Show ous behold ne ax so youre to manage the next community supper and youre panicky about it of 3 course its a job to feed people appetizingly and 1 leave 25 profit in the treasury but it can be donel done if you must eye the nickels when serving church or club suppers study the following eight point program for feeding the multitude 1 pick a general chairman who can picture the job as a whole 2 appoint a responsible person in charge of each food 3 arrange the kitchen conveniently for the different jobs 4 prepare as many fa foods ahead of time as possible 5 have utensils ready eady r and garnishes at hand band 6 name a hostess to direct waitresses 7 plan a uniform method of serving 8 plan menus w well ell ahead of time it if the meat dish is different the whole meal seems to have variety and theres many a trick for serving thrifty cuts differently take meat loaf for instance A ham loaf de with a good mus tard horseradish sauce will make any meal beef stew can be thickened a little into dripping pans covered with rounds or s squares or diamonds of biscuit and when baked it appears crustily and temptingly yours it if you wish w ish to make it more ide de bake and serve in individual casseroles for something different plan for meat balls with rice you can serve buttered turnips and a salad made of cab cabbage bake celery green peas and pimento p amento which certainly sells the men this menu now if pennies be watched so closely and you want to do a fall or winter dinner up brown heres a ringer baked ham raisin and cider sauce raw vegetable salad cranberry muffins pumpkin pie coffee or milk ham loaf de serves 50 5 pounds smoked ham ground 3 pounds veal ground cup green pepper 1 minced 31 I 1 4 cup onion chopped 2 teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper i beggs 8 eggs beaten I 1 I 1 quart tomato soup canned 1 quart equart bread crumbs or uncooked cereal the meat green pepper onion and seasonings add beaten eggs tomato soup and bread crumbs or uncooked cereal pack into bread loaf pans and bake in in a moderate oven degrees for 1 hours cider and raisin sauce serves 12 1 cup sugar 34 4 cup cornstarch teaspoon salt 1 quart cider 1 cup se seedless edless raisins 6 small pieces cinnamon cinnamo n 12 whole cloves mix sugar cornstarch salt cider and raisins together place spices in a cheesecloth bag and add to mixture boil gently for 15 minutes remove spice bag and serve hot sauce over ham meat bleat balls with rice serves 40 to 45 4 pounds beet beef ground 3 pounds pork ground 2 onions minced 2 cups rice uncooked 2 cups cracker crumbs beggs 4 eggs beaten 4 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon pepper 2 cups mill milk combine ingredients and mix well form into balls place in shallow roasting pans pour over 2 quarts tomato sauce or tomato soup cover pans bake in a moderate oven degrees for 1 iaz to 2 hours turning the meat balls several times during cooking add water if necessary during the baking cabbage and celery salad with peas serves 25 4 no 2 cans peas 2 quarts quarts cabbage shredded 2 quarts celery diced dicea pimiento cut fine salt to taste mayonnaise 3 heads lettuce drain peas reserving liquid for soup gravy etc and chill add cabbage celery pimiento salt and mayonnaise and mix well serve on crisp lettuce leaves cabbage and carrot salad with peanuts serves 25 5 quarts cabbage 40 shredded 20 carrots grated 2 cups peanuts chopped 2 cups salad dressing mix together the cabbage carrots peanuts and salad dressing chill thoroughly and serve beef stew with biscuits serves 50 9 pounds beef round cut into 1 inch cubes 2 cups flour acup 1 cup hot beef drippings droppings drip pings 3 quarts boiling water vt teaspoon peppercorns 2 bay leaves equart I 1 quart turnips diced dicea 1 quart equart carrots diced dicea scup 1 cup onions sliced salt and pepper to taste cut beet beef into 1 inch cubes dredge in the flour and brown in hot beet beef drippings droppings drip pings place in kettle and add boiling water cook slowly lor for 2 to 3 hours add peppercorns and bay leaves add carrots and turnips 1 hour before serving add salt and pepper if necessary thicken with flour paste serve hot with baking powder biscuits on top released by western newspaper union |