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Show THE JOURNAL ' PUBLISHED BY Girl Orator , ' mo f.i ns-terione- day in the week except Boo day, at Logan. Utah, a Second Clan Matter Enured at, the Post, Office every ADVKiariSINQ RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION f Member of Associated Press a The Aewctoted Preee ia exclusively entitled to (tie tee tor republics-tlo- n of ell news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited he thin paper and also the local newt published therein, of special dispatches herein sre also AO right 6f republlcatlon referred. i , To-Da- ry0 Chang y 0!lllUi2!lliaillI4i!ll6tlIIifl7I!n8lifrat . Yostcrduy- The above readings ars taken frem THB JOURNAL'S barometer at 4:60 oclock each afternoon except Sunday. The "yesterday" reeding Monday refers to Saturday's reading. I THE WRECKS OF BUSINESS j failed. These figures 23,146 business concerns LAST year us a picture of hovymany people there are who try to make good in business, but whO eithor fail to understand the conditions essential to success, orwho for some reason cant comply with them. So the business world is strewn with a wreckage of . failure and disappointment., , ' Many concerns attempt to do business on a capital too small to meet the exigencies of trade, and consequently go to the wall T when some special difficulty arises. , It takes good management, good foresight, understanding of , the line handled, and comprehension of how to please the people, to make good in the field of business. People who Contemplate making such a venture shou gain some experience in it by woiking for someone else in tbs line they contemplate entering. B ness success is never v'on by Jalf hearted efforts. Some people think they can take life easy while building up a ful concern. Tmse folks rarelv make good. The proprietor of a business usually works a good deal harder than his employes do, lie has to keep about the same hours that they do, and in addition his mind is on his business much of the time outside of work'ng hours. Many hours which his employes spend in rest and recreation, he has to spend in planning new methods for his e.trprise. Failue to advertise has ruined many concerns. Their goods might be all right, and their service excellent, but too little was done to call the attention of the public to their goods." If a business concern has adequate capital, and is operating in a good field, there is no need foff it to fail. The public will ab ways respond to good service and good goods, provided it is kep well informed about the service that is being offered. 1 ' Gossipy Gleanings About Jesse! George Jesse! ia the type of fellow who takes a "Mammy" song seriously. He gives an old begger twice the sum he gives a young one. He attended school tor only six and a halt months. Wouldnt have a penny in the world today if It wasnt lor Eddie ttP-IT- - Associated Press Photd ElUabeta Carey, Woe Mm., orator, will roprvaonf k ter,England the national !w In torical contoat at Washington, Peppy Xylophone ora- , Artists on Pantages m in m aiawam Inetinct ia the oththe er. One of them should lead ns to Ogdens murderer. They may converge before we find him. Hello, I cried xaddenly. "There goes Hammond, now." The lawyer did not see us. Turning, we followed him with our eyes, die came te Hydes shop, and entering it, disappeared from our fight. The inquest was held that after- -' noon. Stitnson, Hubbard, and L were the principal witnesses. 1 told my story truthfully, but I was careful to make it clear that I had neither tees Jerty'e face nor heard his voice on the walk. Stfmsea hadnt either. The Peterson re- yoiver, my experience of the early morning, and the curious discoveries Deacon had made among Ogdens effects wqre not introduced as evidence. Nor did Luther Mae-Napresent any of hit theories. The jury found that Andrew bad died of a dagger thrust in the back, of his neck, inflicted, in its opinion, by Gerald Ogden, the victims son. It ? was late afternoon when I swung the car into Magnolia Arsons, MacNair beside me. Deacon had promised to meet us at the Ogden home. We found Deacon in the Dbrary. He gave us a grata, , l ia tkaagkte iw. f Tfturs. Eri. Sal 8 A SOUND Picture 16-1- Thats Different Singing, Talking, Joking, Music, Dancing (too Adam H. V Ik IS, 6rewt 0td latlaft bird Brvtewev tk MeTDit Well -- "It BxvpretideaFf nickname t. , Ska Wednesday Fanny-bon- e. Chore Singing ta Abora (poet.) tJ. ml (rarj tha n SS. In ta beilttoff for catting rest wftk ta. ( raked Sa Bln ministerial 1;?"? t lf fttf. A eeoctated fCegvHght, top ffirfd Press) ( to recondition a 0 i e MODEL T FORD ' THE Ford Motor Company is making a new car, lint it Is still proud of the Model T. It wants every 5 , ; owner of one of these cars to run it as long as possible at a minimum of trouble and expense. Because of this policy and because of the investment that millions of motorists have in Model T cars, the Ford Motor Company will con- -. linne to snpply parts as long as they are needed by Ford owners. So that yon may get the greatest use from your Model T, we suggest that yon take it to the near fist Ford dealer and have him estimate on the cost of any replacement parts that may be necessary. Yon will find this the economical thing to do because a small expenditure now will help to prevent costlier repairs later on, increase the value of the car, and give yon thousands of '! of additional service. , For a labor charge of only $2.60 yon can have condition. A new yonr generator put in first-clas- s universal joint will he installed for a labor cost f $3. "Overhauling the carburetor costs $1.30; steering gear, $3.50; radiator, $7.50. A complete overhauling of the rear axle assembly runs be--tween $5.75 and $7 for labor. An average price f $22.50 covers the overhauling of the motor and transmission. j i i rtf,' t 3nese prices, are for labor only because the Med and number of new parts depend on the condition of each car. The cost of these parts is Tww, however, because of the Ford manuof policy facturing and .selling at a small margin of profit. 1 1 Ford Motor - Company; tr aets UNAOASQlimi dsn wamcccx 1 Service Motor Co. ft, j i 1. j.211e. Phone ford Products f , Si. Bearefnl SS. A nolens elty at , A tries If, Tarklsh anma SC Certain Mlehr mad da 4H. Hirer kotlosS AS. Increase IA. Hea hoard t State (nhfer.f A ta Symbol tor j aftarr Morhld erar-ta Sent lor feed Ope prn tries (met. I asm- - t X. Cottontail at ta Eolat Bnmll fcnra- a pas Her at a peaa Isli tt. tawoa poem a akort rMa nerlr Street Jta Saintatioa i -- Pantages Ticklea of U, " r i Maffli denoting native ef , Woodea propeller S3. Koyal house ot England It costs very little - 1 1 lr Baxter - Boy Wh.jee t Soogk Tickle Wheae WltJ air Porlnli at Variety Beetle part '' rlrt et ta ta J It k Italian Betimes ta Booms to Sota man houses jetted Jkorae) left m meal Foot-Ii- . Eeeently ia If. Alileetlva tr-- ' ininatieB I ta Kakis A driving ta away (med.) ef ;Sf Fortim at etreie At Last the Heart end a la 11, tea aroint ld L kin dtea of kaeoa & W lie Hama IT e Comp tel 0 astral i kousa-ko- 'I y s. Baolaaif Si.. Aiqaot A Gtt top-notch- CtRttl -- Ginger "JoyJingU Behind the Scerae with e rojai at salt S, Eroded Lots of comedy, a dash of thrills, some good music and dancing are the features on (he Pantages offering for Wednesday 1 at the Capitol. Elbrowne, clever male imperAfter fifteen sonator, follows. minutes of singing Southern melodies, he springs a surprise that adds novelty to his act. Raymond Wilbert, already popular with Logan fans, has a most entertaining act With his perfect golf technique, and expert juggling, spiced with real humor, Alfred Hancey, North Logan, May er on 10, he is always a any bilL Dixon and Holer are accorded headline honors in this assembly of headline acts. They have a clever lettle comedy skit set to music, with..some good dancing thrown in. In and Armstrong Russell Fools There Are" have so much hokum at their command that you get all tired out laughing, and then applaud for more. The Robbins Trio close the bill with home sensational roller skat lng feats. Aside from fast skating they Introduce Peter L, Nelson, 459 North 3rd West, May 18, some entirely new and thrillilng tricks, "Celebrity is the feature with Lina Basquette and Robert Armstrong as the stars. The story was undoubtedly suggested by Gene Tunneya career but it is a satire on the poetic pugilist. ' Cantor. t There are laughs as well as Alex Patoraon'a aecond gun found in Ogdens boms, Has never been on a horse. Washes his hands twenty times thrills, and much romance. None, John. -Hydos shabby desk, leaned across ' a day. A new fear seised Upon me. Had and, to my amazement, opened it, He was named after his fathers Robert Dies , tha top drawer. MacNair stared Jerry, like Apdrew, been done cousin, Sir George Jessel, Lord down into the drawer for a mo- away wltht , Home in Britof Great Chief Justice High Hyrum "You saw Hyde? Deacon asked. ment, then be slipped quietly back ain. At present he has two uncles to his chair. Nodding, MacNair lighted a cigIn Parliament. They are Sir Hen(Continued from Page One) Before I could demand the rea- arette. Henrys honest face waa Jessel. Herbert Sir and ry ' son ot this extraordinary conduct troubled. The song he amuses his mother Laramie where a cording machine Hyde reappeared with the sword. Anything newt" I inquired. with is something called, "My Old was purchased and brought back "A beautiful bit ot workmanship, He considered us 4 thoughtfully to Cache Valley for Stoddard and Lady Shes My Pal. Mr. MacNair, the dealer said for a moment "Yes. About this He is the star of the Tiffany-Sta-hl Haslam. This was the first mawoman in black. Her name is Lunsmoothly. production, "Lucky Bear" at chine of its kind in the valley. "Hmnl MacNair responded dry- dy. Mrs. Joe Lundy. Andrew gave the Capitol Theatre Thursday, For five years Mr. Baxter carher a check the other fay. ly. "Not bad. How much?" Friday and Saturday (and in it he ried mail in the valley. Often the can be seen and heard). Its a bridges Hydes eagle eyes narrowed a "A check? I echoed. would be washed trifle. "Ah, yes. The figure is dust "A check, Henry aaid slowly, romantic comedy drama of moth- out and he would have to' swim "for $1,000. er love and sweetheart love, (and the streams with the mail pouch " 11,200." MacNair laughed Ironically, "If on his back whether It was winter "Ogden seems to have been George sings, tells stories, jokes with his cash," MacNair In other words, is his real self). or summer. you haven't sold it in, say, two months from now, Ill give you drawled. "Bow did you get on to He married Mary Allen Barnes, The Palestine government has Dec. 13, 187b and ten children 1500 it?" adopted a road improvement pro. were born to them, nine or waom "My dear Mr. MacNair" Hyde "My man Thompson found bis gram to afford access for mottor survive. They are Mrs. James M. protested, "I couldn't take a penny check book in the pocket at a suit , vehicles td all Centers of popula- Maughan, Archie Baxter, Wella-vill- e, , less than $1,200. upstairs. t One ot the stube was tion. Mrs. M, L. Hill, San Fran"Well, put it away and we'Jl talk made out to a Mrs. Jos Lundy tot When a fish takes the bait on cisco, Cal., , Mrs. George Gunnell, about it a couple of months hence. $1,900. We got in touch With Ogone of three hoks in a new de- Richmond; Roy, John, William, Do you know anything more about dens bank, the First National. The vice for anglers two other hooks Merrill and Milton of Hyrum; also this Peterson pistol check was cashed the day before are driven into its head to hold 29 grand children, nine great He yesterday. The old pirate shrugged. Mrs. Lundy is .this It grandchildren and the following followed us to the door. woman in black. The teller re-Automatic electrical equipment brothers and sisters; Stephen G. We left him then. membered her by the odd clothing In a large English lighthouse Baxter, Hyrum; John L, Baxter, "A beautiful Bar! MacNair said she worn . , controls the light so that atten- Salt Lake; John M. Baxter, EvanThe Information bewildered me. harshly, as we crossed the street. tion by an engineer but once a ston, Wyo; Mrs. Jane Gunnell, was in "What T the drawer What possible connection could week Is required to clean and Mrs. James Maughan, Mrs Peter "If you bad been watching him this strange figure, Mrs. Lundy, ' M. Maughan, Wellsville and Mrs. inspect it. closely as we entered, the office have with the tragedy of the flight Henry Ames, Logan. yen would, bare seen him snap that before? Deacon must have sensed In 1907 Mr. Baxter moved his drawer shut. I concluded, there my thoughts. family to Hyrum where he estwas something in It that he didn't "She cant be this James Dll- - -Iablished a feed mill and a saw want ns to see, se I determined to on, he said sharply. mill on the Little Bear River just And out what It was. a short distance east of the pre."It was no woman that fought sent Hyrum- - dam site. He was I 'remarked, "but me this morning, I declared vigt'Cttrions," founder of the South Cache CourWhen I dropped in on Hyde yester- orously. ier, a weekly local paper and (Time Today "Never mind Mrs," Lundy just day afternoon be flipped a letter store here. first operated the over some object oa hia desk, Ham- now, he growled. "She doesnt drug .JOHN GIIBERT For many years he was one of the mond, on of our lawyers, was with fit yet. 1 found something else." director of -thq First Security him at the time and both of them He opened a drawer in the desk. - ! IN- bank of Hyrum, then the Hyrum seemed startled at my appearance. "This. It was wrapped in oiled State bank. DESERT NIGHT Well, what did you find paper on the shelf In Andrews There have bfn very few enter "A bit of rich gold quarts like bedroom closet, t f prises of importance in the valley ; that At what ho had brought forth I piece Deacon came bpon in that did not win the attention Ogden's desk. cried out in astonishment. and support of Mr. Baxter. He was "You dont Say!" I exclaimed. "Alex Petersons gun, I whisvitally interested in the construc' "Ill bet that was what Hyde cor pered. tion of the reclamation project in ered up yesterday afternoon. Gold "Alex Petersons other gun, DeaCache and voiced his approval In quarts, eh! Do you connect it with con replied. t public and in private. Furte? t , The Colt was a replica of tbs Mr, Baxter was a great story Dixon and Hayer "Hubbard's description of Forte one I had bought from Nathan teller and his supply was large and varied. He was somewhat of suggested an old desert rat and a Hyde. I ejected the cartridges in a humorist as one of his gags . connection Is inferable, of course." into my palm. There were six of 4 That would bring Hyde into the them and the bullets wers gold! The Wall Girl willOneshow- - he case," I muttered, "Alex Peterson would have two Hammond, too, day approached a school teacher and said, "Mr. Russell & Armstrong: are maybe. By the way, Hammond guns," MacNair said crisply. "Those you a learned man, at least you waa a prospector In his younger highflyers always had. I thought And I told MacNair What ws should ho turning tt up. profess to be, now tell me how days. Raymond Wilbert you can tell a male magpie from knew of him, I (CttpgrigM, IStt, Win. il arrow Co.) female. "Interesting," be muttered. "But arid 1 , a The Other teacher, of course, was untt by no means eliminates young AH able to give a satisfactory answer peteraSiVa eeeond revolver Ogden. However, w have two round In Oedeni homtl Ara and Mr. Laxter proceeded to Peterson and Ogttod tha teme lines of Inquiry open bepossible a male magpie is manf Continu say, Well tha story with fore us. Blackmail is one of them; tomorrow' black and white and a female is chapter. white and black. Now youve learned something. Women at Oxford Ecotaay Funeral services will be held In hew life am to Womon were admitted to full memthe Hyrum First ward chapel on Teg, beloved Saturday, May 18 at 2 p, m. In- bership In Oxford university to 1920, ms when first I met you oven my terment will be in the Wellsville and la that year, (hero were 050 wom- watch alerted running offer having been stilt for half a year. en in residence. j, cemetery. v Dialogue and Title by George Jewel a Attendant Thora (LtU 1. AL. Oriental Hb-er- al O elution ky a prior 4 t. Iram call ta arm (Fr.l IS. Boga aassa Id. Portioa of Iris whlek fcor-Spupil et too ; WaacaMSHaia degree nkoM etna to gold-hastin-g Chapter la RAW GOLD you fell any one else (bat Peebles had bought the Feter-ao- ii yevolvT?;MacNair inquired of Hyde. y "Dear e, no! Why should I have? "Hum! said MacNair. "Well, every man to his taste. Some go is tor pistole, some for pottery, tome for pictures. My bobby is swords. Hyde smiled and rubbed his hands. "Ah, to be sure, t hare a very One Japanese sword guard by Masamune ia the shop. Perhaps you'd like to see It." "I should, said MacNair. Hyde excused himself. The moment he was gone MacNair stiffened la his chair and listened at, j tentively, Then, quick a a eat nod. and bent double, he slid over to "Any word of Jerry?" I esked. READINGS BAROMETER Fair , Rain ACEOSi I Europe a 0T-r- ed j BtXGPSIBt Alem Petersen? fa revolver loadty ed with paid bullet beaom hated with the murder Statken of Andrme Ogden Hyde, the antigue dealer who aalci the revolver to John Preble, admill that to obtained it front Pune. Ogden! gueer vinttor on the deg he was slain. Ihde further reveal that after the weapon had been mid to Peebles. On Am demanded to know what Bycle bad deal with the glttal. t , Editor GORDON Worcf Puzzle ;The Journals fCross yterdeye punia a L Xoaattarr n. fLWK rv J f- - ficiEiimnjiirs EARL&ENGLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY AUGUSTUS Tuesday, May 14, 1929, TOE JOURNAL, LOGAN CITY, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH. PAGE TWO , Logan, Utah. -- |