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Show Tuesday, May Y4, 1929. North Logan . -- JUST KIDS THE JOURNAL, LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY, UTAH PAGE SEVEN. Copyrighted A Dog: Gone Healthy Pup. 1D2S King Feature Syndicate. Registered in United States Patent Office. Religion Class . Officers Entertain North Logan, May 14 The Re ligion class officers and teachers entertained members of the Religion class at a party Tuesday afternoon for the closing of the year's work. President Marian Folkman and the following of fleers and teachers assisted In making the party a success: Mrs. Bessie Nyman, Sarah McKinney, Rose Stauffer, Dagmer Ferguson, Rose Wurston, Ruby King and Violet King. At the close ice cream and cookies were served. Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Palmer entertained at a dinner party and shower Wednesday evening of last, week in honor of their son Orlan and his bride, formerly Miss Olga C. Howell, who quietly slipped away to Brigham City April 17 unbeknown to their friends and were united In marriage. The evening was spent In games and music. Covers were laid for 33 guests. Many useful gifts were River Heights, May 14 The Wellsville Ladies received by the couple. The young Mutual was held Sunday Conjoint are best the couple receiving Club Meets Prayer, Counselor Lewis J. wishes of their many friends for night. Bowen. Singing, Hope of Israel." a bright and prosperous future. Mrs. Friars - club, which was Wellsville May 14 ' Miss Irene? Beutler was very The In 1027 for the purpose Howard Jones was hostess to the organized evenpleasantly surprised Friday of giving returned missionaries a Ladies Literary club on Friday ing at her home by a number of chance to carry on in the work, evening where the following procame laden who friends with furnished the balance of the pro- gram was rendered under the to eat. The good things evening We direction of President Mrs. John sang was spent in games and music. A gram. Three elders Talk on Interior a J. Hendry: For O God Thee Thank was delicious luncheon served to Prophet. Elder Jenkins opened decorations was given by Mrs 23 guests. Daniel A. Lelshman; report of.the meeting which was carried on convention The ladies farm bureau local the of the federation of a street as same manner m the held a meeting Thursday at the clubs at Logan was given by a After few Introductory meeting. meeting house with 14 members Elder Grace spoke , on !lclent Hendiy; musical number schemes Color and present. Elder Floyd Davis whose, were, duet, Redskin, Mr. and Mrs. authority. painting were given and demon- subject was the Book of Mormon,HenryR. Parker; solo, longing strating whole wheat bread and was the concluding speaker.. Clos-- i roDts. ing song, How Firm a Founda- - j wrXwl?a Parker, solo, Into Th, The North Logan district school non. Wood Dawn wlth You Mr Parker; solo students were well represented at Miss Benediction Elder of Heber jM, Afton Cummings The Swallows, Mrs. Parker; Mm, the annual health day Friday at Miss Esther is Wm. R- - Parker was accepted as visiting with Smithifield. The teachers Mr City a member. Refreshments were Crookston, Miss Kemp and Miss Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Case of Portland,1 served to sixteen guests. Lamb accompanied the students and spent the day. Oregon, Miss Margaret Runswickl Mrs. Eliza J. Wesfler returned and Mr. Gilbert Keller of Salt StllHpTlf'd home to Ogden Friday after a Lake have been visiting with Miss visit here with her sister Mrs Esther Olson. Presented in Recital Elam Cronquist. Mrs. Cronquist Mr. and Mrs. Leland Pulsipher will home and were visiting with accompanied her friends and Wellsville May 14 Mrs. Kathspend the week end with rela- relatives in Ogden Saturday. erine Lea presented her piano tives. T. G. Richeson came down Sun- - students In a recital at the Mr. and Mrs. Loftier Bjamason from uist River, Idaho where ville 2nd ward on Sunday of Salt Lake City were dinner he has been during the winter jvenlng in the chapel following numbers. guests of Mr. and Mrs. C, A, and upon his return he took Piano duet, Llbbie and Rebecca Nyman on Thursday. and children with him. They Parley; piano solo, Maple Colors, A group of 20 women met at will all make their home in Ruth Hendry; vocal duet. The the home of Mrs. J. H. Kemp on Idaho. Cradle Song, Edith and Roy Thursday and demonstrated whole Mr. and Mrs. Pete Baugh from 'Parley accompanied on piano by wheat and graham bread mak- Hyrum have moved into the ward student Laura Williamson; piano ing. and are living In the home of j solo. Old English Dance, Maxine Principal Newell Crookston of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Richeson. Hendry; piano solo, The Spinn-Mithe North Logan public schools Miriam Scholes is visiting 8 .Wheel, Margaret Bradshaw; vocal duet, The Rose of Summer reports that they are arranging in Lorenzo Idaho commencement exercises for May Is home Margaret Bankhead from TlmeMrs. Otto Kowallis 24. Dean Olsen, son of Mr. and southern Utah where ,he has been and Mrs. Howard Jones, accomMrs. Heber Olsen and Esther employed. panied on piano by Ruth Bank-hea- d; Israelson, daughter of Mr. and piano solo. Caprice, Sara Misses Lucy Bowen, Naomi AnMrs. O. W. Israelson have the derson and Mae Nielson enter- Hendry; piano solo, Pure as Snow, solo, Among highest averages for the year. tained at a bunco party Friday Irene Archibald: Dean Olsen will represent' the My Souvenirs, Parley G. Hall acevening at the home of Miss An- companied on piano by Mary graduating class as valedictorian. derson. Dainty refreshments were A number of parents attended served to sixteen Hall; piano solo. Adoration, Ivene guests. High Larsen; the annual Girls Day at Nortfi score prizes were awarded to piano solo, Moderigue Cache high school on Wednes- Mark Fuhnman and Mae Nielson. Beth Stuart; piano solo, The day. A number of N. Q. students Consolation prizes were awarded Flower Song, Rosella Allen; piano March Pontiflcle, Helen from here attended the dance in to Lloyd Jensen and Naomi An- solo, solo, Hendry; pianq Noctrone, the evening. derson. vocal Ruth Bankhead; solo, Merle J. Griffin of San FranA candy pull party was held at Kashimere Song, Parley Hall, accisco was the dinner guest of Mr. the home of Helen Fuhriman by Esther and Mrs. Elam Cronquist Thurs- Friday evening in honor of Sarah companied on pianoSweet MemFletcher; piano solo, day evening. who with her parents Chipman Dr. E. D Leiby who tested the will go to Cornish when schol is ories, Edith Darley; piano solo, Alpine Horn, Ralph Christensen; cattle for tuberculosis m our ward out. piano Solo, (L. Argentine, Roy cows several were Miss Kent Stella reports found entertained Darley; Piano solo, Grand Polka with 8 the disease. suffering at a candy De Concert. Helen Wednesday, May Jones. Miss Vanetta King who under- pull party. Games were played and went an operation for appendicitis an enjoyable time was had. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS at a local hospital is reported doOffice of the city recorder of The boys of River Heights 6th, 7th and 8th grades were conveyed Lewiston City, Utah.' ing well. Miss Mabel Ferguson who has to Smlthfleld Friday where they Dated the 13 day of May A. been in California the past win- participated In the Health Parade D. 1929. Sealed proposals will be. reter arrived home Wednesday. The boys on being examined were Messrs. Jack and Ruben Arch- found to be 100 per cent corrected ceived at this office until 7:30 ibald of Dayton, Idaho, were for remediable defects7 We are oclock p. m. on the 3rd day of A. D. 1929, for the furnishing visitors In the ward Monday. glad to state that these boys were June of all materials and ror the conMr. and Mrs. Ferguson who has the healthiest in Cache county. been at a local hospital for two Miss Esther Olson entertained struction of Lewiston City waterweeks, is recovering favorably. Thursday evening at a canyon works district No .4. Bert Burrell motored to Salt party for Miss Afton Cummings of er Instructions to bidders togethwith plans, profile specificaLake City Saturday and gave a Heber City. demonstration Albert Nielson, Miss Gladys Niel- tions and forms for contract and on electric sheep bond may be obtained from T. H. shearing to the boys sheep club. son and Miss lone Olson spent Humpherys, city engineer at his Mrs. Martha Burrell of Avon Is Saturday in Salt Lake. office In Logan City, Utah, for week end the with Mr. spending $5.00 which amount will be reand Mrs. George Kirby of Hyde to Hippineu. funded upon the return of the Park were visitors at the home of If you Wj itre unhappy. It prohnbly Is specifications etc., in good conMr, and Mrs. Alfred Hancey on because jou are mad at somebody, dition before 12 oclock noon on Thursday. the folks you do not like, and the day after the bids are openrorgef Mrs. Raymond Nielson Jf Hyrum ed. In fue minutes the world will seem in the ward. spent Tuesday The right is reserved to reject to ' Atrhlson Globe. you Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burger of or all bids, and to waive any Benson were, visiting in the ward minor defects. Thursday. By order of the Mayor and Brightens Woodwork. council. A little cold tea mixed wtth warm city j Cucumber Long Popular. J. M. Bernhlsel, Mayor . water and applied with a soft woolen Attest: Geo, Rawlins, City ReThe cucumber is one of the oldest cloth will make stained woodwork corder. of garden vegetables. It Is said to look fresh and bright. Advertisement have been In cultivation between three and tour thousand years. It original, ed in the Far Cast. By Osborne THE FEATHERHEADS WELLSVILLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Ior Rent Advertisements Classified must be paid in advance. One cent a word per Issue. Minimum for first insertion fifteen cents Literary Pres-remar- i it ks t pjann his-wif- ss (I M mmi Lower modern apartfor ment, partly furnished, young or aged couple 218 South 1st East. Shurtliff Block. MOVING For Sale Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. Phone 754-.six For Sale Choice lielfer months old. Phone 872-- Distance -- T. Date Born REASONABLE RATES ; Name LOST For Sale Living at Sacrifice Bulck In Logan canyon, Scotch account owner leaving Lost price Collie dog. License number 97-city. Phone eleven; owners name and address 373. A modern home with four rooms, attached. Phone information 4X16 rods, Price $1900 00, easy Reward. terms. Lost Gentlemans watch wrist with leather wrist band. ReFor Sale Chinchilla rabbits, first turn to Journal. Reward. class stock. Call 981. For Sale 3 room cottage. Good Lost Fraternity pin set with location. Phone 1034-pearls and rubles. Pearls are set in the letter N. Finder return For Sale Small pasture on East to Journal. Center street. See Dr. I. S. Smith. FOUND For Sale 1920 Bulck coach. Must New sell because returning to Found Baby's shoe. Identify at Zealond. Phone 274-- J. coach. 1929 Journal. Sale' Tomato- and flower plants now ready for outside planting. We carry hot caps to protect them from frost. Will show how to use them. Ola Larson. Phone 497. For Sale Cheap 200 acre farm, has two houses on; one mile west of Rigby, Idaho. All A. grade land, plenty watef. Will sell all e. Call' or write H. F. or Olson, Richmond, Utah. Will have 2500 Baby Chicks White Leghorns for May 20 dealso 8 weeks livery, order at once, 1I3-Tom old pullets. Phone For - Journal. Girl wants domestic work. Phone 662-or call at 444 S 1 West. (Signed) (Parent or Guardian) washer wanted. Apply Grill Cafe. 15 N. Main St. Dish Stewart Real Estate and Loan are making many company loans on city and . town residences. Game to us for loans, at low rate of interest. Rowley. Witnessed by: Approved by: . (Neighbor) NOTE: the JUST KIDS SAFETY CLUB Is restricted to children boys and girls under 14 years ot age, but the above blank must be signed by the father, mother, or guardian of the applicant and a neighbor. The boy or girl should sign on the first line, and the parent or guardian on second line and thenelghbor on the third line. After this safety, pledge is signed, bring It to the office of The Journal. Children living out of Logan should Mail the above pledge and send with It a stamped and self addressed envelope tn which to send the button. . Membership In elt ce ..j '.ira.-:- Cache County Utah on or before the 15th day of July 1929. Emma Pearson, administratrix. Edward 8. Chambers, attorney, PROBATE AND GUARDIAN 137 North Main St. Logan SHIP NOTICE CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OR Utah. Date THE RESPECTIVE SIGNERS 13, 1929. of first publication, May FOR FURTHER INFORMATION In The District Court of The First NOTICE TO CREDITORS Judicial District of The Stato of In the Matter of the Estate of, Utah, in and for The County of Joseph B. Scarborough, Deceased. Cache. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Alfred Christensen, at the banking house of the undersigned administrator at LoDeceased. Creditors will present claims gan, Utah, on or before the 19th with vouchers to the undersigned day of August. 1923. at Richmond, Utah In Cache Thatcher Brothers Banking County, State of Utah, on or be- Company, Administrator. fore the 2nd day of July A. D. Young & Bullen, Attorneys for 1929. administrator. Date of First Publication May First Publication, April 17, 1929. 2 A. D. 1929. Last Publication, May 18, 1929. Hattie F. Christensen, Admin- NOTICES Can William Pilkington, cement JERSEY MILK contractor, for all kinds of ce1 ment work. 561 Boulevard. Phone Minus the bad flavors 773-2 Plus the right flavors of 3 Minus a high percentage Wanted Dealer for Mormon-Roosevbacteria cars. Address W. H. 4 Plus the keeping qualities o so much desired. Call The Journal. Parley Savage, 1109-- J 7 per cent money on modern homes in Logan. Easy payment istratrix. RENT FOR Fbnnesbesck St Nelson, Attorplan.. Cardon Realty company. neys. 227 Furnished apartment Inquire PAINTING NOTICE TO CREDITORS Noith 1st East. DECORATING PAPER HANGING In the Matter of the Estate of, LEONARD MATHEWS For Rent Small house and large Emma Larsen, Deceased. PHONE 1136-- J lot. Phone 76 or 16. Creditors will present datms with vouchers to the undersignFOR RENT A splendid front room Typewriters Overhauled and re- ed administrator, at his residence at reasonable rates to a steady paired. A. B. Crockett. Phone 58. in North Logan, Utah, on or beroomer. Phone 977. 18th day of June, 1929. A. fore the H. Lester Larsen, Administrator. For Rent Furnished apartment. Pedersen St Co. 82 West 1st Young St Bullen, Attorneys for 205 East 3rd North. North. Utah. Logan . Administrator. , at. First Publication April 17, 1929. For Rent Four roomed modern GALL THB KELIABI.B TRAN3FSJB Last Publication, May 18, 1929. .MEN J. W. AULT And SON. home. Phone 441. Phone 448. NOTICE TO CREDITORS For Rent 5 room modern home. In the Matter of the Estate of, 24 south 5th East. Inquire 42 7 PER CENT MONET to loan on South 5th East. modern homes in Logan, H. A William McCalmont, Deceased. Creditors will present claims Pedersen St Co. 33 West 1st North. with vouchers to the undersigned Sidestepping Trouble. Logan Utah. executor at his residence In LoThere would he a heap less trouble in northern gan, Utah, on or before the 18th la the world If a lot of people only Salesmen wanted Utah and southern Idaho, day of June. 1929. would opes their months to put food D. W. Cook, Executor. must have auto. Commission basin or have a tooth taken out. Cln is. Should be able to measure Young St Bullen, Attorneys for Cinnnti Enquirer. roof. If you are a worker, we Executor. want you to sell Asphalt Shingler First Publication, April 17, 1929, Last Publication, May 18, 1929. laid complete o nthe roof guarTba Part anteed highest grade work. Timo NOTICE TO CREDITORS Why rearet the past," nid ni Ro, payment or cash plan, long exIn the matter of the estate of the sage of Chinatown, when there perience since 1905. Call or write Is an unbounded future In which to Mr. Lambert of Lambert Roof Lars Pearson, Deceased. Creditors will present claims Its mist. ikes! repair Washington company, Inc., 768 So. State St. with vouchers to the undersignSalt Lake City, Utah. Star. ed. at her resident In Millville c-- , 1- -4 W sub-divid- City self-relia- nt LEGAL MISCELLANEOUS Street No. hereby pledge myself to observe all street traffic regulations; to be alert, keen, and always REMEMBER TO LOOK UP AND DOWN BEFORE CROSSING THE STREET. Fountain pen. Identify at parr Found CL' MEMBERSHIP PLEDGE Charles R. Johnson, transfer Phone 314 Plants For Sale Tomatoes, cabbage. cauliflower, flowers all Phone varieties. L. E. Sjoberg. 872-- AF ' Local and Lon FOR SALE Notice .A special Meeting of the stockholders of the Standard Equipment Manufacturing Company will be held in the assembly room of the Cache Valley Banking Com- pany, Logan, Utah, on May 27th, 1929, at 7 oclock p. m. The purpose of the meeting is to amend the articles of incorporation so as to make the stock In the corporation assessable, to receive the reports of the company and to transact such other business as maylegally come before the meeting. W. O. DARLEY. Secretary. Advertisement Career. Kipling Rudyard Kipling composed bis first Juvenile work at the age of thirteen. At twenty six he was acclaimed- a gen-iby the public and the writer of more best sellers than any other author of the time. ns Earliest Negro Church. The fir-- t negro Baptist church hi America was organized Jn 1773, at Silver Bluff, just across the Savannah river, at Augusta, Ca by a Mr. largely for the benefit of negro slaves of the community. Pal-me- r, MitfMw Friend Nature. If nature Is so willing to help when teal troubles face bs, we can Surely ?ount on her v lieu minor cares anil come. disappointments American Magazine. Of the Earth Eartby Famous husbands are Jut mere mortals when they throw elgarette ashes on th floor 7 nledo P.la.i Dizzu Start tharooffh bowel aattaaJ wboayoo feel diezy. headachy, bilious. Tako MATUBE REMEDY M) Tablets. Iti . aukkaafe purely Tecetabl and far better th.u ordi- lOMuHl laxatives. 'TO you Keep, nu7 MORROW teehag right, Be. ALRIOHT Recommended and Mid by All 4 Logan Druggists x 1 |