethton, More Elects Officers Arrested than today Intimidation and were escorted to the court house square here by a company of national guardsmen. They were not placed in jail as the jail Is too small to hold that number . There was a noisy demonstration from those under arrest as the procession moved to the square from the Stoney Creek highway where the arrests were made. , At one point along the line of march some of those in custody declared their intention of proceeding to Elizabethton unguarded. One car started off but halted when Bill Fair, a guard at one of the textile mills, leveled a gun at the. driver and a squad of guardsmen with fixed bayonets blocked the road. The explosion occurred at Tenth and Hickory streets, two blocks from the scene of two gas explosions which on March 13 killed three persons and injured ten ily. ojhers. In 1860 a call was made lo- the Rose May Cameron, 9, who was saints to settle northern Utah in bed m an apartment in the and the Baxteis moved to Wells-vtll- rear of the first floor of the two then known as Mauglians story brick building, was killed. Fort. Three employees of the St Eight yeais later Robert was Joseph Gas company, who called by the Church authorities making an inspection of New Completed to go to Laramie, Wyoming for buildng, were seriously burned. I state convention of the Utah Fed- emigrants. It was while crossing Houses near the building also! oration to be held in Salt Lake Tomorrow Wednesday, the Green River near Robinsons were seriously damaged. Many City, May 25 and 26, occupied the established industry and newly Continued on Page Four Ferry, that the boat on which part windows vere blown out. attention of the local group. plant of the Colorado Animal of the company was crossing, capcompany located near sized Six of the eight men on the Amalgamated Sugar . comboard were drowned and Mr. Baxpanys factory on the main highter was the last to- - get out of FINE way south of the city, will be the water alive. About a mile beopened for the inspection of the low the Junction of the Sandy public. The companys business and the Green River he chanced will be to convert dead and useIN DANCE to swim out Four yoke of oxen, less animals Into poultry feeds one yoke of which , belonged to and other and to Mr. Baxter, and 8 head of cattle buy hides, pelts and wool. Manwent down. ager A1 Fiedelman and others Mrs. The company proceeded on to Coal Mine Rablen is Mrs. Gene Tunney Eva Brandon Commander Eckener Has Ordered of the plants personal will be tn Operator to Be Aboard Charged With The Murder of By to Show visitors attendance Continued on Page Two Her Husband. Practically Well Dies in Salt Lake Passengers Midnight. through the plant which should prove a valuable addition to the Columbia, Calif., May 14 (AP) Mrs. Dies in Lake, Pola, Italy, May 14 By Louis P. Lochner thm Lake City, May 14 county's industries and products. Salt An elevated, dance pavilion just Gene (Associated Press Staff CorresTunney has practically reAccident Auto From a day after he had returnoff the main street irontier mincovered from her recent opera pondent) FOOD FACTS FRIDA ed from California, where he had ing town was turned into a court room today for the preliminary tlon for appendicitis at the TunGermany, May Salt Lake City, May 14 (AP) to recuperate from a pro- 14Friedrichshafen, gone de(AP) Fine weather for the This feature, found In Frihearing of Mrs. Eva Brandon ney residence on the Isle of Arden Fowles, 21, is dead today N Cameron, parture of the dirigible Graf Zep- days JOURNAL, is growing in Rablen, Texas, mail order bride" Brloni near here. It was said to- and two others are still suffering longed lJlocss. Frank Amerifrom injuries received in an auto- coal mine operator, died here last pelin on her second trip to charged with the murder of her was no necessity for a mobile ca tomorrow morning was predict popularity with the housewives collision here Sunday. Fow- night He was 58 years old-Hhusband, Carroll Rablen, Sonora. day there further operation. Hugo Eckener this throughout Cache Valley, les died last night. His skull was Calif., farmer. was president of the Liberty ed by Doctor afternoon. So confident is the big So many women are constantfractured in the crash. Widespread interest in the case and Fuel company In Berlin, Professor Arthur airships commander that nothing ly looking for suggestions rebrought scores of Tuolumne counasCoal of the Utah Producers will happen to delay the start ty residents to the hearing. It is Wolf Meyer, the surgeon who Immediately following the close new and tasty foods the first murder case in tnis town- of the spring course at the Ag- sociation; president of the Utah he has ordered the 19 passengers garding was operMon, of preparing to (east- and novel ways aboard be by Mormidnight, William ricultural and ship in 18 years. Tuolumne coun- College, Fire Clay company wen to them that this page is regardand ern standard time) expects will depart for the Swiss-Germrell ty was famous for its frontier If the former arrived from Italy of the Utah Saving and Trust start at 12 30 a m. (E. 8. T ) wife mission His passport was company. justice during the early history was definitely outchampions ed as a veritabje-boo- n by them. of danger. All messages for the airship will of California, and more than 250 on received Saturday. an executive The menu suggestion, togethPrior to Well otherrather!" said becoming he be communicated by the Nordiech men are said to have" died here wise no in Utah mining circles he was station for the first half or lie er with th ; reeipes are practical, power on earth would with their boots on.- - . . identified with the industry in voyage and by the Chatham, EngJustice of the Peace J. W. Pitts have induced me to leave Brloni. inexpensive and offer such ..a T West Virginia and New Mexico chose the dance pavilion for the land, station for the second half. welcome change from the hum Has Mrs. Brown Mill Soon Pilot fe Ready-W- ord J One of the passengers, the hearing when he learned that his reached inale gorilla Susi, arrived at noon drum of the same thing over today Logan office would not hold ali those Seeking Husband Lake from Salt that the U. S. who desired to attend. today direct from the branch of and over again. And the offerings made by the Hanover Zoological dealer at Seventeen months ago, Mrs. Eva Metallic Magnesium Mining comIts Nice. France, where she has been the leading food dealers of LoBrandon came from Quanan, pany is forging ahead with con14 (;P) Crown Walkers Ind., May English, which is being staving for five months Texas, as the result or. negotia- pilot mill, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, 74, of Susi will be housed -- in the gan, together with the many a matrimonial structed in the company laborations through as had her Taswellind, today is said miniaof Hans Van Schiller, chief advertisements of National Food that the cabin agency and married Rab'en. Ap- tories. It Pleasant fourth husband, Los Angeles, May 14 (AP) Me navigation officer during the flir- - Manufacturers make this page ril 26 last. Rablen died in agony ture mill when completed will be Brown, 76, of Bloomington, Rpctie, San Francisco Italian, win i tglbles voyage. constant after having received a cup of able to turn out upwards of ten Ind., whom she met for the turn his knockout punch on Wil- - Friedjof Nansen, the arctic ex- - a is ONE inspiration. coffee from Mrs. Rablen at a to fifteen pounds of metal per of a number of SpecIt after last time Cleveland first a mill son do hard Saturday This Yarbo. small on hitting wyi t)iorer, will be among those who ial dance in Tuttletown, Calif., near day. - here found in THE one of 10 a month bout a round Features, In mill the scale what courtship pronegro. bid godspeed to the airship. He large here. The cup was found to have conducted by mall. She Is JOURNAL and nowhere else in tonight. Roche has been mention- contained a deadly drug mixed posed for the Hyde Park properBrowns second wife. ed as a possible opponent for Read Fridays Cache Valley. In the coffee. Crystals of the poi- - ty will be Intended to do when . middlev eight Mis key constructed on the mine proper-- Walker, JOURNAL for food facts. bo- Yai defeats if he Continued On Page Eight) ty. champion, TRIAL OF OPENED e, Plant the' cts MAIL ORDER BRIDE OTHER PAVILION EXPECTED F ZEPPELIN FLIGHT Salt F 0R TO U.S. AP)-Wi- Y e -- nt nt an Fourth jRoche |