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Show PAGE SIX. Tuesday, May 14, 1929. THE JOURNAL, LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH, u Readiness for Second Annual Horse Show Wednesday jtfo rses a a & ' ws- - -- 0 Hold Center of Attraction in Logan Tomorrow THE HORSE IN THE WORLD ' In connection with the Ag. club show Wednesday the following departments will be on " display with their. various exhibits In the band room In the main building The poultry department, dairy manufacturing department, forhorticulture, estry, engineers, departagronomy and botany ments. Poultry The poultry department la showing the hen to stress the point of good body form. They want to show or to prove that the high producing hen has the right body form and make up. They also will show the contrast between a good hen and a poor hen which should be of interest to every chicken man. They intend to show and prove to you the effect of rations on your flocks. Another big feature is a stunt they have worked up , where you can apply your ability of guessing. If you can guess the number of chlx in a certain container you get the chlx. Everybody has the same chance to come and take home the chlx. Forestry The forestry department Is just a new department which has been added to the school. This department will give us a very good display of pictures, panels and mounts to show the work' which is being done by the forestry department. The. desire Is to In asmuch as I have been asked to contribute something to the Annual Horse Show number of The Journal" I shall choose to write regarding the horse and the war. It was the writers good fortune since war had to be, to be enlisted In a most fascinating branch of the Service in France, that of the Remount Division. mechanLiving In a ical age we may wonder if motol haulage did not actually replace the horse In the late war. When ed flowers. Engineers And Botany The engineers and botany department will also be on display, exhibiting the various projects and work they are doing in their There respective departments. will be given by the Deseret News a large cup for the best department display on Wednesday, May 15. Outstanding Judges Officiating at Show Ag. club Is very' fortunate la having secured some of the outstanding judges of the western states to officiate at the Horse Show. The four men who will do the judging are: E. J. FJelsted, Livestock Judge; L. F, Whitlock and Jimmie Dunn. Horse show judges;Capt. Robertson, Colt show All of these men are judge. outstanding leaders in the livestock field today. They have done much to raise Utah to the rank it now holds In the livestock Industry. They are making great strides toward the Increasing popular Interest and sentiment in the breeding 4nd raising of light Horses, both riding and driving. E, J. FJelsted Is a product of He graduated Preston, Idaho. from the University of Idaho and was later a professor at the UniAll his life versity of Oregon. he has been interested In the commercial of livestock side For a number of years raising. he acted as fieldman for the Duroc Jersey, Swine Association. From here he went to the Poca- - stop to .think that approximately 500,000 of our best horses were transported from this country on their way to the Allied fronts and that Great Britain Ag Club Meeting The Heart had more than a million horses in the field at one time, we learn of the great part that the noble horse played m the winning of the war for freedom. France and Italy also threw- enormous numbers of horses into the conflict. I trust that the figures I have given will be ample to give the War Horse the full measure of credit he so richly deserves. Much of the artillery and the field guns of the war were transHoward Tuttle, present holder ported by the horse. Horses in mud and mire proved their worth of the worlds bulldogglng record, on many a front where mechan- will be present to demonstrate his ical transportation could not- wears, Tuttle has taken first condisame Under the function. of adversity horses trans- - dogging money in such places as and' shells supplies to the Cedar City, Utah, Twin Falls, Ida- ported front through all the dark days ho, Burley, Idaho, etc.; and has of the war. Then every unit of taken first money in the broncho riding in Kimberly, Idaho, Mackey, Infantry had its own transportation, mostly of horses, to say no- Idaho, Burley, Idaho, Cedar City, other Utah. etc. He is known throughout, thing of the variousnecessarthe west as one of the best all branches of the service around cowboys now In the rodeo ily employing the horse. No less renowned writer than Mr. H. O. Wells, that genius of to Step Imagination, wrote at the be- Society of the war that toe day ginning of - toe cavalry in warfare had at Horse Show gone, forever. And what then . of the cavalry? Did it not play an re' -- on Adams Field important part In the British betreat from Mons at the very also took ginning of toe war? Itclose of the a notable part at the When the Ag. Club Show, which war. It is rightly said that Jerusalem would never have been' en- Is to take place Wednesday, May tered if it had not been for the 15th at Adams Held, is staged cavalry of General Allenby. The pessimists and others will be consame general reached the heart fronted with a practical demonof Palestine by employing caval- stration of conditions which we and retold do not ry to smash two Turkish armies. have been told The advance to Bagdad also was exist; this is that there IS a real and the accomplished by similar strategy. place still In toe heartstoe horse. In France all through the war, work of toe people for when open warfare at times re- Efforts have .been made in recent trench warfare, the years to talk the horse out of explaced mounted service came into its istence, but these attempts have been unsuccessful. More horses own. With the enemy are seen in use today in certain cavalry must be present to direct fields than at any time in sen the advance. Thus we see the horse was essential in both of- years. The railroad, the automobile, with paved roads, the bicycle, fense and defense. all made their threat, but The constant supply of sound have fact still remains that the well conditioned horses to the the continued patiently and Allied fronts was one of the great horse has through it all and it can achievements of the world war. humbly said the horse in Amerbe Five millions were spent in this ica safely Is more popular today than branch of the service but not in at any tune for many, many vain. Many Interesting 'Stories may be told of the mutual love years. After the railroads came the between the soldiers and his horse. The writer has witnessed draft horse. Markets were better than ever and curiously enough tears shed at such a parting. changed from a 1400 The two qualities most essen- the demand drafter to one of a ton. tial In the army horse were hardi- pounds The pleasure automobile caused ness which Included soundness, and riding horse to and the willingness to manifest the driving like snow. tiissappear melting performance and activity under abandoned their busithe most adverse conditions. The Horsemen horse was weary and sorely tried ness and yet in the last five years been sold In the world war and was never more riding horses have ever sold found wanting. Hia service to each year than were before in the history of the counhumanity throughout the conflict was a fitting achievement to his try. But a very few years more of this growth and the saddle horse important relationship to society business will greater than the through all the ages since time saddle horse beand coach horse immemorial. combined ever were, and The greatest lesson learned business the price of one good riding horse by the writer In the mounted service during the war was that today would buy a dozen 50 years toe most valuable horses in ag- ago. The opinion of the farmer upon riculture, commerce and pleasure also proved to be the best ani- the farm tractor quickly crystallimals for army purposes. The zed. It can plow soil under given Machinery is good United States Remount Service conditions. still or moving when today Is doing a most construc- over astanding specially prepared base. tive piece of horse breeding by Horses are coming back in the citbest stallions standing their very has been a quickat public service. 1 should like to ies even.of There horse activities everysee more- of our farmers taking ening Good horses are bringing advantage of this opportunity where. better prices. The vogue for horthat the government has providfor pleasure and sport has ed to produce better horses for ses Thousands of the farms and for the protection been aecelernted. peaple are taking to riding as a of the nation. .recreation We at the Utah State Agricu- means of healthful such as ltural college are much gratified while equine exhibitions, this Ag Club Show are attracting at the1 measure or cooperation1 manifested by the citizens of Lo- hundreds of thousands of spectators each year. Such gan and other parts of the state m this horse show to be activities show that too horse Is conducted by the college. I be- fac from evanescent. The Ag Club Is simply trvinv lieve your interest jn the show will live and that it Indicates to meet the heart felt tinea' of this borse we 2 v't. . - v?s 4 J V - , - r A I ? $,' v - "j v 's. : v s.'t ( -- S ... i , X V . . - V1 ' ? vr3 J A tcllo Chamber of Commerce where he filled the chair of secretary. During this time he was also manager of the eastern Idaho fair. Fj elated is now secretary of tjto Ogden Chamber of He has been one of Commerce, the judges at the Utah State Fair for several years. The club is Indeed fortunate in having secured him for the show. L. F. Whitlock is at present the manager of the Ogden stock yards. It was thru his unfaltering work that they succeeded in obtaining the great collosium that now stands on the yards. It is such men as he who have aided In building the livestock Industry of Utah to Its present firm bases. Jimmie Dunn Is a widely known horseman. Horse . dealing is his occupation and horses Is He has Imported his hobby. several saddle stallions from Kentucky that were later taken into Because the remount service. of his wide and varied experience he is of course an excellent judge of horses and horsemanship. Captain Robertson, who will Judge In the colt show. - Is in remount- service charge of th woik for toe Western Zone, comprising the state of Utah, Idaho, Oregon, California Washington, He is most fitted and Arizona. to Judge and award the prize In the colt show as he Is acquainted personally with horses of this' type. It Is through toe cooperation of such men as these that it has been possible for the Ag. club to promote and make this show an It should be a annual event. great stimulus to the breeding of fine riding horses In Cache Valley. - . , Prize Winner Entry Horse Show - 2:00 p. m. , CLASS I. Driving Class To be shown in harness, trot or pace and a$ Judges see fit Silver eup donated by Dunbar and HydeCompany 1 CLASS II. - Owners Riding Class Silver Cup Donated by Company , CLASS III. To be shown under saddle. Ladies Class Walk, trot, canter. Sliver cup Donated By Thatcher Clothing Company CLASS IV. Lady and Gentleman ( pairs). To be judged for matching and conformation, size and gait. . Silver cup Donated by the Bluebird . Stockton-Christianse- n CLASS V. Open Jumping To be ridden by lady or gentleman. To be judged four jumps, 3 feet 6 inches high; to be j,udged on performance 75 per cent, style of jumping 25 per cent. Berformance : tip in. front; 2 tip behind 1 knock down in front; 3, knockdown behind 2; refused 3. Three refusals on same jump disqualified. Silver cup Donated by First National Hank of Logan. , , CLASS VI. Ladies Team Riding Contest (Team of Four) To be judged on horsemanship. Silver cup Donated by Budge Clinic Company. Cup to remain in possession of winning team one year, and to be competed for each succeeding year. - - - 1 Christiansen , have 'given, such trophies while A. J, Read Co. of Ogden have donated ' a, fine show Plans For Great halter. Horse Show Here - This show will be the first of Its kind for Cache Valley "and lj ammslng a wide spread - enthusiasm in this vicinity. A carload of horses have been shipped from Salt Lake for this show. A special feature of the show will be a class for Remount lion progeny, the get of remount stallions. Any colt sired by a Remount stallion Is elegible to In compete for valuable prizes this class. , Monday a carload .of trained show horses arrivV-In Logan from Salt Lake City. These horses have been shown at all leading horse shows in the intertnoun-tai- n country, among them are ..Wednesday Ready Reigh Count On Wednesday at 1 pm. the Ag club of toe U S.A C., Is staging in Logan on Adams field their 2nd Coming Back anual Horse and Agricultural show. Preparations are tically completed now so that 14 (APT Reigh May Chicago. will go over In proper Count, 1928 Kentucky derby win- everything form. Features of this show are ner. under Dresent plans will classes for horses as follows: make his final appearance of the Gentlemen's driving class for race track m the citv and subur- horses to be shown in harness; ban handicap at Arlington Park, Owners Riding class for horses to Chicago, August 2, and then be be shown under saddle at any retired to the stud. gait; Ladies class, walk trot and The big red colt, owned by Mrs. canter, to be shown under John Hertz of Chicago. Is In Eng- saddles; horses Ladv and Gentlemen's some brilliant jumpers and polo land limbering up for the Ascot class. A class for jumping horses. gold cup event. June 18. horses the horses to be put over Live stock consisting of beef and four jumps. and dairy cattle, sheep be exhibited by Perhaps the feature event will poultry will Chicago Going be a team riding contest between students. girls teams selected from the dlf- - Every department in the school ladies organizations on toe of agriculture, are contributing Kentucky Derby ferent campus, real live competition is to the success of the show, Horti-beln- g and shown In this event espec- -. culture, Forestry, Botony I are all staging Chicago, Mav 14 (AP) Chicago lally. Engineering will send toe largest racing deleOver forty head of high class excellent displays, gation in Its history to toe Ken- horses have been entered In the) Considering the way hi which various events. A musical chair toe USAC. Ag club is working, tucky derbv Saturdav. Twenty-fiv- e management In special trains have contest for gentlemen will con-th- e splendid ; toe been chartered. Thousands will elude the horse show proper. working out the details, travel by air and automobile. Beautiful trophies consisting of hearty cooperation of the public horse1 and toe intense interest and silver loving cups and The invention Is claimed by 'a have been donated by thusiasm displayed, this show resident of Washington, D. C., of,buslness concerns of Logan, should be a great event. a propeller reversing device to Ogden and Salt Lake, The Anderson Lumber co. has enable an airplane to be stopDedl . The Bluebird, Dunbar & Hvde, donated enough lumber to build a In twice its own length after 1st National Thatcher I ring in which the horse show will bank, Stockton be staged on Adams field. landing, to I Felt Appeal , - horse-lovin- sr historic Lovers game. At present he is connected with toe Pioneer Film company at Sait Lake in charge of all its western productions filmed with a Utah location. Mr. Tuttle is coming up from Salt Lake and is bringing a friend or two along who also have reputations for their broncho riding ability. The Horse Show js very fortunate in having toe cooperation of such a noted performer as Mr. Tuttle, and everything points to- wards a jarring good time. Trophies For ; , Winners at , , method of lovers. In '"Horse Show 'Silver trophies are to be awarded the winner of each class In the 2nd annual U SA.C. Horse Show. These awards, which have been donated by some of the business houses of Logan,' are such that befit a horse show; for silver and horse shows are always paired together. The trophies are now on display at the Cardon Jewelry. For class one, the Gentlemans Driving class Dunbar and Hyde has furnished a beautiful loving donatcup. Stockton-Christiansed a trophy for the winner of toe Owners Riding class. The -trophy for class three the Ladies class, was given by Thatcher Bank. The winner for toe class for Lady and Gentleman (pair) is to be presented with a cup given by the Bluebird. The First National bank has donated the trophy for class five the Open Jumping class. The a Budge Clinic has furnished large loving cup, for the winner of the Team Riding class. The Budge Clinic cup Is to be held for only one year and then will be presented to toe winner of next years event for the next year. a social event? The horse show is the affair of affairs for society people. en PLUMBING THE BEST IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP Baugh Plumbing . You must be satisfied" 125 S. Main Phone 51 or 735-- J Now is the Time To Plant Shade and Frpit Trees Roses, Shrubs, and flowering ; plants of all kinds. 600 two year old roses New going at 50c each Vegetable and flower seeds of all kinds. i , Cut and Funeral Flowers. We Deliver sponsoring Classes for various tvpes transportation. Is raDldly devel- and styles of horses have been oping into one of the greatest sources of pleasure. The day may arranged. Tb horse lover will surelv hav his dav Wednesday. not be far distant when every And e Societv? What, event in city will have Its bridal paths-Lonor east if united Staes can best live the horse and compare with the horse show as friend to man. show- -- -- 1 that the ot Horse Worlds Champion Cowboy Coming to Second Annual Horse Show'and Rodeo - put over the following problems: 1. Good and poor management nonthe forest ranges. 2. The effects fire has on the trees from most of Its forest fires 3. The effect grazing has on timber with poor management. 4. Native species . of trees In Utah will be demonstrated. Agronomy Mounts of plant breeding work, showing results of various crosses, Utac the new wheat including that holds a great deal of promise for the mtcrmouiftalnregToii; will1 be on display. A threshed sample of this wheat will also be on display, Mounts of common weeds of Utah and southern Idaho, and of the best grades of - samples wheat, oats, barley and alfalfa will be displayed. Especially prepared government standard grades of gram will be shown. This will be of Interest of owing to the standardizing grading and will show what requirements must be met to obtain the best price. A giant alfalfa plant measuring 9 feet In length and a root measuring 7 feet to the point where it was cut jilt, will also be shown. Dairy Manufacturing This department Is putting on a display of products that are made, with the process they go through. There 'will be shown the latest and most economic ways of making these products. Horticulture The horticulture department will put their display on over in the green houses to the east of the plant Industry building. Ow- -' Ing to the fact that fruits and the various crops are not on they are making their displays up with Te By KENNETH C, IKFLER Dean, School of Agriculture - Eur-oo- -- A 4 ' , Ola Larsen Nursery . 212 East 3rd South. |