Show weekly news analysis air naval raiders harass british as greeks hold off italians day edwsrd warI C valrae EDITORS NOTE NOT EWhen when opinions ioas art r expressed in these columns they ire r those of tie the news analyst anil and not necessarily of this newspaper GRECO ROMAN round one to greece there seems little doubt any longer that the greek victory over italian forces has been as nearly complete as any action could be so early in a war fascist forces were reported fleeing from koritza setting settine fire to their supplies in this the main base of the central attack italian stories that only men were killed in the campaign hardly gibe with eyewitness eye witness reports by reputable correspondents of two things huge buge piles of bodies in the mud of the mountain passes A A Z t DICTATOR METAXAS rough going for italy huge concentration camps filled with italian prisoners of war who are being widely quoted their reports of italian attitude toward the war so encouraged england with the opportunity of dealing a crashing blow to fascist morale that she sent big bomber squadrons to taranto and smashed a goodly part of italis fleet italy denied much damage except to one ship so british sent over observation planes took pictures four nazi vessels heavily loaded sailed from tampico mexico for european ports only one was heard from she was the phrynia which committed suicide by scuttling rather than surrender to british and canadian war vessels she was hardly outside tampico when caught the other three were said to have headed back and to be lurking outside the harbor bar the farbes islands have quit denmark and have founded their own republic news of this action was not carried on any wires or cables it was learned when 10 young seamen from the islands arrived in new york with their three masted schooner it has hae its own flag first seen on this ship a red cross bordered in blue on a white background her cargo tons of cod liver oil two swiss citizens and seven foreigners were sentenced to life terms a bern dispatch stated for committing sabotage on swiss planes lisbon portugal spot for refugees from war torn europe has a new name correspondents have dubbed the city the bottleneck of liberty thousands of refugees are cramming the city from all nations exempt from new british rationing rules are infants wear vacuum bottles the first a necessity from time immemorial and the second a necessity in air raid shelter life while the sale of soap goods and aluminum hollow ware remains altogether prohibited rome blackout robberies continue a problem despite highly increased and reported the details two cap ital ships apparently permanently put out of action four other smaller ones stories of the greek successes over the italian forces further were borne out by the tone of italian broadcasts and dispatches telling of reorganization of the italian drive appointment of a new commander also the greek reports of attacks inside albanian territory credit for the greek victory was given to several factors greek knowledge of the terrain enterprise of guerrilla bands skill with the bayonet and surprise machine gun and artillery attacks on en enemy emy columns in difficult mountain passes plus sudden onslaughts of bad weather also premier john metaxas has been watching fellow dictator mussolini for some time add to this stories from prisoners that they had no heart tor for the war and had been promised a relatively bloodless invasion and one got a pretty good picture of the opening of the greco roman war there were no surface signs that italy was quitting however but might be steaming ahead for a more determined effort BRITAIN feels heavy blows aloius the war has become more bitter for england with germany heavily increasing aerial attacks on cities raining bombs on london and industrial centers like coventry I 1 british ever frank in admitting losses reported coventry in ruins thousands slain and wounded london damage was as said to be terrific losses at sea are staggering and it a raider on the loose in mid atlan tic smashed into at least one large convoy germans first announced entire convoy sunk along with Rangi tiki armored merchantman and jervis bay an auxiliary cruiser which were protecting other ships apparently this claim was made when numbers of SOS signals were heard and then news of convoy suddenly ceased but british finally came through with the news that foreign jottings cottings Jot tings penalties proving that the certainty not the amount of punishment is the real deterrent of crime six robbers were caught two were shot at dawn three got 30 years in prison and fines of 2000 and the sixth was sentenced to six years the dutch east indies has raised the sum of nearly the money will be used in self defense against the axis powers but it will not be spent in the dutch east indies it has been turned over to england to buy bombing planes for the royal air force the british used 2000 pound aerial torpedoes in sinking the vessels of the italian fleet at taranto they reported the planes fly low to the water drop the torpedoes pointing at the ships its a dangerous job americans returning from occupied france report bribery gasoline bootlegging and the existence of a black bourse for dealing in foreign exchange standing in the ruins of Covent rys famous cathedral king george heard mayor mosely say we are hit but we never will be licked the role of gen maxime in french affairs was still a mystery two theories opposite in implication were in the news one was that he had gone to africa had turned antinazi anti nazi had been ordered home and had refused the other was that he along with laval was one of the chief nazi allies among frenchmen that he was responsible for the nation suing for an armistice mi stice of 39 ships 9 were missing and later two of them showed up naval hero was the commander ot of the jervis bay which boldly steamed to meet her stronger enemy forcing raiders fire on herself and permitting convoy to scatter scandinavian skipper in convoy was so stirred by such bravery that he refused to flee to any great distance returned to scene hours later and had pleasure of picking up 65 survivors many wounded jervis bay went to the bottom ot of the ocean with her gallant commander who had one arm shot away during the engagement over england german bombers are using a new technique making more difficult still the task of antiaircraft fire and the work of fighters they fly over the country in waves traveling single file which indians discovered centuries ago was a good defensive formation first raider drops its bombs and succeeding ships get a view of s scene cene below in the glare of the first explosions plo and see better when and where to let go flying is done at 30 to feet in in many cases however british report bombing is done on time tables when there are cloud formations the bombers flying certain mat mathematical herna distances from flying fields and then letting their cargoes go without any aim whatever that britain is generally feeling the pinch was seen by reports of further restrictions in in ration rationing ing however nothing as drastic was reported as the apparently authentic dispatch from berlin that dog meat was made legal human fodder LABOR green collecting 9 the american federation of labor quarrel with the C 1 I 0 was rapidly reaching its climactic stage with the president of the united states announcing that the achieving W JOHN L LEIVIS mr green collects of a permanent labor peace as an aid to the defense program would be one of the first agenda of his administrations third term william green collecting the spotlight as a result of his championship of the roosevelt candidacy immediately responded that he was willing to make a peace sans lewis john L lewis was given a roaring demonstration as the C 1 I 0 un zionists gathered for their third annual convention in atlantic city at the opening of the meeting he told delegates he was stepping down as their leader and he urged a new unity for the organization lewis had declared he would resign if president roosevelt were reelected elected re all commentators agreed however that labor peace would be a very good thing it if as and when it could be achieved SABOTAGE and mr dies three explosions shattered powder plants in one hour a crane fell over in a shipyard a bridge fell apart on the west coast fire attacked other plants and the cry of sabotage was raised in the land the G men private and public de and dies committee investigators ti have been running around at full speed trying to make miniature black toms out of each of these or trying just as hard to disprove that they had anything to do with foreign agencies mr dies however asking a million dollars of government money for a full probing of the situation said he was going to publish a white paper giving names ad addresses dresse s and full details of all the foreign consular agents russian japanese german and italian who are engaged in subversive activities and whom he blames by implication for the chain of occurrences of damage and disaster to industry he recalls other events like the war department fire which nearly destroyed the U S code books and promises that hell follow the smoke and find the fire friends of the dies committee pointed to the logical character of his hypothesis that the axis powers and partners would be very glad if disaster should overtake U S defense preparations seeing that mr roosevelt has promised britain a fifty fifty share in the whole job WAR OF THE WEEK siam vs indochina indo china vichy announced sia siam m thailand had gone to war with indochina indo china chin a which brought to a new front a miniature war which nevertheless nevertheless will bring a very real death and destruction to the populations of the countries involved the siamese a dark brown race of small stature are of japanese and totalitarian leanings the larger and are one of the orphans of the battle Batt leof of france the war is another diplomatic outgrowth of the movement of japan in southeastern asia and brings just one step nearer to the philippines the tripartite powers AMERICAN SCENE in brief 41 the united states has freed credits it s for martinique french possession in the indies and will allow the purchase of mostly I 1 in n foodstuffs the move is the first in a series by the U S to create a better relationship to insure against the nazis getting hold of U S built planes on the beach there C L signs of differences of opinion in high circles on national defense were noted there was a continuance of the controversy over the garand vs the johnson automatic rifle knudsen said he thought the auto industry might throw itself into plane manufacture with speed and efficiency some leading auto men joined plane makers in disagreeing with him sharply moves to get extension of U S credit for war purchases were started in this country with every evidence that the effort will meet with the approval of the administration 41 athe the duke of windsor in first ot of 14 interviews with adela rogers st john purporting to tell the story of his abdication and his love for the duchess blames president wilson for the present war saying that a ruler of a country cannot compete with foreign diplomats wilson he said should not have attended the making of the versailles pact C L A pet seal on the bound brook N J estate of doris duke cromwell climbed a four foot fence slid down a pool spillway into a brook and thence swam to the raritan river he was lured back home with a fish baited trap the seal was little the worse for his experience save that some hunter had peppered his head with bird shot tl paul robeson negro singer sued a los angeles cafe for refusing to serve him there were four negroes and four whites in his arty the restaurant in its answer to the suit said the restaurant was full DIPLOMATS home and abroad diplomats both domestic adf an eign C came ame into their own as fa the spotlight was concerned in berlin they buzzed about the capital like flies bolotoff Mo lotoff for whom bombs have been named arriving with 33 guards and associates lesser lights from Ital italy yand and the balkans hovering about the outskirts of the main hitler molotov talks with even a sprinkling of japanese lurking about where they have to f q 1 4 S I 1 4 t r ambassador KENNEDY talk out of turn rub elbows too closely with the hated russians it was another case of the mountain laboring and bringing forth a mouse at least as fars tar as the dispatches went though there may be and probably is a lot under the surface out of it all has come to the public eye only the broadest platitudinous pledges germany with her italian axis partner somewhat in the background promises various powers that if they are good they will get something germany and italy will rule europe russia will get expansion room anywhere she wants as long as it interfere with european situations diplomats took this to mean at least a part of india and also perhaps iran and portions of turkey if she misbehaves japan will get the rest of asia at least the southeastern part and russia and japan are urged to get together at once about the rest of it out of all this loomed turkey a the real issue tor for there was little doubt that everything in the diplomatic bag was being aimed at ankara which was debating the issue of nf whether or not to leap into the grecian war also a major development was the continued apparent decision of russia to trail along with the axis partners and to consider the british as good good as licked in this country two diplomatic names stood out kennedy and bullitt the former was surrounded by a halo of rumors that he would resign si n following his talk out of turn i in waston n boston while denying much that was in the globe interview he continued to preach along about the same general lines omitting his references to the death of democracy and the advent of national social socially in the united states y bullitt was being as si segry signally gry YU rl mored as kennedys Kenn edys successor all he would say was that he wanted to resign to speak and write about conditions conditions and that the president had asked him to remain in public life and that he was considering the matter there were those who thought the honor of going to the court of st jamess undeniable but the dangers considerable and the pleasure of going to london to be bombed negligible li gible R released by western newspaper |